Armor Frenzy

Chapter 824: The corner encounters a monster

Ye Han smiled and didn't speak. Giving subordinates a chance to perform is also one of the duties of the superior.

Luo Qi, who was walking in the front, kept muttering in his heart, his eyes swept around like springs.

From Fengcheng to Siberia, and from the African rainforest to Io, this team has drilled too many holes, and every experience has left a heavy shadow in everyone's heart.

It's a well-known fact that aliens love to punch holes, and staying on the team has to face that reality.

Those unbearable experiences caused many soldiers to break down psychologically, never dared to step into the burrow, and had to be transferred from their posts to leave the Marine Corps. But more soldiers chose to stay, choosing to face their inner fears and unease calmly.

The biggest enemy in life is yourself!

Ye Han also walked and watched, the ice wall at the entrance of the cave was very turbid, the pale ice seemed to be mixed with lime, and it was pale.

However, the more you walked into the cave, the more transparent the ice wall became, and the light reflected a layer of glow.

Everyone thought that the end of the **** was a straight passage, but when they got there, they realized that there was a turn. Luo Qi carefully picked up his rifle, moved to the bend with his back against the ice wall, stopped and calmed down, and suddenly probed towards the passage. Looking inside... A large mouth of blood is in front of him, Luo Qi's heart suddenly slammed, but he immediately realized that something was wrong, this thing is not alive, but directly frozen in ice!

Luo Qi let out a sigh of relief, stood up straight and looked at it carefully, the big mouth was not fully open, but it was more than two meters high up and down, more than enough for a strong man, and the rows of sharp teeth in his mouth were like sharp knives. The lips extend all the way to the depths of the giant mouth, and each tooth is about the size of a saber. It is completely conceivable to imagine the fate of falling into this big mouth.

"Luo Qi, why are you in a daze?" asked Ye Han from behind.

"Safe!" Luo Qi returned to his senses, "Captain, you'd better come and see this."

"What?" Ye Han took a few steps to the front, and was startled when he probed, "I'm going, is this a fish?"

I don't know if it was a coincidence or intentional, the big mouth was turning right, and all the outside eyes were put into the mouth, and no further situation could be seen, but Ye Han instinctively felt that it was a fish mouth.

While speaking, he had already stepped into the passage, and when he walked to the side, he couldn't help being stunned.

That giant mouth really belongs to a fish, but behind the giant mouth there are actually short bodies. That mouth alone occupies more than half of the whole body, and the proportion of the mouth to the body is close to two-thirds!

But after ignoring the body-to-mouth ratio, this thing really looks like a fish.

Luo Qi walked to Ye Han's side and exclaimed in surprise: "Let me stop, how does this thing grow? There is only one mouth all over the body! This is it!"

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "It's not surprising, this is Mu Wei Ling."

His gaze extended to the distance, just a corner away, the ice wall outside was blurry and turbid, and the ice wall inside was clear and transparent, but no other alien creatures could be seen in the line of sight.

No matter how transparent the ice wall is, there is a limit. If you can penetrate into the ice wall for seven or eight meters, you will be able to reach the sky.

Luo Qi hesitated and asked, "Do you need to dig this fish out?"

"What are you digging for?" Ye Han glanced at Luo Qi, "We're not here to investigate, let's move on!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi withdrew his gaze from Big Mouth Fish and strode forward with guns in both hands.

This is different from the entrance of the cave. Even if there is a turn, the eyes can pass through the transparent ice wall and see the situation behind the corner. The situation in front is clear at a glance, and there is no need to hide.

The first passage was only ten meters long, and the team reached the second turn within a few steps. There were still five or six meters away, and everyone saw a strange-looking alien fish frozen in the ice layer at the corner. .

This fish is much uglier than the previous bigmouth fish. The head and tail are more than two meters long, and the whole body is covered with thick bone armor. It doesn't look like a fish, but a bunch of crabs.

The team turned again, and unexpectedly found that the length of the second passage was only six or seven steps. There was a translucent mass of cotton wool frozen in the ice wall at the end of the passage.

Ye Han found out that the cotton wool was not frozen in the water, and there was a transparent material like a jar on the outside of the cotton wool.

The transparency of that thing is too high, that is, Ye Han's eyesight is good to realize that something is wrong, otherwise, even if he stares at it, he may not be able to see the clue.

Ye Han couldn't help muttering, why is there something in the ice when he turns a corner? He had a vague hunch that there were so many corners in the ice cave, and it was likely that when he was digging, he encountered a frozen creature before changing the angle.

Continue to turn, this passage is tens of meters long, but there are more than one species of frozen creatures in the ice wall. After turning around, there is a ribbon-like thing crossing the upper end of the passage.

Maybe it's a matter of angle, Ye Han just couldn't find out which side is the head and which side is the tail.

After walking more than 20 meters, the passage turned a small angle and directly entered the mouth of a giant creature - this thing is a meat tube with an amazing A passage more than three meters high It actually passed through the empty lumen of this thing, and passed through without hindrance. Through the ice wall, the light brown epidermis and dark brown stripes on the lumen wall could be clearly seen.

The team walked more than ten meters before they got out of the meat tube. Before they went too far, they saw two entangled fish in the ice wall. The smaller one was more than half a meter long and covered with spikes standing up. Like a sea urchin with a loach body, just looking at it makes people feel prickly.

The other fish was no more than seventy or eighty centimeters long. It was a bit like a big-mouthed fish, but its mouth only took up one-third of its body. The fish's mouth was already opened to the fullest. into the abdomen.

The most surprising thing is that the sticky fish did not escape in the face of the **** mouth, but looked like he was desperately trying to get red eyes, which made people both surprised and surprised.

Damn, is this a posing?

Luo Qi couldn't help but said, "Are we entering the aquarium?"

"It's quite similar." Ye Han said, "It's still a frozen aquarium... Strange, how did they freeze in?"

Ice is dead, animals are alive, fish or anything else, if you find something wrong, you must swim away as soon as possible. Even if there are stupid people who fail to escape in time, it is only a very rare phenomenon, and it freezes near the passage. The creatures are a bit too many.

"Did the aliens freeze in on purpose?" Luo Qi guessed.

"What's the use of freezing it? Eat it?" Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking of another answer in his mind - the freezing speed was too fast, and these creatures had no time to escape, or the ice layer burst, and the sea water carried the animals in the water Flooded onto the ice, and then these hapless alien creatures were trapped between two layers of ice with nowhere to escape, and were finally frozen in ice.

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