Armor Frenzy

Chapter 793: life (2)

Gao Kai reminded: "Ye Han, this is not a joke!"

"Of course I know." Ye Han sighed, "but what do you want me to do? Flying ants have wings, and no matter how slow they fly, they can still travel slower than the ground? Don't Americans have armored vehicles? Maybe they can get in with a camouflage. Besides, the Americans still have infrasound cannons, don't look at that thing, it won't kill the insects, it will definitely be no problem to disperse the insect swarms."

"Okay, I won't say more, you can discuss it with the Americans, and communicate in time if you have any questions."

"Don't worry, I can still be polite to you?" Ye Han said here, and made a few gestures to Liu Bin. Liu Bin immediately commanded the two groups of troops to join forces and move eastward at the fastest speed.

Ye Han said on the radio as he walked, "Old Gao, now I have something to trouble you."

"You're really welcome, Cheng, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Find some sturdy boats for me, don't fool me with rubber boats."

"Hey, you have a lot of requirements. Is it so easy for you to be an airdrop?"

"I know better than you that airdrops are not easy." Ye Han said, "I'm not joking with you. Africa is very evil. There are ants everywhere on the ground. Only ghosts know what is in the water. Rubber boats are not safe at all. ."

The encounter on Jingshui Lake is still fresh in my mind, how could Ye Han make the same mistake?

"Okay, you've already said that, what else can I do? But the ugly words are ahead, I'll definitely help you, but I can't guarantee that I can find you."

"If you can't find me, I'll have to die here, you can figure it out."

"Hey, aren't you being a rogue?"

"Humph, if you don't play a rogue, you'll be gone!"

"Okay, I'm afraid of you, I'll definitely find it for you, if it really doesn't work, can I ask someone to do it for you now?"

"That's even better, remember, I don't want an open-top one, anyway, you have to get me a fully enclosed one, in case a bug swoops in and it can hold it for a while... It's a matter of experience. , I didn't suffer from this loss back then."

"It's all up to you, what I owe you in my last life! Let's talk about experience, why don't you tell us the lessons from the past?"

"You can say so if you like."

"Come on, it's time to be poor with me, hurry up and don't waste time."

The communication was interrupted, the team immediately accelerated, and a dozen people jumped up and down in the dense jungle, all of them were ridiculously flexible, more like monkeys than monkeys.

After a while, the team crossed a distance of more than ten kilometers and saw the entrance to the spider cave, as well as the US military hovering near the entrance.

Ye Han immediately walked over with the team. Before he could find the person in charge of the U.S. military, an American captain and a sergeant took the initiative to stand up.

The captain said a few words first, and the sergeant behind him immediately said in unbelievably fluent Chinese: "We have received an order from the superior. The captain asked you what you want."

The sergeant's Mandarin is even more standard than Ye Han. Ye Han is sure that this person is definitely Chinese: "I need a car, and there is the issue of the retreat route."

The sergeant and the captain said a few words, and then the sergeant said in Chinese: "We know that there are two retreat routes, and we also know that you choose to go east. As long as you can leave alive, the captain doesn't care which way you go... You can be sure of where to go... Is it safe to go east?"

"Can your infrasound cannon still be used?" Ye Han answered nonchalantly.

"Intact." The sergeant answered Ye Han's question without the captain speaking at all.

"That's no problem." Ye Han said, "It's too far to go north, it's better to go straight east and take a boat after the White Nile."

"We agree with this plan in principle, but the captain believes that it doesn't matter which direction you go, what matters is that you have to get the cover of the space fleet."

"No problem." Ye Han said.

The captain said a word, and the sergeant translated: "The captain said to give you an armored vehicle... You also saw that we also have more people and fewer vehicles."

"I understand, that's it." Ye Han said.

After the short conversation, Ye Han immediately led the soldiers to take over the armored vehicle.

Liu Bin kicked the wheel of the armored vehicle and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Just one?"

"One is good, who can drive this kind of car?" Ye Han said.

The soldiers didn't say a word, obviously they had never been in contact with them. The driver of Ouyang Ping's group looked left and right, stood up and said, "Captain, give me some time, it's definitely no problem to drive away."

"Then I'll do it." Liu Bin took the initiative to stand up.

Ye Han was surprised: "Are you sure?"

Liu Bin smiled: "I have never played this model, but I have driven other models."

"It's up to you." Ye Han made a decisive decision, "All get on the bus!"

The soldiers complied immediately. Except for Liu Bin, who got into the cab, the others crowded into the car one by one.

The standard American armored vehicle carries ten people, and Ye Han has a total of 16 people here. Although the armored support vehicles are a circle larger than ordinary armored vehicles, the armor on the soldiers also takes up more space, so many people squeeze into one vehicle , It's almost like squeezing a can of sardines, it's difficult to turn around.

Fortunately, we squeezed and squeezed, and finally we all got in. Only Liu Bin has more space... He is familiar with armored vehicles. This thing is full of button switches. It looks really complicated, but Liu Bin's principle is to never touch it. I understand the switch, and I only focus on driving the car.

This makes it much simpler. Even the gearbox of this armored vehicle is an automatic version. It is nothing more than starting and stepping on the accelerator. As long as you can drive, you can drive away with a little fiddling.

Ye Han was huddled with the soldiers in the carriage. Seeing Liu Bin stroking and looking at it, he couldn't help but say, "Liu Bin, did you figure it out?"

Liu Bin was startled: "What is the calculation?"

"What else could it You don't need to squeeze canned food while driving!" Ye Han said.

"Of course not!" No matter how stupid Liu Bin was, he wouldn't admit it. Just as the U.S. military started to set off, he immediately launched the armored vehicle and inserted itself into the middle of the U.S. military's convoy. The armored vehicle behind was caught off guard and almost rear-ended.

Liu Bin was very proud: "The Yankees can't get used to it. They definitely want to arrange us to be on the tail and cut off... Hey, is this a conspiracy to smash imperialism?"

Ye Han has a black line: "Yin you, drive well!"

Liu Bin smiled and didn't care about Ye Han's vicious words at all.

Ye Han lifted the top cover, got out of the car with his upper body, looked up at the west-sloping sun, and seemed to see a cloud of insects covering the sky.

After the convoy left the spider cave, it jolted through the jungle, heading south all the way, and after 20 minutes drove to an abandoned road running east-west.

Although the road conditions on this road are extremely bad, it is still much smoother than the jungle with no way to go. The speed of the convoy has increased from about ten kilometers per hour to forty or fifty kilometers per hour, jumping several grades in a row.

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