Armor Frenzy

Chapter 854: despair

When: By the end of 2026.

Location: An ice cave on the surface of Io Zero.

Recorder: Wang Zhifei.

I am in a very lost mood now, very, very lost. Just now, I saw the alien fleet lift off collectively, and hundreds of warships flew into the sky. Then, I saw two fleets exchange fire fiercely, one after another. The starship sank in a nuclear explosion.

At that time, my heart was so excited that it almost burst, it was the fleet, our fleet, the human fleet!

Two years later, I finally waited for the human fleet to finally keep the clouds open and see the moon, finally, finally!

I wish I could grow wings and fly directly to the sky. My only thought is to get in touch with the fleet as soon as possible, but how to get in touch? Even if I got in touch, who would know that I was a person?

I clearly see the hope of getting out of the sea of ​​misery, but I can't catch it, what should I do? What exactly should I do?

Forget it, give it a try.

Seeing this, Ye Han's heart tightened all of a sudden, his eyes crossed the two blank lines, and immediately looked at the following content:

I wanted to turn it on, I'm going to try it anyway, I wanted to try it with a light signal, so I pulled out the laser gun, but it's been on for too long, and the battery has long since died.

Lighting three fires can also represent a call for help, but there is no way to make a fire in this ghost place.

Mirror reflection? I don't have a mirror, and it's not daytime.

I thought about it for a long time, and all the ways I could think of were useless, and I said that there is no way out, but where is my way?

Two more empty lines.

In the blink of an eye, it's been a month, and I'm really desperate.

I thought of a lot of ways, but it didn't work. Finally, I carved a sos with a saber. I hope the fleet can see it. Even if I can't take me back, at least let the fleet know that there is a person like me on Io Zero.

But the signal I've waited for is really unremarkable, and it's been a few months.

During this period of time, I have been observing the battle in the sky. I hoped that the Third Fleet would win, but I was disappointed. The battle was deadlocked from the very beginning. The alien fleet was very tenacious and blocked the Third Fleet. Io zero.

Or maybe the fleet has seen my signal, but they can't even get close, let alone pick me up.

Am I doomed to be alone here all my life? I can not be reconciled!

I asked Zaza if I could get a battleship. I wanted to grab a battleship and leave, but Zaza said he couldn't do it. He and his companions were infantry, and they were not even qualified to approach the battleship, let alone not. Launch a battleship.

I asked him where the battleship was parked, and he planned to grab it by himself, but he said he didn't know.

I want to find it myself, but there is no alien to lead the way, I can't even tell the direction, what should I do?

Here are two more blank lines:

It's been a few months since the arrival of the Third Fleet, and I've gone from ecstasy at first, then loss, then madness, and finally despair.

I am not a person who gives up easily, but I really have no choice. In half a year, I have engraved sos and national flags. I have sat beside them countless times and looked up at the sky and the fleet of fierce battles, but no one ever watched I take a look, even if you give me a signal.

But no, nothing.

I wanted to make some more conspicuous signals, but I was blocked by aliens. These guerrillas didn't want to attract the attention of the government forces. I wanted to attack them behind my back, but they sent people to follow me, and they were inseparable.

What should I say? Who am I to blame? Who is to be blamed?

Who made me not a person? Now I am an alien in the eyes of human beings, just he. Mom is an alien! ! !

There are not many words in this paragraph, but both the handwriting and the narration are full of resentment. Ye Han is particularly unpleasant to see it. He can't imagine how sad it would be if Wang Zhifei's experience fell on him.

After another two lines, the originally ugly handwriting became even more scribbled:

I'm done, I'm done.

Recently, I have been feeling that my body is not right, but I haven't found anything. Until today, I found that my eyes are congested, my mouth is not quite right, I have no energy in my body, and I even struggle to breathe.

I think of Brother Huang, and the inexplicable aliens who died.

Is it my turn now? When it's my turn, it's my turn, anyway, it's not interesting to live, it's better to die clean.

I just wrote it here, I hope that this diary can be seen again one day, and I don’t want to correct my name, that is, let people know what happened to us.

Time can't go back, life can't be repeated, if I can go back to the past, I will definitely, definitely not join the army again, never join the fleet, and never join the expeditionary army.

At this point, the diary came to an abrupt end.

Ye Han reluctantly flipped back, but couldn't find half a word after it.

Closing the diary, Ye Han seemed to be missing a piece in his heart, feeling empty and uncomfortable, but also sad as if something was blocked.

Although there are no other records later, Ye Han can imagine what happened to Wang Zhifei, which made his already depressed mood even more heavy.

The weight is not only because of Wang Zhifei, but also because of other captured soldiers. According to the diary, those prisoners left in the dungeon are probably still alive, so what is their current situation? What do aliens get from them?

Ye Han couldn't help thinking of the naval guns on the alien battleship.

Could the naval gun technology mastered by the aliens be revealed by the captured personnel?

He didn't want to think so, but he had to think so.

If the artillery technology of the aliens is related to the captured personnel, then it is certain that they have revealed more than artillery technology to the aliens. Although there is no technical expert among the captured people, even if it is only the most popular things. It's not good for aliens either.

To give the simplest example, everyone knows the mass-energy equation, and aliens don’t have to know how the mass-energy equation came from, they just need to know that the equation is correct.

Thinking of this, Ye Han was suddenly stunned. All the previous speculations about aliens were based on human cognition, and Wang Zhifei said in his diary that aliens had a clear division of labor, and he still couldn't figure out the society of aliens. structure.

So how much do aliens know about the human social structure? Do aliens also use their own cognition to figure out the social structure of human beings?

It's almost certain!

If this speculation is true, combined with the contents of the diary, the aliens are likely to divide the prisoners into three, six, and nine classes, thinking that only some of the prisoners understand technology, while others are very simple warriors.

Therefore, the aliens used a series of methods to pick out all the technicians they thought. If the aliens knew that the knowledge level of all the captives was similar, Huang Biao and Wang Zhifei would never have a chance to escape from the dungeon.

When: By the end of 2026.

Location: An ice cave on the surface of Io Zero.

Recorder: Wang Zhifei.

I am in a very lost mood now, very, very lost. Just now, I saw the alien fleet lift off collectively, and hundreds of warships flew into the sky. Then, I saw two fleets exchange fire fiercely, one after another. The starship sank in a nuclear explosion.

At that time, my heart was so excited that it almost burst, it was the fleet, our fleet, the human fleet!

Two years later, I finally waited for the human fleet to finally keep the clouds open and see the moon, finally, finally!

I wish I could grow wings and fly directly to the sky. My only thought is to get in touch with the fleet as soon as possible, but how to get in touch? Even if I got in touch, who would know that I was a person?

I clearly see the hope of getting out of the sea of ​​misery, but I can't catch it, what should I do? What exactly should I do?

Forget it, give it a try.

Seeing this, Ye Han's heart tightened all of a sudden, his eyes crossed the two blank lines, and immediately looked at the following content:

I wanted to turn it on, I'm going to try it anyway, I wanted to try it with a light signal, so I pulled out the laser gun, but it's been on for too long, and the battery has long since died.

Lighting three fires can also represent a call for help, but there is no way to make a fire in this ghost place.

Mirror reflection? I don't have a mirror, and it's not daytime.

I thought about it for a long time, and all the ways I could think of were useless, and I said that there is no way out, but where is my way?

Two more empty lines.

In the blink of an eye, it's been a month, and I'm really desperate.

I thought of a lot of ways, but it didn't work. Finally, I carved a sos with a saber. I hope the fleet can see it. Even if I can't take me back, at least let the fleet know that there is a person like me on Io Zero.

But the signal I've waited for is really unremarkable, and it's been a few months.

During this period of time, I have been observing the battle in the sky. I hoped that the Third Fleet would win, but I was disappointed. The battle was deadlocked from the very beginning. The alien fleet was very tenacious and blocked the Third Fleet. Io zero.

Or maybe the fleet has seen my signal, but they can't even get close, let alone pick me up.

Am I doomed to be alone here all my life? I can not be reconciled!

I asked Zaza if I could get a battleship. I wanted to grab a battleship and leave, but Zaza said he couldn't do it. He and his companions were infantry, and they were not even qualified to approach the battleship, let alone not. Launch a battleship.

I asked him where the battleship was parked, and he planned to grab it by himself, but he said he didn't know.

I want to find it myself, but there is no alien to lead the way, I can't even tell the direction, what should I do?

Here are two more blank lines:

It's been a few months since the arrival of the Third Fleet, and I've gone from ecstasy at first, then loss, then madness, and finally despair.

I am not a person who gives up easily, but I really have no choice. In half a year, I have engraved sos and national flags. I have sat beside them countless times and looked up at the sky and the fleet of fierce battles, but no one ever watched I take a look, even if you give me a signal.

But no, nothing.

I wanted to make some more conspicuous signals, but I was blocked by aliens. These guerrillas didn't want to attract the attention of the government forces. I wanted to attack them behind my back, but they sent people to follow me, and they were inseparable.

What should I say? Who am I to blame? Who is to be blamed?

Who made me not a person? Now I am an alien in the eyes of human beings, just he. Mom is an alien! ! !

There are not many words in this paragraph, but both the handwriting and the narration are full of resentment. Ye Han is particularly unpleasant to see it. He can't imagine how sad it would be if Wang Zhifei's experience fell on him.

After another two lines, the originally ugly handwriting became even more scribbled:

I'm done, I'm done.

Recently, I have been feeling that my body is not right, but I haven't found anything. Until today, I found that my eyes are congested, my mouth is not quite right, I have no energy in my body, and I even struggle to breathe.

I think of Brother Huang, and the inexplicable aliens who died.

Is it my turn now? When it's my turn, it's my turn, anyway, it's not interesting to live, it's better to die clean.

I just wrote it here, I hope that this diary can be seen again one day, and I don’t want to correct my name, that is, let people know what happened to us.

Time can't go back, life can't be repeated, if I can go back to the past, I will definitely, definitely not join the army again, never join the fleet, and never join the expeditionary army.

At this point, the diary came to an abrupt end.

Ye Han reluctantly flipped back, but couldn't find half a word after it.

Closing the diary, Ye Han seemed to be missing a piece in his heart, feeling empty and uncomfortable, but also sad as if something was blocked.

Although there are no other records later, Ye Han can imagine what happened to Wang Zhifei, which made his already depressed mood even more heavy.

The weight is not only because of Wang Zhifei, but also because of other captured soldiers. According to the diary, those prisoners left in the dungeon are probably still alive, so what is their current situation? What do aliens get from them?

Ye Han couldn't help thinking of the naval guns on the alien The naval gun technology mastered by the aliens, could it be revealed by the captured personnel?

He didn't want to think so, but he had to think so.

If the artillery technology of the aliens is related to the captured personnel, then it is certain that they have revealed more than artillery technology to the aliens. Although there is no technical expert among the captured people, even if it is only the most popular things. It's not good for aliens either.

To give the simplest example, everyone knows the mass-energy equation, and aliens don’t have to know how the mass-energy equation came from, they just need to know that the equation is correct.

Thinking of this, Ye Han was suddenly stunned. All the previous speculations about aliens were based on human cognition, and Wang Zhifei said in his diary that aliens had a clear division of labor, and he still couldn't figure out the society of aliens. structure.

So how much do aliens know about the human social structure? Do aliens also use their own cognition to figure out the social structure of human beings?

It's almost certain!

If this speculation is true, combined with the contents of the diary, the aliens are likely to divide the prisoners into three, six, and nine classes, thinking that only some of the prisoners understand technology, while others are very simple warriors.

Therefore, the aliens used a series of methods to pick out all the technicians they thought. If the aliens knew that the knowledge level of all the captives was similar, Huang Biao and Wang Zhifei would never have a chance to escape from the dungeon.

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