Armor Frenzy

Chapter 800: Crisis in Skyrim

On January 30, 2027, the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, the first batch of Chinese troops stationed in Africa arrived in Djibouti. Later that day, a military transport plane landed at the Qiongzhou base airport. After leaving the base for nearly two months, Ye Han was the leader. Sixteen of them returned to the establishment successfully.

As soon as Ye Han got off the plane, he was picked up by a car sent by the base. Soon after, Ye Han knocked on Huo Qiang's office.

Huo Qiang took off his reading glasses, closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose: "Sit!"

The unwashed Ye Han sat opposite Huo Qiang and quietly waited for Huo Qiang to speak.

Huo Qiang kneaded for a moment, then smiled self-deprecatingly: "I'm old and useless."

"Chief, you still..."

Huo Qiang waved his hand: "Don't tell me nice things, can I still not know what's going on with me?"

The rest of Ye Han's words suddenly slammed back into his stomach, showing a bit of embarrassment.

"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful with me. What do you think after staying in Africa for so long?"

Ye Han lowered his eyes: "Aliens are getting harder and harder to deal with."

"that's it?"

"Of course it's more than that." Ye Han raised his eyes and looked directly at Huo Qiang, "I have a responsibility to sacrifice so much..."

"Stop, stop, I don't want to hear you say this, don't rush to take responsibility for yourself, it's up to you to decide what's right and what's wrong." Huo Qiang first gave Ye Han a reassurance, and then said again, " But what you said earlier is true, aliens are getting harder and harder to deal with, and the longer the delay, the greater the trouble."

This can't be answered, Ye Han kept his mouth shut and didn't listen.

Huo Qiang's words changed: "Have you heard about Panama?"


"Any ideas?"

Still asking for ideas?

Ye Han didn't understand what Huo Qiang meant. After thinking about it, he replied, "The situation over there is worse than Africa."

"Look a little farther, relax a little!"

Ye Han was stunned and said blankly, "Sir, I don't understand what you mean."

Huo Qiang pursed his lips: "Whether the African ant colony or the South American ant colony is not an independent event, understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" Ye Han nodded quickly.

"Then tell me, what do you know?" Huo Qiang said.

Ye Han grinned, showing an embarrassed look: "Sir, I do know, but I really don't know how to say it."

"I'll give you a hint, starting from Jingjiang."

"Chief, I really don't know what you want me to say." Ye Han's whole person is not well, why is this related to Jingjiang again?

Huo Qiang put his hands on the table and stared at Ye Han: "What do you think of the relationship between the plague of insects and aliens?"

Ye Han seems to have realized: "Aliens rely on insects to play the front line. They may want to use insects to occupy the earth. After finding that insects can't work, the aliens will take action in person... This is probably the case."

Huo Qiang didn't give a **** anymore and said bluntly: "So, the prerequisite for eliminating bugs is not to kill many bugs, but to eliminate aliens completely."

Ye Hanxin said that even if you didn't tell me about it, I knew it. You said you wanted to know this earlier, but I didn't tell you earlier?

Huo Qiang continued: "You don't need me to tell you about the current situation, because Africa and South America, the global anti-insect situation is very passive, if it's just Africa and South America, it's no big deal, I'm afraid that aliens will land and attack again! "

Saying that, Huo Qiang opened the drawer and took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one and put it in his mouth, lit it, and threw it to Ye Han together with the cigarette and fire.

Ye Han quickly refused: "Chief, I won't."

"It won't be good. I've quit many times and I haven't quit." Huo Qiang exhaled two fumes from his nose, "So, the top priority is to solve the aliens."

Ye Han looked at Huo Qiang suspiciously: "Sir, what do you mean..."

"Have you seen Beiyuezhou's report recently?"

Ye Han shook his head: "The African side can't hold the fleet documents."

"Io is getting closer and closer, the asteroid belt has already flown halfway, the international fleet has already engaged in six interceptions, released nuclear bombs and threw asteroids, I have tried all the methods I can think of, but Io is flying instead. Faster and faster, Beidu means that Beiyuezhou must intervene in time, and no matter what, I cannot let Io Ling come over."

Ye Han was startled: "An expedition again?"

Huo Qiang nodded slowly but firmly: "Now is not the time to demolish the platform. The Americans can't take down Io, and we can't watch it."

Ye Han suddenly thought of Bai Xiaoting, and involuntarily avoided Huo Qiang's gaze: "Chief, I..."

"What do you want to say?"

"No, it's nothing." Ye Han almost crushed his posterior molars, "Resolutely obey the order!"

Huo Qiang smiled slightly: "Okay, isn't it about the family? I know even if you don't tell me."

"Ah?" Ye Han's eyes widened, "Chief, how did you know?"

"Bai Xiaoting has come to me, you are not too young, you should have a child." Huo Qiang leaned on the backrest and put his crossed hands in front of his The fleet will set off on the eighth day of the first lunar month, here are you and all The team members will take a half-month leave and go back to spend the New Year with their families. "

Hearing this, Ye Han felt a sudden shock in his heart: "Chief, can you tell me the battle plan?"

"Not for the time being, it's not the time to tell you." Huo Qiang said, "Go back and think about it carefully. What are the consequences of Mi Wei's flying over?"

Ye Han left with his mind full of doubts, thinking about Huo Qiang's words as he walked - what would happen if Io was approaching the earth?

He had long known that Io was flying towards the earth, and he had always believed that Io would hit the earth one day in the future, but thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was not the case.

Earth is the home planet of human beings, so why isn't Io the home planet of aliens? If these two planets collide, the earth will definitely be doomed, but Io will be able to survive on its own?

It is absolutely impossible. The only consequence of the collision is that the two planets will end together. Unless the aliens intend to perish with humans, they will never do such crazy things.

Aside from the possibility of impact, what will be the relationship between Io and the Earth after it approaches the Earth?

The earth first appeared in Ye Han's mind, and then Io appeared on the upper, lower, left and right sides of the earth. He couldn't help but tremble, and suddenly remembered the astronomy class he had learned that year - the revolution speed of the earth is about 29.38 kilometers per second, which is only 29.38 kilometers per second. A little faster than the theoretical revolution speed!

The speed of revolution is directly related to the distance between the celestial body and the sun. According to the orbit of the earth, this speed is just right, no matter how fast or slow!

To put it simply, if the revolution speed of the earth is slower, the gravity of the sun will be greater than the centrifugal force of the earth park.

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