Armor Frenzy

Chapter 784: containment tactics

Zhang Ruo agreed, and before he opened his mouth to ask, the US military major said a lot.

Zhang Ruo grinned and translated: "He said, they don't know any other routes, and he said that his Chinese is not very good, but it's not a problem, you can talk to him directly if you have any questions... He also asked what to do next."

Ye Han sighed, looked back at the passage he had never walked through, and said, "What else can I do, let's go, it counts wherever I go, I hope I can go out before I run out of gas."

The U.S. military major said a few words, and Zhang Ruo translated: "He said that it is not a big problem to go out. The U.S. military has an advanced three-dimensional modeling system that can accurately determine the direction of the passage, draw the most accurate map, and find the correct route is not difficult. ."

Ye Han pouted: "We also have this, I'm afraid that aliens will not only block this hole."

He just said it casually, but the crow's mouth was just like him. As the troops moved out again, new passages began to fill the gaps on the map.

The No. 1 car leads the way always in the direction of the coming and going, but every time it passes by the passage when it comes, sometimes it is parallel to the earth wall separated by a few meters, and sometimes it is staggered up and down. A chance for the team to get back on track.

And there are no signs of blockage in all the channels, just like these channels are originally like this, but as long as the IQ is normal, you know that this situation is absolutely abnormal, and it must be the hands and feet of aliens.

If you go around, you can't go back. It's useless to worry about getting on the fire. Ye Han gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, but he didn't go around at all.

The ultimate goal of the team is to return to the ground. No matter how you walk or go around, you can’t avoid this ultimate goal. In this case, going uphill is a good choice. Even if you can’t find the exit for a while, you can still get closer to the ground. ?

Ye Han also thought about finding other exits, but how easy is it to find exits? In addition to the entrance when he came, he only knew that there was an entrance near the alien warship dozens of kilometers away.

The two places are separated by more than 60 kilometers. The scale of the spider cave can be imagined. Even knowing the general direction of the warship is useless. The spider cave is as complicated as the maze. Unless there is a map of the entire spider cave, it is impossible to find such a way. It's the Arabian Nights.

The more Ye Han thought about it, the colder his heart became, and after a while, it was already half cold.

In addition to bumping into the Universiade, the U.S. military has been calling friendly forces and trying to establish communication with friendly forces. Once the communication is connected, they can get the map data of other teams, and maybe they can find a way back to the ground, but the result is amazing. Disappointed, the continuous call for more than an hour did not receive the slightest response.

This time, the major of the US military also numb his paws, and his heart is more than half cold, even colder than Ye Han.

Ye Han felt that it was not a problem to go on like this, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly ordered the team to turn off the microwave cannon.

Everyone didn't understand what Ye Han meant. As soon as the microwave cannon passed, wouldn't the giant insect come out? At that time, not only will you not be able to get out, but you will have to fight with the bugs. Isn't this causing trouble for yourself? Either way it doesn't make sense.

However, Ye Han insisted that none of his subordinates dared to disobey, so they could only turn off the microwave cannon... Anyway, the microwave cannon is easy to switch on and off, and it will be too late to turn it on when the giant ants come out.

Not only that, Ye Han also persuaded the U.S. military to turn off all infrasound cannons, which made the soldiers all stunned and couldn't figure out what medicine Ye Han was selling in the gourd.

However, the soldiers never thought that after turning off the microwave gun, the giant ants never appeared, as if this place had nothing to do with the giant ants.

Ye Han's face darkened a bit.

Turning off the microwave and infrasonic cannons was not on his whim, but a premeditated trial!

The aliens' interception is already very obvious, and the possibility of finding a way out in a short time is extremely small. If the layout of the aliens has not been completed, the possibility of sending giant insects to attack the convoy and then delaying the time is very high.

On the other hand, if the aliens are not interested in sending ant colonies to harass, then it can be inferred that the passageway that should be blocked is almost blocked, and the possibility of the convoy going out of the spider hole is extremely small.

Even if Ye Han understood in his heart, he couldn't say it out of his mouth, which made him even more depressed, and there was no reason to stop the convoy.

While walking, the Americans behind suddenly yelled and yelled. Ye Han didn't know what was going on, so he quickly stopped the convoy.

The two sides communicated immediately, and Zhang Ruo suddenly said in surprise: "Chief, the Americans said that they received a radio signal, which was very weak, but it continued!"

"What do you mean by American?" Ye Han asked.

"They want to speed things up and find the source as quickly as possible."

"Understood, speed up." Ye Han said.

The convoy accelerated, and it didn't take long before they encountered a fork in the The Americans detected the signal strength of the two fork roads, determined the direction of the signal, and then chose the road on the left.

The further you go, the stronger the signal. A few minutes later, Car No. 1 found two broken armored vehicles parked in the passage ahead. Near the armored vehicles, there were also several American soldiers with broken armor.

Ye Han took the initiative to lead the team to hide and let the Americans go to see the situation. The major rushed over with a group of American soldiers, but only a few people checked the armored vehicles. The task of the others was to collect the identity cards of the deceased and confirm the identity of the deceased.

Zhang Ruo has been listening to the conversation of the U.S. military, and while listening, he translates in a low voice: "What equipment are they looking for... It seems to be the storage device of some equipment... Someone shouted that they found it, it seems to be very important."

During the conversation, a few Americans who were inspecting the armored vehicles jumped out and quickly rushed to the American convoy behind. The American soldiers who collected dog tags also ran back.

Ye Han didn't know what the Americans found, but seeing their happy appearance, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a little bit of anticipation in his heart.

Just a few minutes later, the Americans sent Ye Han a map detailing the route from the entrance to here.

Liu Bin couldn't help but said, "We've been around for so long and haven't been able to find a way, can this work?"

"It's also a direction if you can't get through. It's better than wandering around for a long time... Don't talk nonsense, let's go!"

With the guidance of the map, the speed of the convoy was raised to the highest, and it moved forward rapidly along the channel.

The route on the map was a bit detoured, but no blockages were found along the way. Ye Han suddenly had some hope in his heart, and the more he walked, the more he felt that there was hope of getting out of trouble.

When passing through a fork in the road, Ye Han heard low noises coming from the fork, unlike the engine of any kind of armored vehicle, and could not hear what it was.

It's definitely not normal to hear this kind of sound in the spider cave.

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