Armor Frenzy

Chapter 790: joys and sorrows

One by one, the soldiers burst out of the water, wailing and wailing, as if they couldn't show their joy without doing so.

Ye Han turned around and grabbed the rope, and laughed and scolded as he pulled to the shore: "What are you calling a ghost? If you shout again, you will attract wolves!"

The soldiers burst into laughter, and one of the soldiers laughed bravely: "Captain, where are the wolves from this place, even if there are any, the ants will eat them up!"

"Hmph, the bugs are more troublesome!" Ye Han said.

"Wolves are much easier to deal with than worms." Liu Bin climbed ashore and sat down in the muddy water, "My mother, I finally came out, I'm almost desperate."

"Who said no, it's really lucky." Ouyang Ping said, "I don't know, I don't know what happened to other people."

Everyone fell silent.

When entering the cave, there were four groups of four vehicles. After the break-up, only one group came out with Ye Han. The life and death of the remaining three groups are still uncertain. The soldiers all thought about the consequences of not being able to get out of the cave. They thought about running out of electricity and oxygen in the water. Struggling hard but to no avail, and finally dying in the depths of the icy and dark underground cave, the joy of the rest of the life after the catastrophe suddenly washed away most of it.

"Okay, don't even think about it. If we can come out, others can come out too. If we can't come out, it will be our life." Liu Bin said.

His words were full of fatalism, but everyone knew he didn't mean it that way.

Ye Han sighed helplessly, holding no hope for the fate of the other groups.

It's not his crow's mouth, but the fact that he was able to bring this group out not only by hard work to save himself, but also by the coincidence of many factors.

The first is the location. If the team had not stopped for a while under the stone cave, Ouyang Ping would not have been able to see the light of lightning.

The second is the heavy rain. It is precisely because of the heavy rain outside the cave that the rainwater seeps into the cave and causes the water to flow out, which further indicates the direction of the cave.

Then there is the time, if it wasn't for the heavy rain when it was close to the ground, and there was no lightning, it was even more impossible to see the light of the lightning.

All in all, Ye Han felt that he was able to escape from the hole this time, 100% lucky, and definitely made a lot of money, but the other groups may not have such good luck.

Unless a miracle occurs.

Perhaps because he felt that what he said was too serious, Liu Bin stood up without a word, grabbed the rope and pulled out, pulling out all the remains of the US military collected on the road.

The corpse had been soaked for too long, and the skin had been soaked white. The silent soldiers moved together and placed the remains of the US military in the muddy water on the shore.

"On this condition, let's leave it like this for now." Liu Bin clapped his hands, "Captain, what's the next step?"

Looking around, except for this small pool, there are dense forests everywhere, and I can't even recognize where it is.

"Wait here first, and talk about it when the rain stops." Ye Han raised his head, and a flash of lightning just ripped apart the clouds, "Sit down and rest for a while."

Without the satellite communication equipment on the armored vehicle, the lightning tore through the sky from time to time, and it was impossible for the communication equipment on the armor to contact the near-Earth satellite.

At that time, whether it is locating coordinates or calling for support, it is much better than blindly acting in heavy rain.

Liu Bin sat down in the muddy water, let out a long breath, and took a deep breath of watery air.

The armor has automatically shut off the oxygen supply, and all the air the soldiers breathe now comes from the outside world.

Ye Han did not sit down, but adjusted the frequency of the radio and sent a signal with a frequency covering the entire communication band: "Is there anyone in this frequency band? Does anyone hear me?"

There was no echo on the radio, Ye Han wanted to call it twice in English to see if any Americans received the communication, but Zhang Ruo was not here...

In order to facilitate communication, Ye Han sent Zhang Ruo to the No. 4 car before the flood. The others have power armor, and there is still some hope of escaping, but Zhang Ruo has only one set of breathing equipment, and the possibility of escaping is almost zero.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help feeling sad.

Even though he has experienced many partings of life and death, whenever his comrades in arms sacrifice, he still cannot restrain the sadness in his heart.

Most of the time, it's not acquaintances who sacrificed, and Ye Han couldn't lie to himself by saying how sad and how sad he was. Rather than saying that he was sad because of witnessing death and sacrifice, it was better to say that it was the death of a rabbit and a fox.

Thinking of this, Ye Han was not in the mood to shout any more, and sat down next to Liu Bin, then simply lay in the muddy water, staring at the sky motionless.

The time is early three in the afternoon, and the heavy rain will last at least an hour or so. Staying still can save the little power left, so that the radio will not be able to be used after the rain stops.

A bolt of lightning split the dark clouds, and Ye Han suddenly heard a voice in his ears: "Team... slap... long, is... s... you... s..."

Ye Han suddenly stood up: " Who are you? Who is speaking on this frequency band?"

"Captain... huh... I... huh... Luo Qi!"

"Luo Qi?" Ye Han couldn't help but be overjoyed, "Are you all right? How is your group? Where are you?"

When the soldiers heard this, they all stood up, looking at Ye Han with incredible eyes, and the sad atmosphere was swept away - a miracle really happened!

"We... huh..."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ye Han, who stood up, roared and ran around in a hurry, but no matter how much he called, he didn't respond.

After shouting for a while, Ye Han also recalled the taste. If the communication is interrupted, it is no big deal. At least he knows that Luo Qi's group is fine, and it is not too late to contact him after the rain stops.

The soldiers were talking a lot about how the Luo Qi group escaped, but generally they were not optimistic about the other two groups. There were also more optimistic soldiers. They felt that both groups had come out, and the other two groups also had hope. Maybe they would come again. A miracle occurs.

However, Ye Han and Liu Bin did not speak. A miracle is called a miracle once, but is it still a miracle if it occurs repeatedly?

Although they also hoped that the other two groups would be fine, the possibility of being fine was too small, so small that they dared not even think about it or say it. A shred of hope can turn out to be a big disappointment in the end.

Lying in the muddy water again, Ye Han looked at the sky, and countless raindrops hit him, pouring it into a blur in front of his eyes... His mind was in a mess, even though he had the joy of escaping himself, he was also happy for Luo Qi's team, but he was also happy for Luo Qi's team. The two groups of people who disappeared were worried, and all kinds of emotions were mixed together, and he couldn't even tell what his mood was.

Perhaps this is the sadness and joy in the legend.

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