Armor Frenzy

Chapter 794: Life (3)

The swarm came faster than expected.

As soon as the convoy hit the road, Ye Han heard a faint buzzing sound.

At first the sound was so small that his ears automatically ignored the sound, but the buzzing soon became so clear, deep and powerful that no one's ears could ignore the sound.

Ye Han suddenly realized that this must be the sound of flying ants flapping their wings!

He immediately lifted the top cover and got out... The hum from the outside of the car was overwhelming, and it was impossible to hear where the sound was coming from.

Ye Han looked around, and was stunned to find that the sky in front of him was full of small black spots that fluttered and flew, and they were flying very fast, and it seemed that they could fly over in a short time.

He also wanted to see if there were flying ants coming from the south, but the road was east-west, with dense virgin forests on both sides of the road, tall trees blocking the view, and the sky to the south could not be seen at all.

The infrasonic guns on the armored vehicles in front began to rotate, and Ye Han quickly retracted into the armored vehicles: "Liu Bin, do you know how to use the infrasonic guns?"

"How do I know!" Liu Bin grinned helplessly.

With so many switch buttons in front of him, the ghost knows which one can control the infrasonic cannon.

"Forget it, let the Americans deal with it." Ye Han said.

Before the swarms flew over the convoy, the Americans turned on all the infrasound cannons. The inaudible infrasound waves scattered in all directions around the convoy. The flying ants in the air suddenly scattered to the left and right, and some simply flew high. , can't wait to hide as far as possible.

Everyone was in disbelief for a while. I didn't expect the infrasonic cannon to have such a good effect on flying ants!

The frequency of the infrasonic cannon has been adjusted several times. Although it has not yet achieved the ability to directly kill the giant ants, it has already formed resonance with the internal organs of the giant ants, thus achieving the purpose of killing the giant ants.

Although flying ants are not giant ants, they are developed from giant ants, and their internal structure has many similarities with African giant ants. .

Speaking of this, it is also a mistake. Giant ants are not only physically unsuitable for flying, but their nerves and senses are also unsuitable for flying. Therefore, when aliens create flying ants, they strengthen the nervous system and senses of flying ants. Cells and motility.

In other words, flying ants are much more sensitive than stupid giant ants. If giant ants encounter infrasound cannons, they will be driven by aliens to attack without fear of life and death. Instinctively avoid infrasound waves.

It is impossible for Ye Han to know such a deep-seated reason. He only knows that infrasonic cannons are very effective against flying ants. He even thinks that in the future, infrasonic cannons can be used to deal with flying ants, such as deploying a large number of infrasonic cannons on the Nile River.

The convoy continued to move forward, and the swarm separated left and right in front of the convoy, and then re-bridged after the convoy passed, as consciously as deliberately giving way to the convoy.

If the aliens hiding in the dark saw this scene, they would definitely jump with anger.

The infrasonic cannons worked so well that the Americans felt that it was a waste of resources to fully open all the infrasonic cannons, so they simply turned off half of them. As a result, the remaining infrasonic cannons could still be ready to expel the flying ants, so the Americans decided to fire in shifts. Using it for too long can damage the device.

In this way, the convoy continued to move eastward under the shadow of the swarm. I don't know if the swarm was too large, or the swarm was always hovering near the convoy. In short, the buzzing of the flying ants never stopped. The flying ants were not seen at all until the sky was getting dark and the buzzing sound of the sky gradually dissipated.

Ye Han thought it was very strange. He couldn't understand why the flying ants didn't move. He lifted the top cover to observe a little, and unexpectedly found that the jungle was full of flying ants. The wings of the flying ants are not very visible in the night vision device. Clear, but Ye Han and the giant ants have had a lot of dealings, and it can be seen that the posture of the flying ants is different from that of the giant ants!

When it got dark, this phenomenon aroused Ye Han's interest.

Based on his knowledge of African giant ants, both ordinary giant ants and spider ants are both day and night species.

It is said that the flying ants should have inherited this feature, but it seems that it is not the case now, and from Ye Han's observation, the flying ants seem to be very unaccustomed to the dark night, not only do not have the calmness of giant ants and spider ants, but have a kind of chaos.

Ye Han couldn't think of any connection between flying and the dark night, but he quickly remembered another thing: the eyesight of birds is very good, such as eagles and pigeons.

The giant ant is just the opposite. This thing lives underground all the year round, relying entirely on smell and touch to live, and its eyesight is a mess!

He couldn't help guessing secretly, could it be that the flying ants landed at night because of poor eyesight?

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense. No matter when, flying requires good vision. Giant ants are either blind or short-sighted, so they are not suitable for flying at all!

It is true that the bioengineering technology of aliens is extremely powerful, and it can consciously enhance the vision of flying ants. The problem is that ants have lived underground as early as the age of dinosaurs. Living by smell and touch has long been the instinct of ants, and it is written Instinct in genes, even if flying ants have strong eyesight, it is still unknown whether they are accustomed to using eyesight!

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Han suddenly burst into laughter, thinking that what am I thinking about, even if I know the information about the flying ants at night, is it possible that I can use this to destroy the ant colony?

Besides, everything is his guess, UU reading www. uukanshu. com wants to prove that it is by no means easy.

The flying ants are no longer flying, and both the Chinese side and the US side have put down a lot of their hearts hanging in the air. If the road conditions are not too bad, I am afraid that the next step is to move forward at full speed regardless of the situation, and run to the White Nile River in one breath.

The actual situation is that the night not only affects the flying ants, but also affects the speed of the team. It is not bad to be able to run 30 kilometers per hour on average. At this speed, it takes a full fourteen hours to reach the White Nile!

Fourteen hours is not long, but how can the aliens stop working? Even if flying ants are unusable, there are giant ants and spider ants!

It really made Ye Han guess. The more afraid of something, the more it came. At eleven o'clock at night, the armored vehicle in front suddenly stopped, and the harsh braking sound spread all over the field.

Luo Qi, who was driving, slammed on the brakes... I don't know what happened to other cars. Ye Han's car has to change drivers every two hours to absolutely avoid fatigue driving. .

Luo Qi's response was not slow, but the distance was too close, and he slammed into the armored car in front of him. Fortunately, the speed was not fast, and neither car suffered any damage.

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