Armor Frenzy

Chapter 852: In-depth communication

If it is not a companion who fled together, it can only be the person who disappeared at the beginning, is it Lu Peng? Zeng Rui? Wu Songyan or someone else?

Where did the aliens take them? How do they live?

I can't think of what the aliens did to them, but for sure, their situation couldn't be too good.

I wanted to ask Zaza to ask them about other people's situation, but Zaza agreed, but did he really understand what I said?

Also, even if Zaza's original words are conveyed, will other aliens agree to my request?

Finally, do these aliens have the ability to find out what I want to know?

Speaking of this, I have always been curious about the identities of these aliens. From what I know, they are especially like anti-government guerrillas. kind.

But their power within the aliens is not small, otherwise they would not have been able to bring me and Brother Huang out, and I have a feeling that they have many sympathizers within the aliens.

This kind of feeling is really special. In a mandarin word, the mass base of the alien guerrillas is good. This reminds me of the stories before the founding of the People's Republic of China. ?

Since then, I have especially wanted to know the social structure of aliens, and I also found a chance to ask Zaza. Zaza doesn’t seem to understand the word social structure. We communicated for a while before we let him understand the meaning of the word. , I think he was very happy at the time, and he pulled me to talk about it, but it was still an old problem, and the words didn't convey the meaning.

The two of us talked about this for a long time, but Zaza didn't talk about it at all, and just started making gestures. I think what he meant, it seemed that there were two levels in aliens.

I'm a little dizzy, how are these two levels divided? Nobles and commoners? Officials and civilians? Or some other division?

Speaking of levels, there are so many levels in human society that I can't even explain it to him.

But Zaza and his companions must be on the lower level... I remembered my previous thoughts again, I want to tell Zaza all things like equality for everyone, armed seizure of power, etc., even if he is sent by aliens Agent, these things may also be passed through his mouth, as long as I can cause a little trouble to the aliens, I will earn it.

But what to say? Let’s not talk about whether Zaza can understand it, and I don’t know the social structure of aliens. Even if I say it, I can’t get the point. Moreover, when it comes to armed seizure of power, it is inevitable to mention the sixteen-character policy and the strategy of encircling the city from the countryside. Such things, regardless of tactics or strategy, I don't want to tell the aliens a word, even if they are really the opposition in the aliens.

Zaza not only answered my questions, but also took the initiative to tell me other things. He seemed to want me to understand the situation of aliens. Point to the sky, do not know what he means. Later, when he was anxious, he simply dragged me outside the cave and pointed to the sky. Following the direction he pointed, I saw Jupiter.

But what does Jupiter have to do with their social structure? Or is there some secret Jupiter wants me to know?

Just kidding, no matter how ignorant I am, I know what's going on on Jupiter. No matter how powerful the aliens are, how dare they go to Jupiter? Unless it's the moons of Jupiter.

More than Jupiter, I wanted to know where they came from, and I asked this question at the time, but Zaza said he didn't know!

how can that be?

I didn't believe it at all, and I asked him a few times, but he was in a hurry, but couldn't answer it. Later, he seemed to ask other aliens before telling me that no one could answer this question. superior.

During this period of time and Zaza, my vigilance has dropped a lot. After this incident, I began to be wary of these aliens again.

Zaza seems to have felt it too. He tried very hard to communicate with me, even with gestures, meaning that when he and others were born, Jupiter had already revolved around Jupiter, and no one knew what happened before.

Later, I talked a little deeper. I found that Zaza knew nothing about the solar system. He had never even heard of Saturn. He only knew some things in the orbit of Jupiter, and he only knew, just like we know the moon, but few people can say Know how far the moon is from the earth, let alone how big and heavy the moon is.

This is really strange. Could it be that a civilization like the aliens is still monopolizing knowledge, allowing only the upper class to learn advanced knowledge, while the lower class can only master simple common sense?

When I asked this question, Zaza still answered with the previous reasons. Now I understand that Zaza may mean that he is too young and has not learned a lot.

This explanation is quite reasonable, but are there so many aliens here are all as young as Zaza?

Zaza's answer has never been so happy, but it's still an old question that I don't understand.

He played with me for at least half an hour before I understood what he meant by division of labor, which meant that the alien system was similar to that of the Ming Dynasty. Industry knowledge is not required, nor is it necessary to understand.

How to put it, the education system of aliens will definitely not produce masters and top scholars, but the input and output ratio of education is definitely much higher than that of comprehensive education.

There's no need to ask this question at all. Zaza doesn't know anything about the upper level, and he doesn't know anything he asks.

I asked him if the alien soldier was a hereditary occupation, but he couldn't understand the sentence. I took apart the meaning of the sentence and explained it a little bit. Later, he seemed to understand, but his answer was very strange.

He asked me what hereditary was.

I said that the father's business is inherited from the son... Of course, that's not what I said, he still doesn't understand, and I said it's passed down from generation to generation, but he still doesn't understand.

I explained this issue for a long time and he still didn’t understand it. Finally, I asked his father and mother if they understood, and explained to him carefully about father and mother. After understanding what I meant, he said that he had no concept of father and mother at all. There is no father, but there is a mother.

This result surprised me. Could it be possible that the aliens are not bisexual, but reproduce by some kind of asexual reproduction?

I remember that there is a word for this situation, but I just can't remember the word.

Aren't all higher organisms bisexual reproduction? Even plants are bisexual, how can aliens reproduce asexually the offspring of this lower creature?

Could it be that the alien men are all dead, and all the aliens I see are mothers?

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