Armor Frenzy

Chapter 786: move forward in silence

() Liu Bin and the soldiers who helped were not much better, they were also washed aside by the current, and they couldn't get close to the hatch at all.

Ouyang Ping was quick to catch Ye Han.

After standing up, Ye Han looked up at the narrow slit in surprise: "How much water pressure is this?" After speaking, he took the crowbar for repairing the car in his hand, clenched his hands tightly and stuffed it into the narrow slit. I tried to widen the gap and let the water fill the armored vehicle faster, but it was such a simple action, but it was always washed away by the current.

Ye Han was furious and said angrily: "I don't believe it anymore, come over and hug me, and come with me again!"

Several soldiers came over immediately, two supported Ye Han, and the other two held the crowbar together with Ye Han. The three of them worked hard at the same time, and finally moved the armor plate that blocked the escape door. A lot of muddy water was like a waterfall. After pouring into the armored vehicle, the water level in the vehicle rose rapidly, and everyone was submerged in the water in a blink of an eye.

However, the hatch was still tightly fastened to the exit until the muddy water filled the armored vehicle and the pressure on the top and bottom of the hatch was balanced. Ye Han finally removed the stubborn hatch.

Ye Han was anxious but didn't go out right away. First, he stuck his head out and looked left and right: "The water is too muddy, don't get left behind, Liu Bin!"


"You end at the end."

"Yes!" Liu Bin agreed, immediately counted the number of people, and used ropes to connect everyone into a string. Only when everyone was connected, did he string himself together, and shouted ok.

When Ye Han received the signal, he grabbed the exit with both hands and jumped up: "I'll go out first and follow!"

The soldiers followed Ye Han and left the armored vehicle one by one. After they came out, they found that the visibility was lower than everyone thought. The night vision device could not see anything clearly, and the visibility was only two meters after turning on the headlights.

Liu Bin couldn't help but said, "Captain, where are we going?"

"Go higher." Ye Han said.

Liu Bin glanced back and forth: "Which side is up?" The visibility was so low that it was almost impossible to tell the direction, not to mention the direction of the cave.

This time Ye Han's answer was faster: "Look at the pressure." He glanced at the pressure value on the sensor, and through simple conversion, he concluded that the current water depth at this location is about 50 meters.

With the protection of armor, the water depth of 50 meters is not a problem at all, but the environment of the cave is too special. If you can't find an exit, let alone 50 meters, even 5 meters and 10 meters can trap people alive. .

To be honest, don't look at Ye Han's very calm and confident appearance. In fact, he has no confidence in his heart, but as a commander, the more times this happens, the more he needs to be calm. , otherwise the soldiers must be messed up.

He has thought about it carefully. The flood is pouring from the bottom to the top like a fountain. If the aliens completely seal the hole, the flood must first compress the air. After the air pressure and the water pressure are balanced, the water level will no longer rise. This process is not would be too fast.

The situation just now is just the opposite, which is enough to show that the cave is not a closed environment, in other words, there must be a passage to the ground.

Whether it can be found or not, at least Ye Han now knows that there is indeed a road leading to the ground.

For now, the only way is to look for the way to go up and go all the way to the dark. As for whether he can go out or not, Ye Han has no idea.

Although he is the commander of this unit, he is still an ordinary person, not an omnipotent superman, after stripping off his uniform. Facing such a difficult situation, he can only do his best to obey the destiny.

Ye Han carefully identified the high and low, and after confirming the direction of the cave, he intuitively chose a direction.

The resistance of the water is very high, the visibility is too low, and everyone is strung together, it is impossible to use the propeller to move forward as usual, and can only walk step by step on the ground.

Before settling down, Ye Han was worried that the compacted mud wall would be softened by water. It was not until his feet landed that he found that the ground was still extremely solid. He could not wait to praise the quality of the cave dug by the aliens.

If the wall of the cave is softened by water bubbles, a collapse will follow, and the collapse must be blocked if there is a way out.

Ye Han felt that even if the walls of the cave were still strong, there would definitely be problems after soaking for a long time.

Thinking of this, the speed under Ye Han's feet could not help speeding up a little, and after a while, he walked more than 100 meters, and the pressure value on the sensor dropped slightly.

Ye Han suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The drop in pressure value indicates that the depth has decreased. This direction is indeed uphill!

Seeing that the pressure was relieved, the soldiers also had a little hope in their hearts. If they had not received strict training, some people would have been cheering at this time.

Speaking of which, I have to talk about the training of the Marine Corps. Because the Marine Corps is affiliated with the Space Fleet, the soldiers must undergo strict environmental training in addition to regular combat training.

The so-called environmental training is not only weightless and low-gravity training, but also various methods to deal with extreme environments. One of the inconspicuous sub-training is how to save oxygen in harsh environments.

If the Army conducts this kind of training, it will make people laugh out loud, but it has extremely important practical significance for the Marine Corps and all soldiers on missions in space.

For example, now, all the team members behind Ye Han are as calm as possible, and they don't say a word of nonsense. This is because excitement and talking will increase oxygen consumption.

It's never too late to return to the ground to cheer.

The team struggled forward in No one knew how far they had to go, and no one knew if they could escape.

Just when Ye Han was struggling to survive, the Djibouti base, the space fleet, Beidu and Washington were all in chaos. Satellites kept reporting the latest situation in Africa, but all the reports were bad news.

After all the troops entered the spider cave yesterday, the front and the rear lost contact. Beidu and Washington have been paying attention to the situation in Africa and asked the space fleet to report the progress of the mission as soon as possible.

At night, two troops did return to the ground and brought back some information in the spider cave, but the news brought back by the two teams was not progress at all, only a little bit of skin.

After dawn, the team that came out of the cave at night was preparing to enter the spider cave three times. Suddenly there was a louder and louder rumbling in the cave. Before the American soldiers understood the situation, a strong current of water suddenly spewed out of the spider cave. The water column flew for hundreds of meters before landing, and an armored vehicle blocking the entrance of the hole turned over several somersaults under the impact of the current.

In the next few minutes, more than 40 water spray points appeared continuously within a radius of 100 kilometers.

Not only that, but the satellite also found that the water level of Lake Kidd, which is located more than 500 kilometers east of Morobida, has dropped significantly!

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