Armor Frenzy

Chapter 856: Can not accept

At the end of the dark corridor, the airtight door slid open silently, the door was brightly lit, and it was pitch black outside. It seemed like two different worlds inside and outside the door.

Ye Han lifted one foot, the armor sensed his movement, and canceled the magnetic force of the sole in time. Ye Han, who was independent of the golden rooster, involuntarily tilted to one side, like a weak and windless tree swaying in the wind.

With a little effort, he straightened his body, and the foot that stepped out landed on the ground. The armor activated the magnetic force of the sole in time, and Ye Han's foot stomped heavily on the deck, making a muffled sound.

This is the vacuum area outside the living area. The sound Ye Han hears has nothing to do with the air, but is transmitted to the ear drum through the armor.

The moment the footsteps landed, the lights in the corridor, which had only a little light, bloomed. There was no one in the straight corridor, and the snow-white bulkhead was spotless.

The center of gravity moved forward, the back foot stepped out of the hatch, the airtight door closed silently, and the light inside the door went out.

Ye Han thought about it and turned on the navigation function. The structure diagram of the ship appeared in the corner of the mask screen, and a flashing light point on it represented himself.

The map flashed, and another light spot representing the destination appeared. Ye Han looked at it for a while, took the route and the features along the way in mind as fast as possible, and then closed the map immediately.

This has always been his habit. Important information such as maps must be kept in mind, and the navigation of electronic devices is always a reference.

He lifted his foot and was about to walk forward, but after thinking about it, he put it back again. After thinking about it, he canceled the walking mode. The magnetic force of the sole disappeared, and Ye Han slowly floated up. Then he started the propeller and slowly floated along the corridor.

Forward turn, change to level flight.

A few minutes later, Ye Han arrived at his destination, fell to the ground again, and stepped through the airtight door.

Inside the door is a cabin with an area of ​​no less than tens of square meters. The bulkheads are all painted white, and the cabin is divided into two halves by a layer of glass decoration. The inner half is brightly lit, and the outer half is dimly lit.

Wang Tianyu was holding his arms, looking at the other side of the glass wall, and immediately turned around when he heard the footsteps, with a smile: "Come on!"

Ye Han took off his helmet: "Chief of Staff, am I not late?"

"It's just right." Wang Tianyu turned around and continued to look at the glass wall.

On the other side of the glass wall, two military medics in protective suits were handling the ice on the Iceman, and the air pump on the deck was humming, constantly sucking in air and melted water, giving the meltwater no chance to float.

The military doctor took out an empty test tube, took a little ice sample and stuffed it into the test tube, turned and stuffed it into an unnamed instrument.

Ye Han roughly counted, and there were more than a dozen test tubes stuffed into the machine.

"Is the result out?" Ye Han walked to Wang Tianyu and asked.

Wang Tianyu said in a heavy tone: "There is a lot of radioactive dust in the ice, and the radiation in the water samples all exceeds the standard..."

"Cobalt 60!"

Wang Tianyu turned his head and stared at Ye Han in surprise: "Yes, it's Cobalt 60, how did you know?"

Ye Han pursed his lips: "The cobalt bomb thrown by the Second Fleet, I was in the fleet at the time."

"Oh, I remembered it!" Wang Tianyu suddenly realized, "Why didn't I remember this one!"

"How long will it take to thaw?" Ye Han asked again.

"It's almost there..." Before he finished speaking, a military doctor suddenly turned around, holding two strings of identity cards commonly known as dog tags.

Wang Tianyu immediately pressed the wireless earphone in his ear: "What's the situation?"

"Two sets of identity cards," said the military doctor, "one is called Huang Biao, and the other is Xiao Wang Zhifei."

Wang Tianyu sighed: "Put it away first, and give it to their families in the future."

Regardless of whether the Iceman is Wang Zhifei or not, these two sets of identity cards must belong to the captured soldiers, and it is also a souvenir to get them back.

The military doctor nodded and complied: "The ice has melted, but the specimen still needs a little time."

Ye Han's voice suddenly rose: "Specimen?"

The military doctor was startled, not understanding why Ye Han had such a big reaction: "Yes, yes, the specimen."

Ye Han resisted his anger: "Do you know who he is, and you call him Specimen? Chief of staff, he has not yet proven his identity, but I ask to give him enough respect!"

Only then did Wang Tianyu and the military doctor understand the reason for Ye Han's anger. The military doctor wanted to explain but was afraid that Ye Han would not listen, so he could only turn his eyes to Wang Tianyu for help.

Wang Tianyu immediately said: "Ye Han, don't get angry yet. I know a little about the profession of doctors. They have this habit, and they don't mean to insult anyone."

Ye Han was full of anger: "Chief of Staff, I don't know what others think, I can't accept it anyway!"

Specimen is a very common neutral word, but it is precisely because of common that when this word is used on humans, it always has a cold taste, which makes him feel particularly uncomfortable.

"Then what do you say? Can you accept the remains?" Wang Tianyu asked.

Ye Han immediately responded: "That's better than a specimen!" As soon as the remains heard, he knew it was a Even if Ye Han said the dead person directly, it would not be unacceptable, but what is the matter with the specimen?

Wang Tianyu compromised: "Okay, from now on, the body will be called, is this the head office?"

Ye Han was silent and nodded heavily.

Wang Tianyu shook his head helplessly: "You, you are already in your thirties, why are you still like a child?"

Ye Han's mouth twitched: "Chief of Staff, it's not that I have too many things to do, I really can't get over this hurdle in my heart."

Wang Tianyu sighed deeply: "I understand." After speaking, he gestured to the military doctor and asked the military doctor to continue working.

He is also a soldier. Even if he is the chief of staff of the fleet now, he has come up step by step from the beginning of the soldier. How could he not understand Ye Han's thoughts?

After a long silence, Ye Han said again, "Thank you."

"No, it should be." Wang Tianyu glanced at Ye Han, "If he was Wang Zhifei, what would you do?"

"It's better to cremate and bring the ashes back."

"Cremation?" Wang Tianyu smiled bitterly, "How can the fleet have the conditions for cremation, it's not that I am alarmist, whether he is Wang Zhifei or not, this body has very important research value. If he is indeed made by aliens, we will More need to study his situation... Do you think you can accept it?"

"Yes!" Ye Han's answer was firm, "They are all soldiers, who would dare to say that I didn't die on that day on the battlefield? I can accept anyone's body and bones, including myself, but people are not respected when they die. This I can't take it."

Wang Tianyu nodded approvingly: "You can figure it out."

Ye Han showed a wry smile: "What can't you figure out, he's not bad, the soldiers who died in the mouth of the bug are not much worse than this?"

A military doctor's voice suddenly came from the other side of the glass: "The surface of the body has melted, ready for sampling and analysis!"

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