Armor Frenzy

Chapter 802: home country


The door was closed behind him, Ye Han put his arms around Bai Xiaoting, and without hesitation, he leaned in and nibbled hard. , which made the anxious Ye Han let go.

Bai Xiaoting's eyebrows stood upright, just as she was about to speak, she didn't want Ye Han's arm to be hugged by a princess. She strode into the bedroom, threw Bai Xiaoting on the bed, and threw off her coat and threw herself on it.

We haven't seen each other for half a year, and the two of them can be described as dry wood and fire.

Ye Han put his arms around Bai Xiaoting's shoulder and asked softly, "How is the old man?"

"It's still the same, not bad, but the doctor said it's much more stable than before," Bai Xiaoting said.

"So, is it too late for us to have children now?"

Bai Xiaoting, who was originally in Ye Han's arms, looked up at Ye Han's face: "Today is a safe period."

"It's okay, I have half a month's leave!"

"Really or not?" Bai Xiaoting was surprised and delighted, feeling like she had won five million.

Ye Han smiled and said, "How can I lie to you?"

"You can't lie to me, but who knows when your troops will be in trouble?" Bai Xiaoting said depressedly.

Ye Han was so choked that he couldn't speak, his arms subconsciously clenched: "I'm sorry..."

Bai Xiaoting's face was expressionless: "Don't say sorry to me, I chose the road myself, and it's my fault that I'm too naive."

Ye Han felt even more guilty: "I also want to accompany you more..."

"Okay, don't talk about it." Bai Xiaoting stopped, "You finally came back, I don't want to mention these troubles."

Ye Han's mouth moved, and the words reached his throat, but he swallowed them back into his stomach.

He wanted to tell his wife that he would set off with the fleet again in half a month, but he swallowed the words again.

Bai Xiaoting was right, she finally came back once, forget about those unhappy and unhappy things.

Ye Han thought about it before saying, "It's a small year today, we haven't been together for so many years since we were married, and this time we have a good year!"

Bai Xiaoting closed her eyes and rubbed her head on Ye Han's arm like a lazy cat.

Ye Han couldn't help moving his index finger, and turned over to start the second round.

From this day on, Ye Han turned into a good man at home, and was tired with Bai Xiaoting every day, almost inseparable.

The two of them go shopping together, buy and cook food, and even fight in their spare time. At least two rounds a day. At first, Ye Han was still enjoying it, but after a while, he began to feel uneasy and feel powerless.

That is to say, Ye Han has a good physique that has undergone high-intensity training all year round, otherwise he must be disabled.

The holidays passed by, but Bai Xiaoting still showed no sign of pregnancy. She became more and more anxious and uneasy. In order to solve this problem completely, Bai Xiaoting also went out of her way. On the evening of New Year's Eve, she took some ovulation stimulation without Ye Han. medicine.

The side effects of taking this drug are very large. There was an example of pregnancy with septuplets abroad. Fortunately, Bai Xiaoting is engaged in biology and has a certain knowledge of medicine. The dose used is very small, and the possibility of multiple births is very high. Small.

Bai Xiaoting became more and more crazy in the next few days. At the beginning, Ye Han didn't feel that anything was wrong, but in the morning a few days later, Ye Han, who had just woken up, suddenly touched Bai Xiaoting's forehead: "Are you catching a cold? Why is it so hot?"

Bai Xiaoting turned over lazily: "No!"

"Wait a minute!" Ye Han went down to find the thermometer, threw it a few times and stuffed it into Bai Xiaoting's armpit, "Clamp it!"

Bai Xiaoting obeyed obediently, but still insisted: "I'm really fine."

"Then why is it so hot?" Ye Han waited anxiously for five minutes. After the last second, he immediately took out the thermometer. After reading the temperature, he was suspicious: "It's not high!"

"I said it was all right!"

Ye Han put the thermometer in doubt, but after turning around, she still felt that Bai Xiaoting's body temperature was high, and it was still not high.

Ye Han didn't say anything on the surface, but his heart gradually raised.

It's not that he likes to think too much, but that Bai Xiaoting was quite normal a few days ago, but his body temperature has suddenly risen in the past two days - he remembered where he saw it, fever is a harbinger of many diseases, such as leukemia.

If you often have a fever for no reason, you must seek medical attention in time to avoid delaying the disease.

Just when Ye Han was seriously considering whether to take Bai Xiaoting to the hospital, Bai Xiaoting suddenly ran out of the bathroom like a monkey on drugs, rushed to Ye Han dancing, and brought a small white stick to Ye Han: "Ye Han Ye Han, two bars, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant!"

Ye Han stared blankly at the two red lines on the pregnancy test stick. After a few seconds, he came back to his senses. He grabbed the pregnancy test stick and said blankly, "Really pregnant?"

Bai Xiaoting nodded again and again, smiling brightly.

Ye Han seemed to be enlightened all of a suddenly showed a big smile, hugged Bai Xiaoting, and excitedly swung Bai Xiaoting up and circled: "I'm going to be a father!"

"I'm going to die, let me down!" Bai Xiaoting twisted **** Ye Han's waist.

Ye Han quickly put Bai Xiaoting down and stroked Bai Xiaoting's belly like a priceless treasure. There was a strong feeling of blood connection from his hand, which made him speechless.

Bai Xiaoting didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "what are you doing, you just got pregnant, what can you figure out?"

"I can feel it even when I'm pregnant!" Ye Han said stubbornly.

"Don't make trouble!" Bai Xiaoting slapped Ye Han's wrong hand.

"I didn't make trouble with you." Ye Han didn't raise his hand at all, the expression on his face was as pious as a pilgrimage, "I just can feel it!"

"It's at least four months of fetal movement, it's no wonder you can feel it now!" Bai Xiaoting laughed, was this still her man? Why didn't I find out that he has such a second side before?

Ye Han was still reluctant to let go, but his eyes were slowly changing, and it took a while to say, "Four months?"

"Well, four months... What's wrong with you?" Bai Xiaoting found that Ye Han's expression was not right.

"Four months!" Ye Han repeated these three words, but he was thinking of Io Wei.

"Ye Han, don't scare me!"

Ye Han raised his head and looked at the anxious Bai Xiaoting with a wry smile: "Xiaoting, I have a task in a few days..."

Bai Xiaoting seemed to have a premonition: "How long?"

"At least half a year!" Ye Han lowered his head in despair, feeling unspeakably uncomfortable.

Pregnancy is the time when a woman needs the most care and companionship, but the expedition is just around the corner, and the time spent on the road will be more than half a year.

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