Armor Frenzy

Chapter 831: Crisis build-up

At the end of the communication, Ye Han's eyes turned to the distance, where there were lasers falling continuously, and the dense lasers were combined together, as if a beam of light fell from the sky. In the beam of light, there were meteors draped in flames that kept falling, which were from Yushan. Cannonballs!

Ye Han's eyes were full of worry, because he knew that the bottom of the beam of light was the crash-landing Swift No. 3!

He didn't know how long Liu Bin and the soldiers who forced the landing would last. Ye Han, who had never had any religious beliefs, prayed to God subconsciously. After reading half of the prayers in his heart, he realized that he had lost his mind.

At this time, the Third Fleet was fighting fiercely with the Alien Fleet. Since the alien’s goal was to land troops, the Alien Fleet’s attack was very restrained, even a little passive, and always kept a safe distance from the Third Fleet, that is, neither approaching nor pulling Far.

The firepower between the two sides is more like a botched performance than a life-and-death battle!

Ling Yu knew very well that the purpose of the aliens was to attract the attention of the fleet, and their real intention was to hold back the Third Fleet and create conditions for the aliens to encircle and destroy the landing troops.

The intention of the alien fleet is too obvious, how could Ling Yu not see the truth?

But even if he knew that the aliens had impure goals, he would not dare to withdraw the fleet, let alone leave the alien fleet alone—once the alien fleet flew over the landing force, there would be no use in annihilating the landing force to be besieged by the aliens. ?

Even if the two sides are jokingly shooting the same firepower, it is necessary to continue to maintain it.

Many people don't understand why they want to play firepower with aliens outside the range. They think it's a waste of time and resources, but Ling Yu has a deeper consideration.

The way the aliens fight is very strange, but the aliens are normal, what is the benefit to the Third Fleet?

It is not a waste of resources for the two fleets to collide and fight to the death, but the result is either a tragic victory for the Third Fleet, or the complete annihilation of the Third Fleet. Which outcome is a good thing?

Moreover, the fleet strength of the aliens is still much higher than that of the third fleet. Even if the third fleet can repel the enemy at a relatively small price, who can guarantee that the aliens will not send out a more powerful fleet?

No matter which result, it's not good for the Third Fleet and the landing troops. Since the aliens want to play routines, it's not bad for the Third Fleet to play with them. It's better than two fleets colliding with each other, and the human brain is better than a dog's brain. ?

At the moment, Ling Yu's mind is full of resentment, and he can't figure out why Beidu did not arrange a landing operation. In this case, wouldn't landing on Io Wei zero mean death?

The two sides maintained a tacit balance until the Third Fleet received a communication from Ye Han.

Nanzhou sent a signal of fire support to the entire fleet. Each ship immediately handed over control of the laser turret to the flagship. All laser cannons with shooting angles turned together. According to the coordinate data provided by Nanzhou, the fastest speed Aim in the specified direction.

It only took a few seconds from issuing the order to the complete firing preparation. After everything was ready, Nanzhou decisively issued a firing order. Nearly a hundred laser main guns fired at the same time, and the beam instantly traveled through a long distance of tens of thousands of kilometers. The top of the number converged into a beam, and all the aliens affected by the laser died on the spot.

Immediately, all the turrets moved slightly under the unified coordination of Nanzhou, and the laser beam swept back and forth above the Swift 3 twice before disappearing.

The position of the Third Fleet is too far, so far that the beam from the fleet is almost level with the earth!

The beam came without warning, and wiped out most of the aliens in the air. The pressure on Swift 3 was reduced again and again, and the remaining aliens could no longer use silk light to weave nets. The soldiers fought back under the command of Liu Bin. , Finally, with the cooperation of Yushan, the alien's arrogance was completely suppressed.

The aliens in the vicinity are almost dead, and there is no ability to organize a large-scale attack, and it is a strange thing to be arrogant.

Liu Bin and the others finally had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief. It didn't take half a minute from the first shot to the end of the battle, but in this short thirty seconds, dozens of soldiers' lives were taken away, and they gathered at Swift No. 3. More than half of the soldiers were killed or wounded!

Few of them were injured, and most of the soldiers who were hit by the silk light died on the spot.

There were more than 90 people in the three Swifts. One group was killed and injured during the airborne, and another group was killed just now. There are less than forty people who are still intact.

The battle was temporarily suspended, but the soldiers could not rest. They silently carried away the wounded and collected the remains. No one knew whether the next sacrifice was themselves.

There were no cluster targets near Swift 3. The firepower from Yushan was no longer concentrated, but scattered around with Swift 3 as the center to clear out the aliens.

It seems that everything is going in the right direction, but it all starts with the fire support of the 3rd Fleet!

The alien ground troops suffered huge losses, and the alien fleet, which had been grinding foreign workers, suddenly lost their voices collectively, and then changed the previous dodging and retreat, and launched an attack brazenly... It was not the previous attack that avoided the important, but a real storm!

This change is really unexpected. Fortunately, the two sides have always maintained a safe distance, and the Third Fleet has enough time to deal with it. However, Ling Yu was very worried about the reaction of the alien fleet. He immediately asked, "How long will Yushan take?"

Wang Tianyu immediately asked a few questions, and quickly replied: "Five to seven minutes!"

"Why so long?"

"Swift-1 acting alone is returning."

Ling Yu took a deep breath: "How long will the fleet be in contact?"

"Two minutes, up to three minutes."

"Notify Ye Han, let him hurry up..."

"Report, found a large enemy army!"

Ling Yu's eyebrows stood up on the spot: "Location, contact time!"

"Azimuth 031, 344, contact time nine minutes... No, the enemy's heading is not mine... They are flying straight to Yushan, and they are heading for Yushan!"

"Contact time!"

"Twenty-nine minutes!"

Ling Yu almost jumped up: "Organize an interception immediately and inform Yushan to land immediately!"

"Yushan reported that it found that the alien ground troops were moving towards Swift 3, and the contact time was seven minutes!"

"Mother, why are you all rushing together!" Ling Yu was furious, "Send the order immediately, and withdraw as much as you can!"


The order was immediately conveyed, and at the same time, Ye Han received a communication from Yushan: "Swift 1, the flagship ordered me to land immediately, how much time do you need?"

"Four minutes, I only need four minutes!"

"Yushan received, Swift 1, I am going to land near Swift 3, the estimated landing time is six minutes, please be ready to board the arrow... Also, aliens are approaching Swift 3, the estimated contact time is seven minute!"

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