Armor Frenzy

Chapter 827: ambition

His Majesty doesn't know how stellar weapons are made, but he knows why stars glow and heat up, and heavy metals are needed to make stellar weapons. Isn't this nonsense?

The prime minister quickly said: "Your Majesty, we still don't know the role of heavy metals, but the theory of stellar weapons is directly extracted by us, and there can be no mistakes."

His Majesty became angry and snarled: "I don't want to hear this, I just want the result, the result! Go, continue to extract the captive's memory, they must know how to make stellar weapons!"

"As you wish, my majesty!" The prime minister quietly retreated, his majesty tossing and turning in the sun, even the warm sunbathing failed to calm him down.

It has been a long time since he came to this galaxy. From the day he knew that the Blue Star people possessed stellar weapons, his heart has never been calm, and the only thought is to get the stellar weapons as soon as possible.

Stars are the crystallization of the entire universe, and stars are the most profound secrets of this universe. For low-level civilizations, star weapons are definitely the pinnacle of science and technology that can’t be reached. Only by mastering star weapons can we have the foundation for advancing to higher civilizations.

Any cosmic civilization knows the importance of stellar weapons. Any civilization with stellar weapons will regard stellar weapons as the top secret of the entire civilization. Only a handful of people at the top of civilization are qualified to master the secrets of stellar weapons!

The principle of stellar weapon is more secret than its manufacturing method. Since those prisoners know the principle of stellar weapon, they must know the manufacturing method of stellar weapon... Those prisoners must be nobles of Blue Star civilization, and high-level nobles, otherwise they will definitely Not qualified to touch the principle of stellar weapons!

Those prisoners must have hidden the manufacturing method of stellar weapons in the depths of their memory. As long as they continue to rummage through the memories of the prisoners, they will be able to find out the manufacturing method one day. At that time... hum, he will have a revival The confidence of civilization will definitely lead the people to step into the ranks of higher civilization, to a new level that this civilization has never reached!

It's just that he couldn't understand no matter what, how the low-level civilization like the Blue Stars used to master stellar weapons. Could it be that the Blue Stars are descendants of a higher civilization?

But he searched his mind and couldn't think of any higher civilization that was similar to the Blue Star people. Otherwise, the Blue Star people found the relics left by the higher civilization... Yes, that must be the case!

He stood up abruptly. There must be more than one technology of stellar weapons in the relics of high-level civilizations. For such a low-level civilization as Blue Star, to master stellar technology is definitely a bad luck!

So, in addition to stellar weapons, what else is there in the relics of advanced civilizations?

Thinking of this, his heart suddenly burst into flames—the ruins must be snatched from the Blue Stars!

No matter the cost!

But Blue Star is so big, where exactly are the ruins?

The line of sight turns to Io Zero.

Luo Qi and the other two warriors finally dug through the ice wall and walked out of the ice room with ice cubes cut into coffins.

Luo Qi reported in a low voice, "Boss, it's done!"

Ye Han sighed: "Let's go." He really wanted to find something to cover the ice, but even the armored backpack was made of alloy, so he couldn't find anything suitable.

While thinking about where to look for a piece of cloth or something, Ouyang Ping's voice suddenly came in his ears: "Boss, the flagship found aliens, and ordered us to withdraw immediately!"

"Received!" Ye Han immediately walked out, "All attention, withdraw from the ice cave immediately, repeat, immediately withdraw from the ice cave!"

When the soldiers who were digging ice scattered all over the ice cave heard Ye Han's voice, they immediately dropped everything and ran out.

Luo Qi and the others followed behind Ye Han, carrying ice cubes and running fast.

Ye Han shouted on the radio as he ran, "Ouyang, have you received the details?"

"Yes!" Ouyang Ping said, "The enemy suddenly emerged from the ground, and appeared from several directions at the same time, and they have surrounded us!"

"What happened to Liu Bin?"

"All three planes took off."

"Where is the nearest enemy?"

"More than thirty kilometers to the southwest, their speed is very fast!"

"We'll be there soon, let the plane fly over first, and call air support immediately!"


Nanzhou received a request from the ground and immediately began to arrange support, but before the fleet was in place, a loud voice suddenly sounded from the bridge: "Report, found an enemy ship, azimuth 034, 335, distance 12,000, number Thirty-four... and it continues to increase!"

The atmosphere in the bridge suddenly tense, Ling Yu said urgently: "Put it on the main screen!"

The optical system immediately put the captured picture on the main screen, and saw a group of alien warships coming out from behind Io, the ice-white hull reflecting pale light in the sunlight.

Ling Yu's voice was as cold as iron: "When will the Marine Corps assemble?"

"At least half an hour!"

"Leave and leave another carrier-based aircraft brigade to be responsible for air support. The other ships will immediately raise their altitudes.

With an order, the Third Fleet immediately took action. Nanzhou released ten carrier-based aircraft in one breath. Yushan and these ten aircraft lowered their heights and prepared to respond to the Marine Corps.

As the other warships raised their altitude, they released drones. The carrier-based aircraft and drones in Nanzhou flew out like fireworks. They were densely packed near Nanzhou, accompanied by Nanzhou, and rushed to the enemy with the fleet. military.

At the same time as the fleet set off, Ye Han finally rushed out of the ice cave. Not far away was the rotorcraft that had just flown over. The raised wings were still spinning rapidly.

Seeing Ye Han, Ouyang Ping immediately rushed off the plane with a few soldiers, and together they helped lift the ice cubes and rushed towards the plane at the fastest speed.

As soon as Ye Han looked up, he happened to see a group of small black dots appearing in the sky in the southeast direction, and he immediately shouted: "Quick, quick!"

The team rushed into the plane, and before the door was closed, the plane took off.

Ye Han, who landed at the back, was still outside the cabin. Seeing this, he jumped with force and jumped up to a height of more than four meters like a rocket.

The hatch closed and the plane rose rapidly. Ye Han got up and sat aside. He let out a long breath and turned on the radio: "Liu Bin Liu Bin, where have you been?"

"Report, encountering a large number of aliens, our department is avoiding!"

"how many?"

"At least a thousand, a lot!"

"Can you go over?"

"It's gaining altitude, they're not flying high."

"Received!" Ye Han closed the line to switch the frequency, "Swift 1 calls the fleet, Swift 2 needs air support!"

"Swift 1, air support is ready, the five-second countdown!" Lin Yi's voice immediately appeared in Ye Han's ears.

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