Armor Frenzy

Chapter 825: The corner encounters a strange (2)

Next, they encountered many normal or strange creatures, especially those strange-shaped carapace creatures, which were eye-opening for the soldiers.

Although alien creatures look very strange, they have something in common with earth creatures, such as the body shape of fish. This discovery convinced Ye Han that although habitable planets in the universe each have their own environment, biological The evolutionary laws of , however, apply to all habitable planets!

However, alien creatures are not the goal of the mission, everyone is just watching something new.

The ice cave always descends, and I walk all the way to see it. After at least one kilometer in depth, I finally encountered the first fork in the road.

However, the fork is very short and leads directly into the stomach of a big fish, and this fish is not the kind of meat tube that is transparent from front to back, but a giant big fish that can compete with giant whales!

The channel passes through the open fish mouth, and as long as the big mouth is closed, the ice hole can be easily bitten!

Several people stopped at the fork in the road and looked at each other at the ice cave leading to the throat of the giant fish, all of which felt extremely strange.

Ye Han suddenly remembered a sentence he learned in school: There is a fish in Beiming, its name is Kun, Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is.

Of course, this big fish is not as exaggerated as thousands of miles, but it must be more than 180 meters.

Luo Qi's eyes were straight: "What do you mean by digging a hole in the belly of a fish? Is it comfortable to live in?"

Ye Han smacked his lips at the black fish's throat: "Go, go in and have a look!" After speaking, he took the first step and walked inside.

The soldiers followed Ye Han with a strange mood... From the mouth all the way to the throat, this experience is really rare.

Ye Han originally thought that after walking through the throat, it was the esophagus of the fish, but he never thought that the belly of the fish had been hollowed out long ago. When he walked in, it was a huge space like an auditorium. When you looked up, you could see the neat fish bones. Pile of dug fish.

"I'm going!" Luo Qi couldn't help laughing, "I said how did the ice cave dig the fish's stomach, this place is a fish and meat mine!"

Fish mine?

Ye Han also smiled, this statement is fresh, but very vivid: "Let's go, there's nothing to see."

Luo Qi licked his lips, he really wanted to bring some fish back to taste, but there might be some dangerous microorganisms on the alien fish, he just thought about it.

The group left the meat mine and continued toward the depths of the ice cave. This time, they encountered a row of forks before they went far. Through the ice layer, they could see that behind each fork was a small room.

The ice walls of these rooms are probably specially treated, so that the situation in the room cannot be seen at all.

Ye Han immediately became alert and made a few gestures quickly. The soldiers immediately picked up their rifles, separated from left to right, and moved forward with their backs against the ice wall.

Ye Han brought a few soldiers to a stop at the corner of the first passage, and made a few gestures to the soldiers behind him. The soldiers immediately backed away to make room.

Ye Han immediately lay on the back of the corner, probed into the fork in the road - there were no aliens!

The three-meter-long fork connects the ice house. The ice house has no door, and the space inside is very small. The furnishings are also very simple, and you can see it clearly at a glance.

After a glance, he got up and gestured for the soldiers to move on.

The soldiers acted immediately, and after a while, they looked at more than a dozen ice rooms. After watching the last one, Luo Qi's whole body relaxed: "Boss, there is no one!"

"Go in and take a look, one by one, don't be sloppy." Ye Han said.

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, and led the two soldiers into an ice room.

Ye Han also got into one room. There was almost nothing in the ice room except an ice bed. The conditions were extremely bad... How could the aliens sleep in such a cold place!

Suddenly, an exclamation came from outside: "Captain, there is a discovery!"

Ye Han turned his head and walked out. When he walked out of the fork, he saw Luo Qi coming out from the opposite side: "Where?"

"Here!" A soldier raised his arms outside the fourth icehouse door.

Everyone rushed over immediately, and Luo Qi hurriedly stopped: "Go, go, what to do!"

The soldiers stopped moving forward, but they didn't leave either.

A soldier said, "Captain, I've seen it all, but there is nothing." After speaking, he turned his eyes to the No. 4 ice room.

"Wait outside!" Luo Qi looked at Ye Han after instructing, "Boss?"

Ye Han did his part and walked into the No. 4 ice room.

It's the same size as any other ice house, with an ice bed in the corner, an ice table at the head of the bed that acts as a table, and nothing else.

But in the ice wall on the side of the ice bed, there is a humanoid creature as tall as one person frozen!

He has thick bone armor all over his body, like a person wearing bone armor. What shocked everyone is that the bone armor has a three-star captain's rank engraved on the left and right shoulders!

Not only that, there was a long box with distorted lines under the man's shoulder, with one big, four and five small stars engraved in the corner of the box.

That's not all, Ye Han soon found a very inconspicuous five-pointed star on the forehead of the bone The inside of the five-pointed star was engraved with the word "August 1" in vertical rows.

Although the engraving is very poor, and the lines are twisted to match the graffiti of the urchins, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the appearance of the signs.

Ye Han was stunned. After a while, he stammered and said, "Well, what's going on?" He didn't deal with aliens once or twice. Not aliens!

But how does this man explain it? Are there two kinds of alien intelligent creatures on Io?

A soldier handed Luo Qi a thick hardcover book, and Luo Qi quickly handed it to Ye Han: "Boss, I found it here!"

When I received it, there was a neat row of regular script "Navigation Log" on the cover of the hardcover book. Ye Han opened the first page and saw three words "Shuwan" written on it!

His mind is even more chaotic. Don't look at the fact that human beings have already stepped into the cosmic era, and the entire army has already achieved paperless office, but many traditional things are still preserved in the army, and the logbook is one of them.

This thing looks no different from an ordinary diary. In fact, it is made of special materials. It is resistant to acid and alkali, and it is resistant to acid and alkali. Vague.

Coupled with the special storage location, it is not surprising that this thing was not damaged due to the self-destruction of the Shuwan, but he couldn't understand why this thing appeared in the ice cave of aliens, let alone this log book and ice. What's the connection with the wall?

I flipped through it casually, and I had written most of the thick diary, and it was all handwritten Chinese characters.

From the arrival of the First Fleet at Jupiter to the wreck of the Shuwan, it didn't take long. No matter how diligent the captain of the Shuwan was, it would be good if he could write a few pages, and he would never finish most of the book!

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