Armor Frenzy

Chapter 826: bad news

Ye Han glanced at the log in his hand and then looked at the person in the wall, his heart skipped a beat, and his heart shuddered.

The situation is very obvious now. If he can't guess any more dry goods, he might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill him!

Luo Qi and the soldiers were the same, but no one dared to express their guesses, and everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Han.

Ye Han gritted his teeth and suddenly put away the log: "I ordered, from now on, no one is allowed to share the findings here, understand?"

The soldiers were stunned, hesitating and not saying a word.

Ye Han suddenly roared: "Do you understand!"

"Understood!" The soldiers reflexed.

Ye Han carefully put away the log, turned to look at the person in the ice wall: "Luo Qi, dig him out, the fastest!"

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed and dug up the ice by himself.

Ye Han reminded in time: "Don't dig it up, and dig it out with the ice!"


Ye Han took a few deep breaths and walked out of the ice room pretending nothing had happened.

Although his expression was hidden under the visor, his body movements would also reveal his inner unease-he was in a turmoil right now, and he had to try his best to control his emotions in order to pretend to be nothing.

The soldiers outside the door heard Ye Han's roar, and everyone guessed that they found something extraordinary, but no one dared to ask, and all looked at Ye Han silently.

Ye Han waved his hand weakly: "Let's go, don't tell anyone about today's affairs."

The soldiers turned to leave, but stopped after taking a few steps.

All the ice rooms have been checked, and the ice caves have come to an end. Where can they spread out? He also shrewdly found an ice room and drilled into it. Anyway, it was better not to stay in front of Ye Han.

At this time, Ouyang Ping's eager voice came from the radio: "Boss, where are you?"

Ye Han took a deep breath: "The innermost part of the ice cave, what's going on?"

"Team Liu has finished releasing the nuclear bomb. Ask us if we are done."

"Understood... What are the instructions from Nanzhou?"

"No movement."

"You continue to guard, and report at any time if there is a situation."


At the end of the communication, Ye Han shouted to the few soldiers who had not escaped: "Go, call everyone out, go back the same way, and dig out all the alien fish that can be dug out of the ice, dig with ice!"

He didn't even think about taking the alien fish, the reason why he arranged to dig the fish was just to find something for the soldiers to do, so that they would not think about it.

"Yes!" The soldiers agreed, and immediately called out their companions, and they ran away after a while.

Ye Han sighed and concentrated on the log in his backpack.

Ganymede ice sea a few hours ago.

The prime minister walked quickly into the ice palace, hiding the envy in his eyes, and bowed to the figure lying in the middle of the ice palace: "Your Majesty!"

"What's the matter?" His Majesty turned his head slightly, looking lazy.

For this race that has wandered in interstellar space for countless years, sunbathing is definitely the ultimate luxury!

Jupiter is far away from the sun, and the light intensity is only four percent of that of the earth. It is not difficult to use technical means to raise the temperature of the enclosed space, but it is too difficult to enjoy the sun.

And this ice palace is designed for sunbathing. The aliens hollowed out Ganymede's ice layer and dug out a multi-layer dome. Each layer is an oversized low-power convex lens. When the sun shines on the ice surface At the same time, the multi-layer dome can gather the sunlight layer by layer, and finally become a concentrated, warm, and enjoyable sunbeam, just like here is a warm planet in the habitable zone, not a planet far away from the habitable zone. Habitat satellites.

Of course, the aliens took some necessary measures during the construction process to prevent the ice layer from melting, and secondly to increase the permeability of the ice layer, otherwise the lower dome would have been finished long ago.

The prime minister said respectfully, "Your Majesty, I just received news from the starship."

His Majesty's whole body only moved his lips: "Speak!"

"Yes!" The prime minister bowed again, "Starship is preparing to shrink its forces."

His Majesty sat up abruptly: "So fast?"

"The Blue Stars sent a new fleet, and the fleet suffered heavy losses, so they retreated into the starship ahead of schedule, and a Bluestar force landed on the starship," said the prime minister.

"How's the starship?" His Majesty's eyes were stern, sweeping away the previous laziness.

"There is no problem with the main structure. Although the Blue Stars have stellar weapons, their stellar weapons are very primitive and have no ability to destroy starships."

"That's good." His Majesty breathed a sigh of relief, "Where is the starship?"

"It's still in the fragmented star belt, and it will take a while to reach the orbit of the red star."

"It's only a small part of the flight?" His Majesty was very displeased. The originally very unpleasant sound of wood chips rubbing suddenly appeared with an accent. If translated into Chinese, this accent would be equivalent to a sigh.

His Majesty thought for a while before saying: "I can't let the Blue Stars discover the secrets of the starship, order the ground troops to dispatch, and leave me all the Bluestars who have landed! Order the Starship Fleet to wait for an opportunity to attack, we must hold the Blue Star Fleet, they The better the fight, the safer we will be... Do you think the starship can hold the Blue Star fleet?"

The prime minister hesitated and said, "The starship can continue to hold but there is bad news."


"The old fleet of the blue star people has left the star ship, and they are flying to the star!"

His Majesty raised his head consciously, and his eyes fell on the huge Jupiter: "They are here?"


"How can the Blue Star people do it?" His Majesty couldn't understand at all, how could the Blue Star people cross the starship rushing towards the Blue Star, and spend time and effort attacking the Wenxing.

"They did come."

"How long do we have?"

"About nine sub-star years," said the prime minister.

The so-called sub-star is Ganymede, and one sub-star year is Ganymede’s revolution, which is seven days and three hours. The nine sub-star years add up to only two Earth months plus a few days.

His Majesty said sternly: "When will my battleship grow up?"

"It's more than half grown, enough to crush the Blue Star Fleet."

"Where's the ship slave? How many have you made?"

"Your battleship is full and ready to go!"

"Not busy!" His Majesty waved his hand, "Our fleet is not strong enough, we still need time to develop, wait for the Blue Star Fleet to call... Well, just send some battleships, enough to deal with the Blue Star Fleet. Arouse the alertness of the Blue Star people."

"Yes, my majesty."

After dealing with the urgent matter, His Majesty breathed a sigh of relief, lay back and asked, "Hasn't the stellar weapon broken through yet?"

"Yes, the theoretical model is very perfect, but there is no material for making stellar weapons near the star."

"Material? What material?"

"All kinds of materials, especially the heavy metal called uranium, we don't know where to find this metal."

"Heavy metal? Why does the star weapon still use heavy metal?" His Majesty was puzzled. "Did those prisoners talk nonsense?"

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