Armor Frenzy

Chapter 785: donghong

Seeing that he would be able to leave the spider cave after a short walk, Ye Han didn't want to cause extra trouble, but the sound of the fork in the road was getting closer and closer, the low voice became clearer and clearer, and the sound of running water mixed with the father and brother could be vaguely heard.

Running water? No torrents, it's Donghong!

Ye Han suddenly changed color, and a shrill cry rushed out of his throat: "Water, it's water"

The heart-piercing roar swayed in the passage, and the soldiers hadn't figured out what they meant, and a turbulent turbid current spewed out from the fork in the road.

The water was fast and fast, and immediately rushed the convoy to pieces. Even the heavy armored vehicle could not withstand the impact of the water, as if it was thrown into a giant mixer, rolling up and down, left and right in the turbid water.

The inside of the armored vehicle is turned upside down. If you are lucky, you can grab something to fix yourself. If you are unlucky, you will immediately turn into a rolling gourd. Soldiers, you bump into me and I bump into you. , even wearing power armor, he was dazed by the current.

In just a few breaths, the convoy was swept away by the unreasonable water flow. The passages extending in all directions were like oversized water pipes. The rapid water flow along the passages from bottom to top washed away everything in the passages.

I don't know how long it took, the armored vehicle finally quieted down, Ye Han wanted to turn over but couldn't move, and when he looked down, he realized that he was entangled with the soldiers, with at least three people on him.

He was pressed at the bottom by several soldiers, and there was slap-deep water under him. A light was on at the bottom of the water next to his head. Ye Han was stunned for a while, only to realize that it was a rollover, and the water outside was heading towards the car. infiltration.

Ye Han patted Ouyang Ping's helmet: "Hey, wake up, get up!" Ye Han finally woke up Ouyang Ping after taking a few shots of cold drinks. The two of them continued to call others. Wake up, everyone works together, and finally unravel the entanglement.

As soon as Ye Han was freed, he immediately ordered: "Everyone check the equipment and report the situation!"

All the soldiers immediately checked their own conditions, and then reported the situation to the team leader Ouyang Ping. Ouyang Ping collected everyone's situation and said, "Report, the armor is all normal, and no one was injured."

With the protection of armor, it is normal to be fine, but it is abnormal if it is injured.

Liu Bin's face was extremely ugly: "What the **** is going on here?"

"Why do you still talk about these useless things? It's business to leave as soon as possible." Ye Han said.

After the convoy left the underground lake, he didn't find a single giant insect. He thought it was due to the microwave cannon. After turning off the microwave cannon, he realized that the situation was wrong, but he never guessed the idea.

Looking at it now, it is clear that the aliens intentionally removed the insect swarm in the spider cave, and then dug a hole leading to the water source, or directly dug the waterproof layer of the spider cave and flooded the spider cave with water.

Ye Han can even imagine the scene of countless giant ants busying and digging holes in the ground.

Those filled forks might be blocked for this purpose. The ultimate goal is to drown all the humans in the spider cave!

What a vicious intention!

Although Ye Han had a reasonable guess in his heart, the most important thing at the moment was how to leave, instead of wasting time here by grinding his teeth and explaining.

Liu Bin turned his head to look at the rear of the car, and a khaki water stream was rushing in from the hatch: "How can I get here?"

Ye Han didn't know what to do, but he was the backbone of the warriors, and he couldn't show it even if he had no idea, otherwise, the team would not be able to lead the team as soon as the hearts were scattered.

He thought for a while and said, "Prepare first, weapons and ammunition, supplies, and battery oxygen. Bring everything you can!"

"Yes!" The soldiers acted immediately and pulled out all the materials stored in the car.

Liu Bin rummaged while rummaging: "Fortunately, we are wearing the space version. If we change to the army version, we will die."

The difference between the space version and the army version is very big, but in the current situation, the biggest advantage of the space version is that the oxygen supply time is long, and a standard gas tank can be used for more than four hours.

The Army version of the gas tank only takes half an hour at most, the difference between the two is as much as eight times.

All the supplies were placed in fixed positions, and after a while, the soldiers packed their bags.

Ye Han kept his head down and pondered during this time, until Liu Bin called him, and he came to his senses.

Looking at the soldiers who were getting ready, Ye Han sighed and said solemnly: "We still have a little time, I don't know what's going on outside, but I think it's better to think more seriously, so eat right now and eat right after dinner. It takes three minutes to solve personal problems, do you understand?"


"let's start."

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to finish a meal in three minutes, but the space version of the armor is equipped with high-energy liquid food, and this thing only needs to be gushed into the stomach, and if you are full, you will be full.

However, although this gadget has the advantages of convenient nutrition and sufficient calories, the taste is generally intolerant to digestion. After eating a meal for up to two hours, you will feel hungry, so the team members only use this gadget as a staple food in an emergency.

Right now is an extraordinary period. The soldiers drank a liquid food as quickly as possible, and then released their armor to deal with personal problems. Within three minutes, everyone was ready to go.

The water level in the car was getting higher and higher, but it had not yet reached the level of submerging the car door. Ye Han tried the back door first, then the side door, but couldn't open it. But both the rear door and the side door were tightly pressed by the water outside the car, and it was difficult to open even with the help of power armor.

Ye Han can only look up and look at the bottom of the car, flip the upside down seat, find the escape door at the bottom of the car, hold the handle and twist it ninety degrees: "I'm going to start!"

The soldiers immediately found something to fix After everyone was ready, Ye Han tried to lift the bottom hatch, but the hatch didn't move.

The escape door of the Chinese armored vehicle was inherited from the former Soviet Union. It was like a manhole cover at first, but the structure of the manhole cover must be lifted up, which is time-consuming and laborious to use, and is not suitable for use in emergency situations. Later, it was changed to a drop type, that is, after opening, the hatch cover fell directly to the ground, and it has been used to this day.

The escape door of this armored vehicle is also of this structure. In the case of a rollover, the hatch must be pushed upwards to open the hatch.

Ye Han couldn't open the escape door, so he took a breath and said, "Liu Bin, come and help!"

"Yes!" Liu Bin came over immediately, held up with Ye Han, and moved the hatch above his head with all his strength.

The two of them were still struggling, and a soldier took the initiative to lean forward: "I'm coming too!"

The three of them pushed up together, the stubborn hatch finally opened a narrow gap, and the turbid water fell as if it was sprayed from a high-pressure water gun.

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