Armor Frenzy

Chapter 801: Crisis in Skyrim (2)

The operation between celestial bodies is like an extremely precise machine, and even the slightest abnormality can cause a series of serious consequences.

The closer the earth is to the sun, the higher the light radiation it receives, and the temperature of the air will also increase.

The habitable zone is so wide, I am afraid that before the earth leaves the habitable zone, a large number of animals and plants on the surface will die. After flying out of the habitable zone, not to mention, it is likely that the temperature rises rapidly and the land burns. The sea is boiling, and I am afraid that only the extreme creatures living near the deep-sea hot springs will be able to struggle for a while.

It won't be long before the sea evaporates, and global temperatures are getting hotter, with daytime temperatures in the hundreds of degrees. Because it is too close, even the atmosphere will be blown away by the sun, and the surface will be directly exposed to the universe!

The closer you get to the sun, the faster the earth will move, revolving around the sun, and the surface temperature will continue to rise as the distance shrinks, eventually reaching thousands of degrees, and the entire earth will become a sea of ​​molten magma until The moth threw itself into the fire, crashing headlong into the fiery star.

Although the mass of the earth is only 1/330,000 of that of the sun, the impact of such a large celestial body on the star will inevitably cause a series of changes in the sun, erupting huge flares and other chain reactions that spread to the entire solar system...

Thinking of this, Ye Han's thoughts stopped abruptly.

If aliens want to survive in the solar system, they must maintain the large environment of the solar system. The consequences of the earth hitting the sun are too serious, so serious that the center threatens the safety of Io Zero, so the possibility of aliens doing this is extremely small.

Some people may say that it is not so simple to slow down the earth, but don't forget that there is a planetary engine on Io, which is a plug-in for aliens. As long as the aliens drive Io to the side and rear of the earth, two The gravitational force of the planets will be entangled together. At that time, the aliens only need to use the planetary engine to slow down, and the entangled gravitational force will continuously lower the revolution speed of the earth.

However, this plan is no different from the impact plan. Unless the aliens want to perish with humans, the possibility of doing so is very small.

Another possibility is to stop Io on the front side of the earth, but instead of slowing down, it continues to accelerate!

In this way, the revolution speed of the earth will become faster and faster, which seems nothing at first glance, but once the orbit of the earth will gradually move away from the sun as the speed increases, or even completely deviate from the existing orbit and move away from the sun, hundreds of times. After a thousand years, the earth will fly to the outer reaches of the solar system, or even leave the solar system, and become a wandering planet wandering in interstellar space!

This possibility is not small. If humans are thrown out of the solar system directly, Io stops in the orbit of the earth and occupies a nest, and aliens can perfectly replace humans...

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help shivering.

Even if this scheme is not necessary, Io is so big, as long as it is close to the earth and revolves around the earth at an appropriate distance, the gravity of Io will inevitably cause a series of changes, and it is the most sensitive to gravity. of various liquids.

At that time, super tides comparable to tsunamis will inevitably appear on the earth; the lava inside the earth will also be affected by gravity. Wherever Io goes, the earth cracks and volcanoes erupt, and earthquakes with super high magnitude are frequently staged...

Thinking of this, Ye Han shivered a few times.

Even if the aliens are insane, this plan is not necessary, but as long as the aliens drive Io zero in front of the earth and use the wake of the planetary engine to continuously bake the earth, the global climate environment will also have various abnormalities, and the complete Humans are dying.

As long as Io is close to the earth, no matter how you look at it, it will be an out-and-out disaster. The scale of the disaster depends on the preferences of the aliens. Only by keeping Io out of the domain so that aliens cannot get close, can we Free the earth from its tragic fate.

Thinking of this, Ye Han stopped abruptly, looked up at the blue sky, and an indescribable sense of mission emerged spontaneously.

Back at the base, Ye Han immediately announced the vacation order. The soldiers who received the order jumped up and ran back to the dormitory to pack their luggage. They ran for more than half of the time after a while.

Ye Han took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Bai Xiaoting, but after thinking about it, he put the phone away and asked the base to send a car to take him home.

Even though he is not at the base, the treatment he deserves is the same. He has always kept the house allocated to him. After Bai Xiaoting returned from Beiyuezhou, she has been living in the house allocated by the base and waiting for Ye Han to come back.

After a rough calculation, the couple hadn't seen each other for half a year since the last time they separated. Ye Han felt that it wasn't enough to be pleasantly surprised just by going back, so he simply asked the driver to go around the city and buy a gift for Bai Xiaoting. After eating some food, I bought a bunch of flowers on the way back, and then I walked back contentedly.

The car parked downstairs in the residence of the base, Ye Han got out of the car with flowers in hand, looked up, ignored the curious eyes from all around, and strode into the unit door.

The elevator quickly went up to the twelfth floor. Ye Han stood in front of the door and took a deep breath. Instead of taking the key to open the door, he knocked playfully on the door... The key to open the door was not so surprising.

But there was no movement when I knocked it once, no sound when I knocked it twice, and still no response when I knocked it three times. Ye Han couldn't help frowning. He looked at his It was just two o'clock in the afternoon, this time... Could it be? Are you out or not at home?

With a helpless sigh, Ye Han reached out and touched the key. At this moment, the elevator behind him squeaked softly, Ye Han turned around abruptly, the elevator door slid open to both sides, and a familiar figure came into his sight.

Bai Xiaoting in the elevator was full of relief, but not many surprises.

At this time, Ye Han couldn't take care of so much, and the flowers bloomed with a smile on his face unconsciously, just as he was about to hand over the flowers, suddenly a strange voice accused dissatisfiedly: "Who are you, what are you trying to do in front of our house? "

Ye Han's smile froze immediately, tilting her head, only then did she see a vigilant little girl in her early twenties standing beside Bai Xiaoting.

"Your home?" Ye Han looked at Bai Xiaoting in surprise.

Bai Xiaoting smiled: "Are you willing to come back? I saw you below."

"Ah?" The girl looked surprised, "Sister Ting, he—"

Bai Xiaoting nodded and walked out of the elevator, standing pretty in front of Ye Han.

Ye Han didn't pay attention to what the little girl said at all, and asked aggrievedly, "Then why didn't you call me?"

Bai Xiaoting blinked: "Looking at your big bag and holding flowers, how do I know if you are coming back to find me, the yellow-faced woman? If I see someone's little girl, what's the matter if I come out? "

Hearing this, Ye Han immediately widened his eyes, glanced at the girl, shoved the flower into Bai Xiaoting's hand, and squeezed a few words out of his teeth: "Arrange me? !"

Bai Xiaoting's smile grew brighter: "I'm scared? Who is afraid of who!"

Ye Han pulled Bai Xiaoting into the house, closed the door with a bang, and threw the girl out the door.

The girl was stunned for a while before she muttered to herself, "What the **** is going on with these two?"

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