Armor Frenzy

Chapter 822: sos

The special design gives the landing craft more uses and can provide the necessary means of transportation for the landing troops. This is also one of the advantages of the landing craft airborne. If the airborne cabin is used, it must walk on legs no matter where it goes after landing.

After the refit was completed, Ye Han waved his hand, and everyone quickly boarded the plane. Restart the landing craft... no, it's a rotorcraft now, the propellers attached to the wingtips spin rapidly, lift the plane up like a helicopter, and after reaching a certain height, the rotors level out and fly to the target like a normal propeller plane .

At the same time that the No. 1 aircraft set off, the landing craft led by Liu Bin was also refitted and flew directly to the destination after liftoff.

The location where Liu Bin landed was not far from the ice hole, and he flew near the target in a short while. The three rotorcraft each chose a suitable location to land, and the soldiers started to move immediately, but only when they arrived at the ground did they realize that the waves were still choppy not long ago. The water has re-frozen!

The soldiers looked at each other in dismay.

Io in flight stopped rotating long ago, the hemisphere facing the sun has been facing the sun, called the day hemisphere, and the hemisphere that has been in darkness is called the night hemisphere.

Right now, Io is still in the asteroid belt, and it is too far from the sun. The light received by the day hemisphere is far from that of the earth, and the highest temperature is just over zero.

Not to mention the night hemisphere, the minimum temperature is below minus 100 degrees Celsius!

This is still Io has a good atmosphere, the convection of the air has always balanced the temperature of the two hemispheres day and night, otherwise the temperature in the night hemisphere will be lower.

The problem is that this freezes too fast too!

Liu Bin saw that there was a piece of crushed ice the size of a sand bowl at his feet. He squatted down and tried to pick it up, but the crushed ice was already frozen on the ground.

"Evil nature!" Liu Bin was furious on the spot, and with all his strength, the broken ice fell into Liu Bin's hands with a crisp sound, as if Liu Bin was not twisting an ice cube, but a piece of steel!

He knew that the lower the temperature, the stronger the ice, but he never imagined that it would be so hard to break a piece of broken ice.

He casually weighed the ice cubes, Liu Bin swung his arms round, and smashed the crushed ice onto the freshly frozen ice, only to bounce the old high with a bang.

Liu Bin's teeth were sour when he heard this, and he turned back and shouted, "Bring a laser gun here!"

Several soldiers stood up together, and Liu Bin drew a circle on the ice with his index finger, telling the soldiers to cut the ice, and then ordered others to remove the equipment on the plane, and the action was finally on the right track.

Liu Bin was only calm on the surface, and he was worried that the aliens who were hiding would rush out again. By then, hundreds of warships would fly into the sky, and the only option for the Third Fleet was to retreat. By then, the hundred or so people on the ground would be finished. .

So he made up his mind. When the ice hole is dug, the first thing to do is to drop the nuclear bomb first.

While Liu Bin was full of entanglements, Ye Han was still on his way to the goal.

The rotorcraft is not a real fixed-wing aircraft, the flight speed is not too ideal, and it takes a little time to reach the predetermined coordinates.

Ye Han, who was flying the plane, suddenly received the flagship's voice: "The command is calling Swift No. 1, please answer!"

"Swift 1 received it, please speak!"

"Swift No. 1, the target has changed, please receive the new coordinates immediately."

"What happened?" Ye Han frowned slightly, what was the situation of temporarily changing the target?

Ye Han immediately received a high-altitude bird's-eye view from the flagship. In the photo, the ice hole left by the planetary engine can be seen, which is obviously a new photo taken not long ago.

"See the red dot in the photo?"

"I see." Ye Han said.

"Put it to the max."

Ye Han complied. As he zoomed in again and again, the ground became clearer and clearer. He didn't stop until the photo began to blur, and blurted out in astonishment: "sos?"

On the ice, there were a few vague and distorted English letters.

Ye Han's whole body is bad: "What's going on?"

"We don't know either, Swift No. 1, this is your new mission."

"Swift 1 understands." Ye Han made a gesture to the co-pilot, changed direction immediately after taking over the plane, and flew to the mission coordinates at the fastest speed.

Ye Han's first reaction when he saw the letters was that someone was in trouble, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not right. This is not a place on earth, but Io Zero where aliens are entrenched. How could there be humans in this ghost place?

Otherwise, the aliens knew the meaning of sos, and wrote so many letters according to the gourd painting, to lure the marines to take the bait... This is also not right, how do the aliens know that the marines are going to be airborne?

"Swift No. 1 calls Nanzhou No. 1!"

"Swift One, please speak."

"Can you help me check the missing records... I mean, from the First Fleet of the Expeditionary Force to the present, all the human aircraft that crashed on Io Zero."

"I'm checking, keep the line, and I'll let you know when there is a result."

"it is good."

A few minutes later, Ye Han received a reply: "Swift No. 1, starting from the First Fleet, a total of seven battleships fell to Io Zero, including Shuwan and Penglai, and the remaining five were ramming ships of the International Fleet. , no personnel records, but..."

"but what?"

"After the explosion of the Shuwan Tiangong received a laser signal from Io Zero, the content was traitors and prisoners"

"Traitor?" Ye Han repeated subconsciously, suddenly remembering some distant memories, but he didn't know what was the relationship between the two, so he asked cautiously, "What do you mean?"

Ye Han was a witness to this incident at the beginning, but he had already injected hibernin at that time, and he didn't even know that the landing craft had photographed Io Zero.

It was not until later that he was rescued by the Second Fleet that he came into contact with relevant news.

"I don't know, the signal only has these two words."

"How long after the explosion?" Ye Han couldn't remember the original details.

"I don't know, the time is not mentioned in the file, and the interval should not be very long.

We have very limited intelligence, Swift-1, be careful! "

"Swift 1 understands, Nanzhou, is there any firepower near the target?" Ye Han suddenly felt that there was a high possibility that the sos was a trap, at least it was a trap in the past.


This answer was beyond Ye Han's expectations. It didn't even have firepower on the bright side. Isn't it a play of hard-to-find tricks?

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Give me the detailed terrain near the target point."

"It's alright, what else do you need?"

"Not for now...I may need air support."

"Weizhou is responsible for supporting you."


At the end of the communication, Ye Han's mood was a little heavier, his mind was full of sos, and he couldn't think of the hidden meaning behind these three letters.

I hope it's not a traitor... The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. The expeditionary army is not just anyone who can enter. If you want to enter the expeditionary army, political qualification is a tough lever, even if it falls into the hands of aliens. It is a prisoner, where does the word traitor come from?

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