Armor Frenzy

Chapter 795: Machine change

The sleepy Ye Han suddenly woke up: "What's going on?"

"I don't know, it stopped ahead." Luo Qi said.

Ye Han squeezed forward and looked out, "What are the Americans doing?"

"It's too dark to see clearly."

Ye Han sighed and thought of the missing Zhang Ruo: "Who is good at English? Is there any good English?"

Seeing that no one was picking up, Liu Bin raised his right hand hesitantly: "Can I do it?"

"Forget it." Ye Han waved his hand like chasing flies, "Just your two times, don't come out and be ashamed."

Liu Bin put down his arms angrily: "Then I can't do anything about it, let's wait for the Americans to move... Why don't you ask the above?" He pointed to the top of his head.

Ye Han thought for a moment: "Okay." After speaking, he took out the grenade-sized laser signal device, lifted the top cover and placed it on the roof of the car. After starting the device, the top of the signal device began to emit laser communication signals into space.

This thing is good for everything, but the biggest disadvantage is that it cannot be used in bad weather. It must be able to see the outer space at a glance to ensure communication efficiency.

The space battleship in low-Earth orbit responded immediately after receiving the laser signal, and quickly established ground-to-air laser communication.

After receiving the signal that the communication was connected, Ye Han immediately sent a few mission codes, and the space battleship responded one by one after receiving the codes. Ye Han didn't say a word, and only took a few seconds to get the real-time satellite image of the Central African region. , the location of the ground signal is marked on the electronic map with a flashing red dot.

Ye Han continuously zoomed in on the map, and soon saw the top view of the convoy. After observation, he found that the road ahead was cut off by a large pit, and an American armored vehicle fell into the pit. Get out of the escape door.

Several other U.S. armored vehicles are gathering around the pit, seemingly trying to get the armored vehicles out of the pit.

The shape of the big pit reminded Ye Han of the train that left Jingjiang seven years ago.

The soldiers at the bottom of the pit didn't climb out at all, but the dozen or so American soldiers above jumped into the pit. More than 20 people started at the same time, and they straightened the overturned armor without much effort. After that, a few American soldiers were at the bottom of the pit. After fiddling for a while, one of them raised his hand, so everyone crawled out like frightened mice, and even the armored vehicles retreated dozens of meters.

The picture freezes for a short time, and then the sides of the pit exploded suddenly, blazing flames illuminating the surroundings.

After the explosion on the screen dissipated, Ye Han heard a muffled sound in front of him.

The sleepy soldiers suddenly jumped up as if they had been beaten with blood, and Liu Bin roared in a deep voice, "What sound?"

"It's okay." Ye Han retracted the signal device, "I can leave soon."

Everyone looked at Ye Han with astonished eyes, and Ye Han smiled: "You will know in a while."

This is a bit of a hassle to explain, so let's keep it simple for everyone.

As soon as the voice fell, the armored vehicle in front had restarted. Luo Qi immediately started the engine and moved forward behind the American's ass.

The armored vehicle drove to the side of the pit after a while. Both sides of the pit were collapsed by the US military, forming a steep slope. The convoy drove to the bottom of the pit with the help of the slope, and then climbed up from the other side. pit.

The team continued to move forward, Ye Han gradually fell asleep, and it was already 3:30 in the morning when Liu Bin woke up.

Ye Han rubbed her sleepy eyes, closed her eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

"The team stopped again." Liu Bin said.

"Are you there?"

"It's still more than 100 kilometers away... Well, the actual distance." Liu Bin said.

Ye Han was stunned, full of drowsiness disappeared: "So soon?"

"The road behind is relatively flat."

Ye Han was about to ask why the convoy stopped when a voice suddenly came from the car radio: "Captain Ye, are you there?"

Liu Bin immediately looked at Ye Han, Ye Han said: "That American sergeant's voice!" After speaking, he picked up the microphone, "I'm here, what's the matter?"

"I can't walk ahead, I have to get out of the car and walk. The captain asked me to ask you what you mean."

"Why can't you go?"

"The road is severely damaged, there are pits everywhere, and the car is not as fast as walking. The captain's intention is to abandon the armored vehicle and move forward on foot."

Is it that serious?

Ye Han always felt that something was wrong: "Wait for me, I'll be there soon!" After speaking, he lifted the roof and got out of the car.

When Liu Bin saw it, he immediately pushed Ouyang Ping to wake up: "Ouyang, stare for a while!" After he finished speaking, he also got out of the armored vehicle regardless of whether Ouyang Ping heard it clearly or not.

The two moved forward quickly and rushed to the front of the convoy after a while. Only then did Ye Han realize that what the sergeant said was correct.

The road condition on this road is very poor, not only the road is potholes and potholes, but also overgrown with weeds and shrubs, but no matter what, at least you can see that there is a road, but it is not the case from here on, the road is still there, but There are collapses everywhere on the A large piece of grass and shrubs overturned at the bottom of the pit. You don’t need to ask to know that these large and small potholes on the road must have been dug not long ago, and the vegetation above and below the pits It is intact, and at a glance, it is known that it is a collapse caused by hollowing out the ground.

Ye Han immediately called up the electronic map, and after finding the current location, he drew a few lines on the map: "Our original plan was to walk along the road until we reached the White Nile River, but the current situation is not only that the road ahead cannot be walked. Well, maybe there are aliens waiting ahead, and since that's the case, we don't need to cling to the original plan."

The sergeant translated Ye Han's words to the captain. After the captain heard a few words, the sergeant said, "The captain wants to know what new plans you have."

"It's very simple." Ye Han smiled slightly, "Forty kilometers to the south from here is Lake Albert. Let's turn around and head south. After arriving at Lake Albert, take a boat to the north and enter the White Nile River all the way north!"

The captain and sergeant also called up the electronic map and checked the map carefully according to Ye Han's plan, but the captain said something after reading it, and the sergeant translated: "The captain said, why don't you take the Victoria Nile River?"

It is very clear on the map that the mouths of the two rivers are next to each other, except that the White Nile is to the north and the Victoria Nile is to the east.

If you take the Victoria Nile River, you can cross most of the people in Uganda. After abandoning the boat and landing more than 100 kilometers east, you can reach the semi-desert area in northern Kenya, where it is not suitable for giant insects to survive. At that time, you can contact the Djibouti base and fly Take everyone back.

After hearing this, Ye Han immediately said: "It does look good to walk on the Victoria River, but as far as I know, this river has many waterfalls and rapids, and it is not suitable for navigation at all; and the White Nile River can be used for motorboats. What do you think of my reason? "

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