Armor Frenzy

Chapter 823: hit and miss

The ice layer that has just frozen is only **** thick, but the lower the temperature, the higher the hardness of ice. At a low temperature of minus seventy or eighty degrees, ice is harder than steel.

However, the laser gun easily burned through the ice, and soon cut an ice sheet with a diameter of one meter.

Liu Bin immediately shouted, "Quick, quick!" The soldiers rushed up, the soldier in front lifted the ice cap, and the others stuffed all kinds of equipment into the ice hole.

In just a few seconds from lifting the ice cap to inserting the device, the water surface under the ice cap has been frozen in a thin layer!

Upon seeing this, Liu Bin immediately called over a soldier who was responsible for stirring the seawater in the ice cave to prevent the water from condensing.

The sonar started working immediately after entering the water, and soon got the topographic map of the underwater, but looking left and right, I couldn't find the shadow of the planetary engine at all, not even a slightly regular terrain.

Several people couldn't help looking at each other, and then everyone's eyes focused on Liu Bin's face.

Liu Bin gritted his teeth fiercely: "Never mind, let me put the nuclear bomb down!"

"Where?" a soldier asked in amazement.

Liu Bin looked at the map and pointed to an ice hole left by a planetary engine: "Place it in the middle, that's right!"

Although the planetary engine can retract into the bottom of the water, it cannot float in the water. The bottom must be in contact with the seabed, and it must go deep into the seabed and firmly on the crust to push Io ​​Zero to fly everywhere.

In other words, the planetary engine must be fixed underwater!

In this case, what is it that takes time and effort to find a planetary engine? Wouldn't it be enough to put a nuclear bomb directly in the middle of the ice hole?

The soldiers suddenly realized and immediately followed Liu Bin's order... Unless the aliens directly start the planetary engines underwater, as soon as they emerge, the fleet will detonate nuclear bombs, which will definitely destroy those **** planetary engines.

At the same time, Swift 1 finally flew near the target.

To be cautious, Ye Han did not fly directly to the target, but turned around in a circle. No abnormality was found, but he was still worried. He expanded the range and turned around again, but still did not find any abnormality, so he carefully drove the plane over. , turn the propeller to land vertically.

Sos is near the landing point, Ye Han left a group of people to guard the plane, and quickly left the plane with the remaining three combat groups, and moved in three directions at the same time. in the middle.

After waiting for a while, there was still no abnormality, Ye Han put down the gun in his hand and strode towards sos.

The three letters are not left on the ground, but engraved on a half-person-high ice platform. Each character is as tall as a person, but the handwriting is only **** wide. The distorted handwriting is definitely not normal writing. Look at the ice platform. The traces seem to be drawn with something.

Ye Han looked around and didn't see any clues, and walked around the ice platform twice, but still found nothing.

He couldn't help frowning. Since he asked for help with sos, why should he give some clues? And generally speaking, the person calling for help must be not far from the distress signal!

Thinking of this, Ye Han looked around, hoping to find some clues, but still found nothing.

What's going on here?

One person is short and others are long. Ye Han grinned and called a battle team with a shake of his voice: "Come over and take a closer look, let's look for clues together!"

The soldiers immediately turned around the ice platform. Some studied the text on the ice platform, some specially looked around the ice platform, and some studied the irregular patterns on the ice platform, which reminded Ye Han of the allusions of the Eight Immortals crossing the sea.

A soldier who was staring at the letters suddenly raised his head and glanced in the distance, then turned his head to look in another direction, then lowered his head and blinked, and finally raised his head somewhat uncertainly: "Sir, do you think this counts? A clue?"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, then walked quickly to the soldier's side: "What?"

"This!" The soldier pointed to the end of an s. "This is sharp, like an arrow pointing in a direction. Those are all flat, shouldn't it be a coincidence?"

The more the soldier spoke, the more guilty he became, and finally his voice became uncertain.

Ye Han turned his head and looked in the direction pointed by the tip. About a few hundred meters away, there was a hill that was at most ten meters high.

At this time, apart from this clue that doesn't look like a clue, there was no other discovery. Ye Han simply waved his hand: "Come, come and see me, Ouyang, bring your people to pick up the clues!"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping agreed loudly, and immediately rushed over with his team members.

Ye Han took the lead and rushed to the vicinity of the hill after a while. He found that he had overestimated the height before. The height of the hill was eight meters, which was the limit. The area is flamboyant.

Ye Han looked at Xiao Shan Bao and said, "Luo Qi comes with me, the others spread out, and call me immediately when you find the situation!"

"Yes!" The soldiers agreed in unison, splitting away to the sides.

Ye Han took Luo Qi up the hill step by step, ready to climb up and look into the distance.

Eight meters is not high, but the **** is relatively As soon as the two of them walked halfway up the mountain, a shout came from the foot of the mountain: "Captain, there is a situation here!"

"What's the situation?" Luo Qi asked over the radio.

"Carved a sos, and an ice cave."

Ice cave?

Hearing these two words, Ye Han turned around and walked back: "Go and have a look!"

When the two of them arrived, the soldiers were already focused, and Luo Qi immediately asked, "Where's the hole?"

"There!" A soldier raised his hand and pointed.

Ye Han took a few steps forward, and immediately saw that there was a vague and inconspicuous sos on the ice wall. If it wasn't for preconceived ideas, he thought that these were three letters, and at first glance, they might not be linked to letters.

Below the letters is the entrance to the ice cave. The arched entrance switch is extremely regular, and the top of the cave is also very high.

Ye Han walked over and stood at the entrance of the cave, raising his arm still a long way to reach the top.

Putting down his arms, he looked at the deep ice cave: "The top is so high, it should be left by aliens."

Luo Qi glanced into the ice cave. At the entrance of the ice cave, there was a downward **** of about ten meters. After that, the ice cave turned flat, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Luo Qi looked at Ye Han: "Would you like to go in and have a look?"

Ye Han turned on his headlamp, and a beam of light shone into the ice cave, shone on the smooth cave wall, reflecting the dazzling light: "Hey, this wall is even flatter than a mirror, do you believe it's natural?"

"I definitely don't believe it!" Luo Qi said.

"Then go in and have a look..." Halfway through the sentence, Ye Han turned on the radio: "Ouyang, bring the rest of the people here and show me the door!"


"Luo Qi!"


"Follow me!" Ye Han was the first to walk into the ice cave, Luo Qi took two steps to grab Ye Han, and then a few soldiers grabbed the front and firmly guarded Ye Han behind him.

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