Armor Frenzy

Chapter 830: fight to the death

The soldiers had no choice, and immediately went into intense preparations. All the ammunition stored on the plane was moved to the most convenient location, all the seriously wounded were placed inside the plane, and all the lightly wounded joined the combat sequence...

The effective time of the smoke bomb is only more than three minutes. When Liu Bin received the news, more than half of the three minutes had passed, and the preparations were only halfway through, and the smoke screen had begun to dissipate!

Liu Bin got out of the plane a long time ago. Although his legs can't move, there is no problem with shooting!

He has been paying attention to the situation of the smoke screen, and found that the smoke screen is fading, Liu Bin immediately raised his head, his eyes did not blink, and he was focused on the air.

A few seconds later, a few vague figures appeared over the Swift 3, with a height of less than ten meters!

Liu Bin was so surprised that he almost didn't cry out!

After the smoke bomb exploded, the buzzing sound in the air was always in his ears. He knew that the alien was above his head, but he never thought that the alien had already touched so close!

There are not many aliens in the sky, but Liu Bin believes that aliens are gathering here. As long as the smoke screen dissipates later, the aliens will launch a surprise attack on Swift 3!

At a critical juncture, Liu Bin remained calm in the face of danger, lowered his voice and said on the radio: "All attention, prepare to fight, I count three, two, one, and shoot me overhead... Three, two, one!"

The last word was shouted loudly, and everyone outside the plane fired into the air together, and the dense bullets immediately woven a fire net over the Swift 3.

The soldiers in the plane ran out one after another. The first one found a vacant seat and inserted into it, and joined the shooting ranks. The last one couldn't find a place, so they simply climbed on the plane, lay on the top of the plane and fired.

The large-caliber machine gun on the plane also turned to the air, but before the machine gun was aimed at the target, the aliens in the air had been beaten into blood gourds by the dense rain of bullets, falling one by one.

The battle started suddenly. While the bullet rain destroyed the enemy, the dense gunshots also exposed the position of Swift No. 3. The silk light from all directions fell from the sky without warning. Swift No. 3 was shrouded in dense layers of silk light, like the world end.

Liu Bin had more than a dozen lines of silk light in his body, and one heart suddenly became cold, and the others were not much better. Everyone had to be hit by at least three or five lines of silk light, and everyone's heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

But the layers of silk light dissipated, Liu Bin was stunned to find that he was still alive, he touched his body in surprise, and was pleasantly surprised to find that none of the silk light penetrated the armor!

"I'm fine?" The huge surprise hit Liu Bin, he immediately roared in the voice of a father and mother getting married, "I'm still alive!"

The soldiers also found that the situation was not right, and they all shouted: "It's okay, it's okay!"

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt at all..."

Various voices were mixed together on the radio. The soldiers who escaped from death used their roars to dispel the remaining fear... From ancient times to the present, how many people have dared to face death calmly?

Everything happened between the electric light and flint, but Liu Bin already vaguely understood that the reason why this happened was because the smoke screen weakened the power of mercerized light!

At this moment, another layer of silk light penetrated the smoke screen and fell near Swift No. 3.

Liu Bin abruptly rolled over and rolled under the wing. The clever soldiers also avoided the first time, but some of them were slow to react stupidly and stood there dumbfounded.

Before the ray of light had dissipated, Liu Bin opened his throat and roared: "Counterattack, fight back!" Before he could finish his words, he had already rolled out of the wing, aimed his gun at an alien, and pulled the trigger flatly.

The smoke screen faded a bit, and the alien figure appeared in the air again.

The soldiers woke up like a dream, and immediately raised their guns and fired, and a dense firepower network rose into the sky... The battle was urgent. At this time, no one cared about whether there were casualties. Everyone's idea was **** the aliens.

The aliens in the air flew away immediately, flying quickly to avoid the rain of bullets, and the aliens who were hit fell one by one, and fell heavily on the nearby ice surface.

Countless silk lights also fell from the air, and there was no smoke screen to weaken the threat of silk light.

A silk light fell from the sky, and the soldier beside Liu Bin was cut in the shoulder by the silk light, and was cut in half from the shoulder to the thigh by the silk light. Half of his body fell in front of Liu Bin, his ribs were neatly chopped, and the steaming viscera and blood fell to the ground. The splashed blood stained the ice surface, and the ice quickly froze into dark red blood spots.

Three meters away, another soldier was cut in half diagonally by the silk light, and his internal organs and blood dripped all over the ground.

There are still many casualties of soldiers, even the least injured soldiers have their arms cut off by the silk light... There are really too many aliens, to the point where the soldiers can't resist.

A soldier couldn't help being terrified, and suddenly turned his head and rushed towards the plane, but he only took two steps before his chest and abdomen were cut off by a ray of light.

In just a few seconds, the soldiers guarding the vicinity of Swift No. 3 had already suffered one-third casualties, and the number of casualties was still increasing rapidly.

Liu Bin's eyes widened, and a violent roar burst out: "Yushan, shoot at me, shoot at me—"

He thought it would not be a problem to persist for ten minutes, but for the ever-changing battlefield, one second is enough to change the balance of victory and defeat!

He had suffered heavy losses just after the start of the war. If he continued like this for ten minutes, he might not be able to hold on for ten seconds. UU reading www.

Yushan's shooting never stopped. After receiving Liu Bin's signal, Lin Yi was immediately caught in a dilemma.

He knew very well that if the aliens hovering near Swift 3 could not be eliminated, the troops on the ground would not escape death, but if they opened fire on Swift 3, the soldiers who landed would only die faster.

Ye Han's voice suddenly inserted into the communication: "Lin Yi, with Swift No. 3 as the center, fully shrink the firepower network!"

"Yes!" Lin Yi found the backbone at once, and immediately did as Ye Han wanted. All the laser beams focused on Swift 3 and circled around Swift 3. The aliens nearby ushered in the disaster of extinction. It rained and fell, and the pressure on the team members was greatly reduced.

But Ye Han knew this was not enough, he shouted on the radio: "Swift No. 1 calls Nanzhou No. 1, and Swift calls Nanzhou No. 1!"

"Nanzhou received it, Swift No. 1, please speak!"

"Nanzhou, Swift No. 1 asks for fire support!"

"Swift One, the fleet is fighting..."

"Nanzhou, I only need a laser, a salvo will do!"

"Understood, wait a minute!" The voice in the communication fell silent and reappeared a few seconds later, "Swift No. 1, the request is approved, but only once!"

"Understood, I need the fleet to fire above Swift 3 and sweep over from Swift 3. The closer you get to the plane, the better. The power doesn't need to be too high, and the duration should be as long as possible. It is best to clean it repeatedly!"

"Understood, I'll arrange it right away!"

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