Armor Frenzy

Chapter 792: way of life

Staff Officer Li's voice was full of embarrassment: "The plane... is not possible for the time being."

"Why?" Ye Han's voice rose suddenly.

"Because of something new..."

"What's new?"

"That's right, about half an hour ago, the fleet found a large number of flying giant insects in the Central African rainforest. It is speculated that it is likely to be flying ants. They are very numerous and are approaching Morobida from the east, south and west directions. , It is expected to arrive in Moro Bida in about an hour, and fully cover Moro Bida in about 90 minutes. It is still unclear how aggressive the flying ants are, but Beidu has jointly issued a no-fly statement with Washington, listing the entire Africa as a no-fly. Area."

"No-fly zone?" Ye Han felt bad. "What the **** is this called?"

First there were giant ants, then spider ants, and now there are flying ants. My dear, since the advent of aliens, the African ant colony has really flourished. It is no longer the earth turtle that relied on giant ants to conquer the world. With great strides in specialization, if the aliens continue to toss like this, can they turn African ants into real Zerg?

Damn, you must report back to the top, and all things related to the Zerg must be banned. If the aliens get this information, according to the Zerg in the information, the human will have a lot of fun.

"I'm sorry, Captain Ye, I really can't do anything about this." Staff Officer Li said.

Ye Han thought about it and said, "Have you found flying ants in other directions?"

"not yet."

"Flying ants are only heading towards Morrobida? Are there any signs of spreading in other directions?"

"I didn't find it either."

Ye Han paused and said, "Why not use nuclear weapons?"

"The scope is too large. If it is bombed with nuclear weapons, the African rainforest will not be able to be preserved. No one can afford this responsibility." Staff Officer Li said.

Hearing what he said, Ye Han also came back to his senses.

The ecological environment of the earth has been severely damaged by the raging insects. There are no wild animals around the world. Wild mammals are almost extinct. Even larger insects are not spared. Only small insects such as flies and mosquitoes have survived. spared.

However, the entire population is spared. Because of the extinction of wild animals, flies have nowhere to lay eggs, mosquitoes can't **** blood, and even the number of dung beetles is greatly reduced because they can't find food.

These are just a few examples, and similar situations abound.

In contrast, the number of insects that depend on plants for their livelihoods has increased greatly, and their numbers have reached the level of serious damage to plant populations.

Insect plagues are destroying Earth's ecosystems!

In contrast, the tropical rainforest, which was originally a treasure trove of living things, was the least affected area. Although the species of living things has dropped sharply, it can still barely maintain a balance.

Tropical rain forests are known as the lungs of the earth. The forests here absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and maintain the oxygen content of the atmosphere. Any species on earth that breathes oxygen should be grateful for the gift of tropical rain forests.

If no matter what happens, in order to destroy the giant ants, the Central African rainforest will be bombed with nuclear bombs, and the already precarious earth's ecosystem will be hit hard again. At that time, the decomposition rate of carbon dioxide will be greatly affected. The rise will be a series of unpredictable consequences such as the greenhouse effect, which is equivalent to dragging the already fragile ecosystem into a dilemma of chronic suicide.

But then I thought about it again, leaving the swarm alone, isn't it slow suicide?

Ye Han is so sad and angry, this is not possible or that is not possible, does it have to be the death of human beings?

At this moment, Liu Bin suddenly called out, "Captain, airdrop!"

Ye Han looked up, just in time to see the fireball falling from the air crashing into the forest not far away: "Bring someone over to receive the equipment."

"Yes!" Liu Bin agreed, calling the soldiers to rush into the woods.

Ye Han stabilized his mind: "Staff Li, there is no plane above, what should we do?"

"Chief of Staff Gao is communicating with Beidu."

Ye Han sighed: "Okay, then call me when there is a result."

The communication was interrupted, Ye Han turned his head to look at the forest, the figures of the soldiers had been covered by the dense vegetation, he thought for a while, then walked into the woods, and reached the ground after a while.

The soldiers are distributing supplies and replacing batteries with each other, including Luo Qi's group.

When Liu Bin saw Ye Han, he immediately brought a battery over: "Captain, let me replace it for you."

Ye Han turned around, and Liu Bin skillfully replaced the battery. After the new battery was snapped on, the battery bar that almost bottomed out quickly filled up.

As soon as the armor was restored, Ye Han heard Gao Kai's voice: "Ye Han Ye Han, please answer when you receive it!"

Ye Han quickly replied: "I'm here, what's the situation?"

"That's right, Beidu ordered you to turn north after meeting with the U.S. military."

"Ah? Where are the U.S. troops?"

"At the entrance yesterday, it was about ten kilometers due east."

"I mean, where did they pop out of."

"Most of them came out and some came out today. They have armored vehicles...that's about it." Gao Kai explained.

"Why are you heading north again?" Ye Han asked again.

The plane is also heading north, and the car is also heading north, so why is it on the top of the north?

"This is a bit complicated." Gao Kai said, "As you know the situation, the insect plague in Africa is much worse than predicted before the war, and the coalition's combat plan has been completely scrapped. The current situation is that ant colonies are flocking to Moro. Bida, we don't know what the aliens want to do, but we can be sure that after the swarm has taken Moro Bida, the next step must be to continue north, cross the Sahara and devour Europe."

"Can flying ants fly over the Sahara?" Ye Han was extremely surprised.

"Of course not." Gao Kai said, "Flying ants are definitely not that powerful. There is only one way to cross the Sahara..."

"The Nile!" Ye Han blurted out three words.

He didn't know much about North Africa, and he only remembered that the winding Nile River ran through the desert to the Mediterranean Sea.

"Yes, it's the Nile River." Gao Kai emphasized, "The ant colony must go north to the Nile River. The coalition decided to build a defense line on the Nile River to prevent the swarm from going north. What you have to do is to go north as soon as possible... No, there is no need to go north, there are two One plan is to leave Morobida as soon as possible, head northeast, reach the White Nile River in South Sudan, and then ride down the river in an air-dropped rubber boat. This road is more than 600 kilometers long in a straight line, but as long as your speed Fast enough to get out of Morobida before the flying ants."

"anything else?"

"Also, go east. It's more than 300 kilometers due east to the White Nile River, but the flying ants are flying over from the east. We don't know the danger of this thing yet, so the risk is too high."

Ye Han squeezed a few words out of his teeth: "Just go east!"

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