Armor Frenzy

Chapter 805: near

Lin Yi's eloquence is average, and his speech is not so clear, but he does explain the design concept of the landing ship clearly.

To put it simply, the landing ship is a specially made rocket transport ship. The main task is not to send the marines to the planet, but to recover the landing team from the planet!

Space Marines are not marines, and Io is not a small celestial body with low gravity. The gravity of that place is not much smaller than that of the earth. Airborne Io is very simple, but I want to bring the landed team back to space. It's hard.

Without the landing ship, this mission would have turned into a true suicide mission!

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that when it comes to the battlefield, it is hard to say whether the landing ship will have a chance to land on the ground, but there is at least a hope of returning to such a thing, it is better than going down and not getting up.

From a certain point of view, the landing ship is indeed a reassurance pill, but the effect of this reassurance pill is a little worse. Ye Han feels that a landing ship must at least be paired with a pair of rockets. Only one rocket is too much. No sense of security.

After the meeting, Ye Han immediately found Gao Kai and explained his thoughts.

However, not only Ye Han noticed this, but the fleet executives also knew it well and made corresponding preparations - in addition to Yushan, there was another landing ship to follow the fleet.

And according to the above idea, there are also a little less two landing ships. The troops carrying out the landing mission should be equipped with three to four landing ships to be safer, but the fleet is about to set off and there is no time to wait for the new ships to come off the assembly line, so only Can be equipped with two first.

Gao Kai explained it very clearly, but Ye Han didn't feel that the two landing ships were safe at all. If he could make a decision, he would definitely delay the departure time of the fleet until the landing ships were fully assembled.

Gao Kai understood Ye Han's concerns, and at the same time assured Ye Han that the Third Fleet is definitely more than these two landing ships, but the remaining landing ships must wait for a while, the Third Fleet must set off first, and the subsequent landing ships It will strengthen the power, when to go offline, and when to send out to chase the fleet.

Ye Han still felt unreliable, but Gao Kai had nothing to say for this.

In the next few days, the fleet members returned to work one after another. On February 18, the aircraft carrier battle group headed by the air carrier Nanzhou set sail in secret.

The battle group of the space fleet should actually be called the aircraft carrier battle group, but everyone thinks that this word is not good, so they continue to use the name of the aircraft carrier battle group.

There are also many people who object to the name "aircraft carrier", who always want to move the name of the aircraft carrier to the space battleship, and some people call the "aircraft carrier" a space carrier.

The military doesn't care what the ship is called, only how the warship performs in the fight against aliens.

After the fleet set sail, the officers and soldiers on the ship were collectively injected with hibernin, and only a small number of personnel were left on duty on the ship. In order to talk to Bai Xiaoting for a few more days, Ye Han took the initiative to undertake the first-phase duty task.

The fleet has just set sail, not far from the earth, and the communication delay is very short, which basically does not affect the communication.

However, the duty time was only one week. After one week, Ye Han had to inject hibernin.

The day before the injection of hibernin, Ye Han finally received the long-awaited news-b-ultrasound found a gestational sac!

However, Bai Xiaoting did not tell Ye Han the actual situation, because the doctor suggested to pick at least one gestational sac, preferably two, according to her physique, so as to ensure the smooth growth of the remaining embryos.

The ovulation-inducing pills still had side effects, allowing her to conceive three children at a time.

Although she was just pregnant, Bai Xiaoting was reluctant to pick one of them and wanted to keep all three, but she didn't dare to ignore the doctor's warning. After struggling for a few days, she finally took one off.

In order to ensure the survival of the remaining two embryos, Bai Xiaoting was almost stuck in the hospital and had to consult a doctor whether she was eating, drinking or wearing.

Fortunately, she was inspected at the military hospital as a member of the military. The hospital knew that her husband was a member of the expeditionary army, and took care of Bai Xiaoting in every possible way. Otherwise, she would be home alone, would she be able to keep her two children? It's hard to say.

Time flies, and it was late May when Ye Han woke up. After four months of flying at full speed, the fleet had reached the middle of the asteroid belt and was about to encounter Io Zero.

Ye Han woke up with most of the people. In fact, as early as the beginning of May, the bridge officers of each ship had woken up and took their places. The fleet adjusted its direction in a planned way and accelerated along the flight track scheduled by Io Zero.

Both the fleet and Io are moving at high speed. To complete the landing mission, the flight direction of the fleet must be consistent with Io, and the relative speed of the fleet and Io cannot be too different!

In the impression of ordinary people, the relationship between the fleet and Io is very simple. Basically, it is to draw a straight line between the earth and The fleet and Io are on this straight line, Just like two cars driving head-to-head on the same road, if they want to accompany each other, one of them must decelerate and turn around in advance, and then accelerate to catch up.

But the actual situation is not like this at all. After the fleet leaves the earth, it seems to fly straight to the asteroid belt, but the actual flight trajectory is an arc!

Absolute motion is relatively static. To put it figuratively, the flight trajectory of the fleet is like a piece of debris thrown from the earth, leaving a parabola in the universe.

This is not easy to understand. To put it another way, the positional relationship between the earth and the fleet is equivalent to a parachuting person throwing something horizontally!

People and things are falling, and the distance between the two sides is getting farther and farther.

The situation of Io Zero is similar. It is like Jupiter throwing something to the earth. It seems to be a straight line in the process of flying to the earth, but the actual flight trajectory is also an arc!

The result of this situation is that the fleet and Io Zero seem to be facing each other head-to-head, but in fact they are more like two cars getting closer and closer at the Y-shaped intersection. Therefore, the fleet only needs to adjust the direction in time to cut into the wood. Wei Zero's flight trajectory, unlike ordinary people, must decelerate in advance and then turn around to accelerate.

The situation is a bit complicated. All in all, the fleet is gradually approaching Io, and when Ye Han wakes up, there are only five days left before the expected encounter time between the two sides.

As soon as all the officers and soldiers woke up, they began intensive combat preparations. The first task was to check all the weapons and equipment on the ship and other equipment.

At this time, the distance between the two sides is already very close. In the telescope, not only can I see Io, but also the alien fleet guarding Io, and the lingering international fleet!

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