Armor Frenzy

Chapter 851: first glimpse

After reading this paragraph in one breath, Ye Han gradually outlined the appearance of aliens in his mind, but he immediately frowned.

According to Wang Zhifei's description, aliens are slender, insect-like exoskeleton creatures, otherwise there would be no such thing as "full body bone armor".

But the human's Fengcheng incident and the aliens captured in other areas are not exoskeletons covered with flesh at all, but the same endoskeletons as humans.

The limbs are slender and tall, but it can match.

The autopsy results on the other side of the earth are definitely fine, but why is it so different from Wang Zhifei's records?

The exoskeleton, the endoskeleton, can't be a creature at all, right? Could it be that the aliens Wang Zhifei saw were wearing armor all the time?

That's not right, there is a record in the diary that "I finally saw the real face", that is to say, the aliens that Wang Zhifei usually sees are wearing armor, and he specifically described that part of seeing the real face.

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more confused he became. There was a sense of frustration that the truth was in front of him, but he couldn't see it.

A thought suddenly burst into his mind. Could it be that aliens can freely switch between the outer and inner bones?

But he immediately shook his head and threw the idea aside. There are many aliens who can transform, but those are just novels, movies and TV shows. In reality, aliens are just natural creatures. Super power, that's all.

Thinking of this, Ye Han has come to the conclusion that either Wang Zhifei's record is wrong; or, there are more than one kind of aliens...

The question now is how credible is Wang Zhifei's record!

Ye Han doesn't want to doubt his own people, but Wang Zhifei has been captured by aliens for so long and has been transformed by aliens. If aliens do something on Wang Zhifei's nerves, it is not impossible for the brain to hallucinate.

Also, the aliens have long since obtained the books on the Shuwan, and they are fully capable of deciphering the text in the books. If the aliens impersonate Wang Zhifei... No, the sentences in the books are written in written language, and the diary contains many words. Spoken language, this is something that aliens can't imitate anyway.

Then there is only the second answer.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help rubbing his forehead. There are two kinds of aliens? He really had a hard time believing this conclusion, even if he came up with it himself.

As the saying goes, one mountain does not allow two tigers. Think about it, the history of human civilization for more than 5,000 years is a history of war, and the same kind and the same kind are all fighting each other. If there is another intelligent creature on the earth, hehe, it is not too early. Just hit the earth with a comet?

But...what if it were true?

What if it was true?

If aliens are really two groups, what is the relationship between the two groups?

From Wang Zhifei's words, it can be seen that there is cooperation and confrontation between the two groups of aliens, and the relationship between them is very complicated, and this is precisely the reason for the confusion!

Ye Han was one head and two big. He put aside all his thoughts and calmed down for a while before returning to normal. He opened the diary and continued to look down.

When: Second half of 2026.

Location: An ice cave on the surface of Io.

Recorder: Wang Zhifei.

We were attacked again, and I followed a group of aliens to escape the ice cave before, hiding like a panicked rabbit for a while, and finally found a safe ice cave and settled down.

There were only a dozen or so aliens left by my side, and if it wasn't for nowhere to go, I would have escaped long ago.

This new place is nice, there are a lot of alien creatures frozen in the ice cave, and I also saw a very large fish in the ice, I don't know what the name of that thing is, but I'm sure it's bigger than whales.

Those aliens dug the ice hole into the mouth of the big fish, and the ants moved to dig up the flesh and blood of the big fish. God, this is crazy, I never thought that the meat could come like this.

But the fish tastes really good.

There are two blank lines after the end of this paragraph.

Say something a little different, I've always wanted to learn alien languages, but their pronunciation is so weird that no matter what they say, they sound the same, and it's impossible to tell the difference just by ear.

During this time, I repeatedly expressed my desire to learn alien languages, and I did learn it for a while, but even if they split their voices into monophonic, I still couldn’t hear their language and sawing wood. the difference.

Back then, when I pointed a finger up to the alien and said one, he also put up a finger and said "cha", I pointed **** and said two, and he still said "cha" with two fingers. He said cha cha, I can also see a little hope!

I believe that any earthling in this situation will collapse like me.

Later I thought that their language may not be as simple as I thought, and their pronunciation is likely to be beyond the range of human hearing like bats, unless they use a code language, otherwise it is impossible Communicate with just that simple voice.

It took me a long time to realize that to learn this language requires not only good listening, but also ventriloquism, so I had to give up.

But the aliens seem to want to communicate with me. I don't know what method they used. They found an alien who can speak Chinese from the dungeon... His Chinese is very difficult to understand, but it is always a good thing to be able to communicate. .

Below are two more blank lines.

During this period of time, I have been running in with Zaza, and now I can barely communicate.

Zaza is the alien who learns Chinese. I asked him what his name was. He pointed to himself and said cha cha. Then, I gave him this foreign name. Anyway, he didn’t care at all, so let’s call it that.

My first question is to ask him if he knows about other people. To be honest, I didn't have any hope when I asked, but Zaza said that there are still a few people alive, but how many are there? I don't know, or can't tell.

I almost went crazy with joy. I have never been so happy since I arrived at Io. I especially wanted to know how they were doing, but I asked a few times, and Zaza said it a few times, but I didn't find anything useful. The news, now only know that someone is still alive.

It's not that Zaza doesn't want to say it, it's that he not only has problems with pronunciation, but his grammar is also half-hearted. It is common for words to fail to convey their meaning. I have to guess what he said to understand. It always turns into sawing wood in the middle of the sentence.

The communication between the two of us was too reluctant.

After I calmed down, I also thought about it. At first, only Brother Huang and I escaped, and everyone else died on the road. Basically, we both saw it with our own eyes. There may be one or two uncertainties at most, but Zaza is very sure. Tell me, there are at least four prisoners in the dungeon.

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