Armor Frenzy

Chapter 804: reassurance

On February 13, 2027, the eighth day of the first lunar month, Ye Han bid farewell to his reluctant wife, and entered space with his comrades in a spacecraft. Two hours after liftoff, the spacecraft arrived at Tiangong.

After resting for more than an hour on the Tiangong, the soldiers rushed to the moon in a small transport ship.

The small transport ship is powerful and fast, and it took only one and a half days to reach the space city. Ye Han and a group of marines officially joined the third fleet of the expeditionary force.

After arranging the room and board, Ye Han contacted Bai Xiaoting as soon as possible. The two stared at each other across the screen. Ye Han didn't want Bai Xiaoting to worry, so he smiled and said, "I'm here, I'm in the warship's dormitory now."

Bai Xiaoting asked in surprise, "Is there gravity?"

"The battleship is parked in the space city." Ye Han said.

As a senior officer, Ye Han was assigned a single-person dormitory. Although the area was small, it belonged to him alone.

Bai Xiaoting suddenly asked, "When will you leave?"

"If there are no people, I have to wait a few days. I don't know when." Ye Han said.

The fleet has completed the preparatory work before departure, but due to the particularity of the expedition mission, all members of the Third Fleet are allowed to visit relatives. Now that the Spring Festival has just ended, the fleet members are returning to their establishments one after another.

Bai Xiaoting frowned, but she quickly covered it up.

Ye Han pretended not to see: "Didn't you say go to the hospital for examination? What's the result?"

"I went. The blood test confirmed that I was pregnant, but the doctor said that the time was too short, and I couldn't see anything now. I asked me to check the B-ultrasound in a few days."

"How many more days will it take?" Ye Han couldn't hide his disappointment. In a few days after the fleet departed, everyone had to be injected with hibernin, so he would not know the news.

"Don't worry, I'll let you know as soon as I have news."

Ye Han smiled bitterly, just as he was about to say something, a bell suddenly rang in the cabin.

Ye Han sighed helplessly: "We're assembled, I'll call you again when I'm free!"

"Come on." Bai Xiaoting smiled.

The communication was interrupted, Ye Han hurried to gather, and arrived at the briefing room not long after.

When Ye Han entered the door, the cabin was already full of marines in tight suits - space on the battleship is precious, the briefing room is very large, rows of benches are fixed on the floor, and more than a hundred soldiers It was crowded and the briefing room was crammed to the brim, with only a little space at the front of the podium.

Ye Han walked to the front row and was about to sit down when the hatch opened again and two people walked in one after the other.

The man in front was Gao Kai, and the man in the back was an unknown major.

"Stand up!" Ye Han roared, and everyone stood up at the same time.

As Gao Kai walked forward, he pressed down with one hand: "Sit."

Ye Han turned back: "Sit!"

The soldiers sat down with a bang, their movements uniform.

Gao Kai walked to the middle of the podium and turned to face the soldiers: "I'm Gao Kai, do you know me? If no one speaks, you know everything."

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth, this joke was really cold.

Gao Kai added: "I only have one purpose for coming here today, and that is to give you a detailed introduction to the mission this time. If I guess correctly, there must be someone looking for a relationship to understand the situation. It's time for you to know."

Ye Han was shocked, Gao Kai said this in front of so many people, he must be trying to beat some people!

Gao Kai's eyes swept over and continued: "Now, let me introduce the situation, the only task of the Third Fleet is to stop Io Zero, and according to the situation we have, the International Fleet has used all the methods that can be used. , but it didn't work all the time, so it had to be a surprise win."

"Why am I telling you this? That's because the main force this time is not the fleet, but you marines!"

Ye Han was shocked and stared at Gao Kai with wide eyes.

The soldiers were also very surprised, and everyone's eyes were focused on Gao Kai.

Gao Kai waved his hand and said: "The battlefield is changing rapidly, so I won't talk about the details. It's not that I don't want to, but it's useless now. The general plan is that the fleet is responsible for blocking the alien fleet, covering the landing of the landing ship, and landing on the ground. Find a way to destroy the planetary engine!"

Having said that, Gao Kai's eyes turned to Ye Han: "Ye Han!"

"Here!" Ye Han got up and stood at attention.

"The specific combat plan is up to you. Seek truth from facts and promote military democracy."


Gao Kai's eyes fell on the soldiers again: "Comrades, it is very troublesome and dangerous to land on Io Guard, but if you don't do this, there is no way to stop Io Guard, I'll give you a reassurance first!"

As he said that, he pointed to the major officer who had been standing under the podium: "I'll introduce to you, this is Lin Yi, the captain of the landing ship Yushan!" (ps: book friend Dankeng Prince cameo)

Lin Yi raised his hands in salute to the soldiers.

Gao Kai said: "Lin Yi, tell everyone about the Yushan."

"Yes!" Lin Yi answered ably and walked onto the Yushan is a landing ship specially designed and built for landing planets. It has thick armor, strong power, high speed, good maneuverability and survivability. High, mainly used for landing planets and recovering landing personnel, filling the gap that our army does not have planetary landing ships! "

Gao Kai pouted: "I'm not asking you to endorse, I'm asking you to introduce the landing ship!"

"Yes!" Lin Yi agreed, thought for a while and then said, "This spacecraft mainly uses landing craft to land, and can also land directly on the surface of the planet if necessary, but the landing craft is too heavy, and it can no longer fly after entering the atmosphere. Coming out, landing is a living target, so unless there are special circumstances, it is not recommended to take a direct landing method..."

Ye Han raised his right hand: "Wait a minute, I have a question!"

"Speak!" Gao Kai said.

"Isn't there a recovery landing staff? Why do I hear so much panic?"

Lin Yidao: "It's like this. The design of the landing ship is different from the past. The battleship is mainly divided into three parts: landing, staying on track and returning. When performing tasks, the warship is divided into two parts: landing and staying on track. Staying on track means staying on track. This part It's mainly the power system, so I don't need to say more about it, right?"

Seeing Ye Han nodding, Lin Yi continued: "Let's focus on the landing, this part accounts for two-thirds of the landing ship, but the role of the landing platform is not to send people to the surface of the planet, its role is actually to send the return capsule. to the ground."

"In my understanding, the landing module is a mobile launch pad with a base! As for the return module, it is even simpler. It is actually a rocket placed on the landing pad! A landing ship has only one rocket. The landing pad is airborne, and if the rocket is damaged, it will be completely finished, so the landing pad must be used when the personnel are recovered... I don't know if everyone understands what I said!"

"Understood." Ye Han said.

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