Armor Frenzy

Chapter 791: report

()?? At 4:30 in the afternoon, the rain gradually subsided, and at 4:40, the cloud stopped and the rain closed.

The dark clouds in the sky have not yet dissipated, the sun hiding behind the clouds sticks out half of its face, and several beams of light fall from the gaps between the dark clouds.

Ye Han, who was lying on the ground, had no intention of getting up at all, so he just lay on the ground and said, "Turn on the radio, repeater mode."

The soldiers did as they were told, while Ye Han turned on the radio and said in a calm voice, "Please answer when you receive it!"

The radio in relay mode does not generate a signal by itself, but only forwards it immediately after receiving the communication signal, which is equivalent to helping Ye Han forward the signal together, greatly increasing the signal strength.

At this time, more than a dozen warships have gathered over Africa. These dozen warships are divided into two parts. One is the African Fleet that China has just established, and the other is the African Fleet of the International Fleet. Both of these fleets are stationed in Africa. Combination of battleships and fleets that have just arrived.

For the convenience of expression, Beidu abbreviated the International African Fleet as the State-African Fleet, and Washington referred to the Chinese Fleet as the PA Fleet.

The radio waves penetrated the atmosphere and were captured by the space fleet in low-Earth orbit. The signal trooper on the flagship Longshan suddenly raised his head: "Sir, received a ground communication signal!"

Gao Kai immediately widened his eyes: "The ground signal? Where did it come from?"

"Identity code 671."

"I'm going!" Gao Kai almost jumped up, "transfer the communication directly to me, right away!"

"Yes!" The communications soldier immediately complied.

The communication was connected, Gao Kai blushed and shouted thickly: "Ye Han, you son of a **** are still alive!"

"You're a jerk, your whole family is a jerk!" Ye Han counterattacked without hesitation, only to realize that the situation was not right after speaking, "Old Gao? Is that you?"

"It's me. You're a daring kid, aren't you? How dare you greet my family? Is it fake to be my chief of staff?" Gao Kai was angry.

"Then punish me, or punish my whole family if you're angry." Ye Han was still lying on the ground, staring straight at the sky, but couldn't find where the battleship was.

Gao Kai was speechless, and took the initiative to turn the page: "What's the situation with you?"

"It's a long story, you first locate the signal and drop a batch of batteries for me. I'm about to run out of power."

"You said it first, I will arrange the airdrop."

"You can arrange it quickly." Ye Han said, "This time I'm in a near-death situation, and I can't finish talking in a while, so let me find someone first."


"Everyone let the water disperse." Ye Han said.

As soon as Gao Kai heard it, he immediately linked this sentence to the water spray incident in the morning: "Hurry up, Beidu is waiting for the report."

"Got it." Ye Han immediately switched the frequency: "Luo Qi Luo Qi, please answer... Luo Qi? Are you on this channel... Luo Qi?"

"Captain... Captain, I'm here!" Finally got a response from Luo Qi, but the signal was still very poor.

Ye Han stood up and stood up with his arms up again: "Luo Qi?"

"I'm here!" This time it was finally clearer.

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief: "Where are you?"

"I don't know, I got lost when I got out of the cave, and I never dared to move."

"All your people came out?"

"It's all out."

"How did it come out?" Ye Han asked curiously.

"It just swayed in the water, the car stopped shaking and waited for a while, and after coming out, it was on the shore. We spent a few hours in the cave before we came out." Luo Qi said.

Ye Han almost vomited blood, what the **** is this called? He went through all the hard work here, and he almost threw his life into the hole before he came out. It's better over there.

Ye Han's heart is envious, jealous, and hateful, and he thinks that you are the illegitimate child of Lord Tian?

At this moment, he didn't know that there was really a car on the US military's side that was directly washed out of the cave by the flood, but that car was not far from the entrance of the cave, not as deep as Ye Han.

Ye Han took a few deep breaths to suppress his ups and downs: "What about the third and fourth groups? Is there any news?"

"No." Luo Qi's answer was neat.

"Understood, your group is on standby, waiting for my order." Ye Han sighed after speaking, there is no news at this time, it must be more fortunate.

But what happened to Luo Qi let him know that there were still places in the spider cave that were not flooded, and that the two groups of people who were missing still had a glimmer of hope of surviving.

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed.

Ye Han reconnected the fleet's communication, asked the fleet to locate the coordinates of Luo Qi's group, and then spoke to Gao Kai, explaining the situation after entering the spider cave, focusing on the alien human-insect combination experiment, and that Alien spaceship in water.

Gao Kai realized the importance of this news before he finished listening. He didn't even have time to hear what happened next, so he interrupted directly: "Where's the evidence? Have you left any evidence?"

"Keep it." Ye Han immediately sent the photos stored in the armor to Gao Kai, "That's all I have here."

The evidence left at that time was naturally more than that, but everyone let the flood wash away. At most, he asked for the photos in Luo Qi's hand.

However, as long as it can be proved that the human-insect experiment really exists, the amount of evidence is not the key, and there is no need to send all the photos.

"Enough." Gao Kai said while looking at the photo.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I'm startled when I see it. Just looking at this thing makes people terrified. I can't wait to get a few live aliens to come back and dissect the slices immediately.

Gao Kai received the documents, cut off the communication without even saying hello, and directly contacted Beidu to report the situation.

The communication was cut off, and Ye Han suddenly realized that the US military team that fought against the aliens with him probably didn't come As long as one person escaped successfully, the US military must have received the human-insect experiment long ago. The possibility of Washington concealing this news is very small. Since the North has not received a notification from Washington, all the problems have been explained.

Gao Kai said that cutting off the communication halfway through made Ye Han very helpless. He called 451 again. After establishing contact, please contact the flagship at 451, reminding the flagship to drop battery supplies and locate the coordinates of the two teams.

451 transferred Ye Han's communication to the fleet headquarters. A staff officer surnamed Li received the communication and asked very cautiously: "Team Ye, aren't there two groups of people in the cave? Can you go back to the cave and save them? come out?"

"No!" Ye Han's answer was very succinct, "Their oxygen is not needed now, and they have not yet come out at this time, so the chance of surviving is very small. And the cave is very complicated. If we go in again, can we get out? Not necessarily."

"Understood, the positioning coordinates have been sent, and the airdrop has been arranged."

"I got it!" Ye Han kicked Liu Bin, made a few gestures, and asked Liu Bin to direct Luo Qi to come over, "Staff Li, I still need air support. Please arrange a plane as soon as possible. I don't want to stay."

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