Armor Frenzy

Chapter 803: home country (2)

Bai Xiaoting showed an understanding smile, touched the top of Ye Han's head and said, "It's okay, I understand, I really understand, so many military wives come here like this, and I'm not inferior to me."

She has never been pregnant, but there is more than one military sister-in-law who is pregnant and giving birth. When things happen to others, although she is sad, she always feels understandable. After all, the military is a very special profession, but when the same thing is about to happen When it happened to her, she felt very lost in her heart, and there was a kind of pain from the bottom of her heart.

Although Bai Xiaoting didn't say anything, Ye Han felt the same way, hugged Bai Xiaoting and hugged her tightly. At this moment, silence is better than sound.

After a long time, Ye Han said dully, "I want to stay with you."

Bai Xiaoting reluctantly twitched the corners of her mouth: "Don't be stupid."

Ye Han also knew that what he said was too stupid, but he knew that some words were stupid and lie, and he also had an urge not to spit it out.

Bai Xiaoting held Ye Han tightly with her backhand: "I know you feel bad for me, but... But since marrying you, I have always been prepared."

Ye Han's voice was still so muffled: "I'd rather you not!"

"Then can I still be with you?"

Ye Han suddenly raised his head: "You are mine!"

"I didn't say no!" Bai Xiaoting smiled, "Just think about it, if you weren't this soldier, how would we be treated now?"

Ye Han couldn't help but be silent, this is a big truth that can no longer be true.

In recent years, Chinese people have become accustomed to insect disasters and the giant insects that appear around them from time to time. It seems that even the country is accustomed to the existence of giant insects. Raging and dying around.

From a national level, although the situation in recent years has improved due to the completion of Beiyuezhou, the overall situation is still grim, especially the high military spending, which has seriously affected the lives of ordinary Chinese. Three of the 800 million Chinese have Two-thirds stay on the food and clothing line, and the other one-third lack food and clothing, and can't even reach food and clothing.

The particularity of the profession of a soldier determines that national resources must be tilted toward the military, and preferential treatment of military family members is also an aspect of resource tilt. To put it bluntly, it is precisely because of the dedication of soldiers on the battlefield that military family members have earned priority in rationing. , Even if it is only the family members of ordinary soldiers, at least food and clothing are not a problem. Many young and beautiful girls marry soldiers for the special treatment of military family members.

Soldiers like Ye Han who are squeezed into the ranks of senior officers will be treated better by their families. Even Bai Xiaoting can't tell if there is any factor in marrying Ye Han!

It is very utilitarian, but very realistic. Even before the insect plague, marriage should give priority to things like family conditions. It is not uncommon to be desperate for love like in novels and movies, but in the chaotic era of insect plagues, survival is the only way. First and foremost, everything else has to make way for survival.

After a long silence, Ye Han touched Bai Xiaoting's flat belly and imagined that her belly was getting bigger and bigger every day: "I want to accompany you, especially when you have a baby, to be by your side."

Bai Xiaoting was moved, but she had to say, "I understand, but don't be stupid, I can take care of myself, and there are people at the base to take care of us pregnant women, so don't worry."

Ye Han thought of Io Wei Ling, and couldn't help but feel a little annoyed in his heart: "The base is not so safe, if you want me to see, it's better to go back to the space city, isn't there standard gravity? Take the time to go up while the child is still young, if the child grows up Now, you can't ride a rocket with a big belly."

If it weren't for the fact that the gravity of Beiyuezhou was too low, returning to Beiyuezhou for labor would be the best choice.

Bai Xiaoting hesitated: "Is it suitable? If you go back to the space city, you have to stay there forever after the baby is born. What if aliens call?"

"This..." Ye Han was right when he thought about it, the space city was solitary beyond the moon, unless the aliens were blind, it was impossible not to see the space city.

Let Bai Xiaoting take the child to stay in the space city... let's forget it.

"It's my fault." Ye Han quickly admitted his mistake, "The moon can't stay, and neither can the space city, so it can only stay on the earth... Otherwise, I'll find a way to send you to the northwest! "

"Northwest?" Bai Xiaoting was startled.

"Yes, it's the northwest." Ye Han said, "The westward plan has built several dungeons, except that they don't see the sun. They are much safer than on the ground."

"Can it work? Aren't the worms under the ground much bigger than the worms on the ground?"

"It depends on the situation... Let me tell you this, I can't think of a safer place than a dungeon." Ye Han looked directly into Bai Xiaoting's eyes and said.

The westward plan has been around for a long time, and many people have migrated westward over the years, but after the aliens landed the transformation of giant insects no longer depends on the natural selection of microorganisms all over the world, but the aliens have Targeted and purposefully modified.

In this case, it was a joke to stop the giant worm with the plateau and high altitude, and the original westward plan failed completely.

However, the northern capital kept pace with the times and formulated a new westward plan.

This plan no longer builds cities on the ground, but builds dungeons based on various underground spaces, such as large air-raid shelters left over from the last century, as well as various natural caves.

Bai Xiaoting shook her head and said, "I can't see where the dungeon is safe. Aren't the aliens particularly good at punching holes?"

"Then it depends on the hole. The dungeon must be reinforced with cement. How can aliens dig if they want?" Ye Han sighed, "With the current situation, someday ants will occupy the earth. "

He suddenly remembered the Chinese giant ants that spread all over the country. If there are hidden aliens in the country, the domestic ant colony will soon explode like Africa and South America.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll stay in Qiongzhou." Bai Xiaoting said suddenly.

Ye Han was stunned: "Why?"

"Because Qiongzhou is safer." Bai Xiaoting said, "You think the dungeon is safe, but I don't see it that way. It's fine if there's nothing wrong with that place. How many can escape in case of an accident? Qiongzhou is different. Aliens can call over. Run inland, the bugs can come to space, where do you think it is safe to stay?"

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "If aliens really call, nowhere is safe."

"That's it?" Bai Xiaoting touched her lower abdomen, "I will go to space if it doesn't work. If the space city is dangerous, I will return to Beiyuezhou. It doesn't matter if I can't return to Earth in the future."

Ye Han stared into Bai Xiaoting's eyes, and finally nodded heavily, but she secretly made up her mind that no matter what, she could not let the aliens succeed.

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