Armor Frenzy

Chapter 855: Report

After pondering for a long time, Ye Han was suddenly awakened by the voice in his ear: "Chief, are you there?"

"I'm here, is that Lin Yi?" Ye Han replied immediately.

"It's me." Lin Yi said, "Chief, we have joined the main force."

Ye Han immediately asked, "How is the situation in the fleet?" At this time, Yushan had left Io for a few hours. When Yushan left, the main force of the fleet was at a standoff with the alien fleet.

Lin Yi pursed his lips tightly: "Not very good, lost four battleships, the rest are wounded, and the ammunition is almost consumed."

Ye Han sighed, the only feeling in his heart was that it was not worth it.

When the Marines landed and returned, they lost more than half of their manpower. In order to cover the Marines, the fleet lost one-third of its warships. This is a visible loss, but where is the visible gain?

"Is there any other news about the flagship?"

"The flagship requires us to report the mission as soon as possible, and I have reported everything I know."

"Got it, I'll do it as soon as possible." Ye Han cut off the communication and immediately started sorting out the mission report.

The entire combat process was recorded with the armor, and there was no need to report it. The main content of the mission report was the gains and losses in the operation. Ye Han didn't need to think about it at all. He directly wrote the gains in the ice cave into the report, and then focused on describing the process after the wounded took the initiative to cut off.

Those who have sacrificed cannot be recovered, but the honor they deserve cannot be without.

After the report was completed, it was sent to the flagship immediately. After a while, Ye Han received another communication from Lin Yi: "Chief, flagship communication."

"Come here!"


There was a hissing sound in the earphone, and then a tired voice appeared: "Ye Han, I'm Ling Yu."


"I've read your report, and you'll be equipped with the log immediately, and I'll send a transport boat to pick you up."


After the communication was over, Ye Han immediately took action, put on a full set of equipment, cherished the log, and immediately went to the hangar.

It was very troublesome to move around in zero gravity. Ye Han simply used the thrusters on the armor to move, and arrived at the hangar after a while.

The transport boat just arrived, Ye Han boarded the transport boat with the assistance of the crew, and the transport boat quickly flew away from Yushan.

Yushan is now only one-third left, like a large piece of a good battleship has been cut off.

This is not bad. The main ships of the fleet are injured, some have holes on the surface, and some are full of potholes in the armor. Through the porthole of the traffic boat, Ye Han can see that there are people in the damage of each warship. Activity, you don't need to ask to know, it must be repairing the battleship.

The transportation boat flew to Nanzhou a few minutes later, and slowly stopped on the starboard side of Nanzhou, with the same direction and speed as Nanzhou.

Immediately, a slender robotic arm stretched out from the Nanzhou, grabbing the transport boat like a dexterous big hand, and stuffing it into the open hatch, completing the recovery of the transport boat smoothly and quickly.

The transport boat that entered the warehouse was cleaned by the air shower for half a minute, and then the hatch was opened to let Ye Han come out.

The Nanzhou had already sent people to wait outside the hangar. Ye Han followed behind the officer who "received the station". First, he flew through a corridor, passed the airlock and entered the living area, and then turned into the vertical flight channel and entered the middle deck. After a passage of corridors, we arrived at the bridge of Nanzhou.

The bridge of the Nanzhou is much larger than the general bridge. The huge bridge is divided into two layers. The lower layer is the fleet headquarters, and the upper layer is the navigation bridge, that is, the control center for operating the Nanzhou.

Ye Han floated into the bridge and flew directly to Ling Yu to salute: "Commander!"

Ling Yu waved his hand: "I've finished reading the report, what happened to the log?"

"It's the captive's diary. Many of the contents are related to aliens. Personally, I think this journal is a very rare alien material."

"Have you seen it?" Ling Yu raised his eyebrows.

Ye Han nodded: "I have seen it."

"Tell me the details." Ling Yu said.

Ye Han secretly pouted, when does this have to be said? But he had to listen to the order, so he had to pick the key points.

Even so, it took Ye Han more than ten minutes to explain the contents of the diary in general.

Ling Yu pondered for a moment after listening to it: "So, that person in the ice is Wang Zhifei?"

"should be."


"Yes, all the inferences come from the diary, but there is no evidence that the diary is true."

Ling Yu nodded: "Is there no way to prove that person's identity?"

He heard Ye Han mention hibernin just now, and involuntarily came up with the idea of ​​thawing Iceman to see if he could recover.

But after thinking about it, I swallowed the words that came into my mouth. Hibernin can indeed make people enter a hibernation state, but people in hibernation still need to breathe and the necessary ambient temperature. The frozen ice blocks the air, even if it is really watching hibernin fall asleep. , has long been suffocated to death.

"I don't know." Ye Han said, "They have been transformed by aliens, and even their genes have been changed. Unless he can survive, I can't think of any way to prove his identity."

"Then let's thaw him first and see if we can find something useful." Ling Yu said.

Ye Han hesitated: "Is this appropriate?"

"There's nothing inappropriate." Ling Yu insisted, "We must study his genes. It is best to find out what exactly changed his genes."

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "Commander, I suggest that thawing must be done with The Second Fleet threw a batch of cobalt bombs on Io Zero, the Iceman is likely to die from gamma ray radiation, and not only There may be radioactive dust left in the ice and on the surface of the ice body, there may also be radioactive dust in his body, and extraterrestrial microorganisms must be careful."

Wang Tianyu frowned and said, "Isn't there radiation dust? Can gamma rays kill alien microorganisms?"

"I mean you have to be careful. For example, if there is no radiation dust in the ice man, there must be microorganisms." Ye Han explained.

Ling Yu thought for a while and said, "Tianyu, you will take the lead in this matter. Just find a cabin on the Nanzhou ship and isolate it from the living area. Pick a few more people. I will wait and see the result."

"Yes, I will arrange it right away!" Wang Tianyu nodded.

Ling Yu turned to Ye Han again: "Where's the log?"

Ye Han quickly took out the log: "Here!"

Ling Yu took it in his hand and looked at it, then handed it to Wang Tianyu and said, "Send it and save it. No one can read it without my permission."

"Yes!" Wang Tianyu took it again, holding it tightly under his arm, as if no one could take it away.

"Ye Han!"


Ling Yu instructed very seriously: "Without my order, the contents of the diary are not allowed to be shared, and no one can say that it is anyone, understand?"

"Understood!" Ye Han said.

"Okay, let's do this first... By the way, since you know the contents of the diary, you don't have to go back to Yushan, and stay in Nanzhou to assist Chief of Staff Wang."


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