Armor Frenzy

Chapter 857: personal I.D

The military doctor's words immediately attracted the attention of Wang Tianyu and Ye Han. The two military doctors worked together, scraped samples from all over the body, and put them into the corresponding analysis equipment after simple processing.

Ye Han suddenly remembered something, and leaned his head to Wang Tianyu: "Chief of Staff, there are no alien microorganisms in those ices, right?"

Wang Tianyu's eyes when looking at Ye Han were normal, but when he heard this, his eyes immediately became like he was looking at an idiot: "What do you think? The radiation is so strong, everything is dead!

Ye Han was also a little embarrassed: "Didn't you say that bacteria were found in nuclear reactors? What is this radiation?"

Wang Tianyu smiled Mi. Mi said, "I didn't check it, but don't worry, this is an isolation cabin. It doesn't matter whether it is water or air, as long as you have a relationship with aliens, you can't get out of this cabin. We have time to check it slowly."

Ye Han smiled reluctantly, suddenly feeling that he was not bothering with this idleness.

With so many people on the Nanzhou number, is it possible that they can't even think of this little problem? At least the military doctors on the glass side are professional, and it is impossible to ignore the problem of microorganisms.

At this time, the military doctor had finished taking the sample, and turned on the instrument for careful analysis. The indicator light on the device flashed non-stop with the progress of the analysis.

Both Wang Tianyu and Ye Han stopped talking, and their four eyes kept staring at the analysis equipment.

The equipment is very advanced, and the analysis speed is also very fast. It only took half a minute to get the result. The military doctor dragged and checked it on the supporting computer.

The military doctor's face was covered under the protective mask, and his expression could not be seen, but Wang Ye and the two could see that the military doctor's movements became more and more solemn.

Wang Tianyu couldn't wait for the result, and asked simply, "What are you looking at? What's the situation?"

The military doctor raised his eyes: "Chief of Staff, the analysis results of the twelve samples are basically the same. It can be confirmed... er, the shell of the remains is bone armor, not chitin, but there are differences..."

"What's the difference?" Wang Tianyu asked anxiously.

The military doctor's eyes moved back to the screen: "This kind of bone armor is very dense, much stronger than ordinary human bones, and all the samples contain excessive radiation."

Wang Tianyu's eyes narrowed: "Radiation?"

"Yes!" The military doctor nodded, "I guess this is because all the samples were taken from the surface of the body, and the samples from the inner layer will be taken for re-analysis in a while."

"Then what are you waiting for!" Wang Tianyu urged.

The military doctor wanted to read the analysis report, but after Wang Tianyu's urging, he couldn't keep reading, so he could only get up and get the electric drill, ready to drill the bone armor to take samples.

Before he started, the military doctor looked back at Ye Han uneasily, seeing that Ye Han had no intention of opening his mouth, so he carefully drilled through the bone armor and selected samples to continue the analysis.

The same twelve samples, also in half a minute, the second report was released.

This time, the military doctor took the initiative to say without waiting for Wang Tianyu to ask: "The sample is taken from the middle layer of the bone armor. The main component is bone cells, and there is only a small amount of radiation!"

Wang Tianyu looked at Ye Han, Ye Han nodded immediately, and said in a low voice, "According to the statement in the diary, he spent a long time on the surface of Io Wei, and with such strong radiation, ordinary people would have died hundreds of times. "

"According to this, the aliens deliberately changed him to look like this?"

Ye Han replied: "It should be."

"The bone armor on the alien must have this function!" Wang Tianyu suddenly thought of the alien.

Ye Han shook his head again: "I mentioned in the diary that the aliens also wear outer armor, and the real aliens are inside."

Wang Tianyu nodded immediately, turned his eyes to the military doctor, raised his voice and asked, "What else is there to discover?"

"The composition of the bone armor is a bit strange. It contains an excessive amount of lead." The military doctor said while reading the analysis results, "Chief of Staff, this bone armor is definitely resistant to radiation, and the effect should be very good."

Wang Tianyu gave Ye Han a clear look: "What else?"

"According to the analysis data, I think the outer layer of the bone armor should be dead cells without feeling, and there should be a layer of living bone cells in the inner layer or at the bottom of the bone armor... Well, I mean, the living bone cells at the bottom layer are constantly producing new ones. The new bone can make up for the wear and tear on the surface of the bone armor..."

"Okay, okay, I have a headache, let's talk about the key point!" Wang Tianyu waved his hand impatiently.

"It's almost like a fingernail." The military doctor said concisely.

It's easy to understand now, Wang Tianyu immediately showed a clear look: "Aliens are so creative... Are there any more?"

"The genetic comparison has also yielded results," said the military doctor.

"Tell me."

The military doctor was hesitant, and said naively, "This is a bit complicated..."

"Then try to keep it as simple as possible." Wang Tianyu said unreasonably.

Ye Han wanted to laugh so much, she opened her mouth before holding back.

He didn't know if the military doctor saw it or not. There was only one reason for Wang Tianyu to say this, that is, he couldn't understand it when he said it deeply!

This is not surprising. It is no problem to let Wang Tianyu command the fleet, but when it comes to esoteric medical knowledge, there is no way.

"I try my best!" The military doctor grinned in embarrassment, "I compared the genes of the corpse with normal human genes, and found that more than 90% of the genes between the two are the same... I mean that the genes are arranged in basically the same order, However, the vast majority of the same DNA is useless DNA. This part of DNA accounts for more than 90% of the total number of genes, and the remaining 10%... How should I put it, the overall difference is very obvious, and there are many mutated gene fragments. , but the mutant fragments are interspersed in normal genes disorderly, and the overall number is not large..."

Wang Tianyu's forehead is looming: "Say the point!"

"The mutant genes only account for two to three percent of the total. They dominate the mutation. The number is small but the efficiency is very high. With our existing methods, we can also do this..."

"What? True or false?" Wang Tianyu was startled.

The military doctor sighed helplessly: "Listen to me first, reverse transcription genes... it is not difficult to change normal genes, but the difficulty is that we can only replace genes, but after the replacement of genes, there is no guarantee of 100% mutation. ways to control the mutation process.”

"And then?" Wang Tianyu looked at the military doctor, "You just want to tell me that aliens are good at playing with genes? I don't need you to tell me!"

Ye Han asked in time: "Can you prove that he is human?"

"What?" The military doctor was taken aback.

Ye Han slowed down: "I mean, can the genetic comparison prove that he is human!"

"Of course no problem!" The military doctor replied without hesitation, "The sample also has twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, and the gorilla has twenty-four pairs. The genes of the two organisms cannot be so similar, and the useless genes are not really insignificant. With, more than 90% of the genes are the same, which can fully prove his identity."


The military doctor's words immediately attracted the attention of Wang Tianyu and Ye Han. The two military doctors worked together, scraped samples from all over the body, and put them into the corresponding analysis equipment after simple processing.

Ye Han suddenly remembered something, and leaned his head to Wang Tianyu: "Chief of Staff, there are no alien microorganisms in those ices, right?"

Wang Tianyu's eyes when looking at Ye Han were normal, but when he heard this, his eyes immediately became like he was looking at an idiot: "What do you think? The radiation is so strong, everything is dead!

Ye Han was also a little embarrassed: "Didn't you say that bacteria were found in nuclear reactors? What is this radiation?"

Wang Tianyu smiled Mi. Mi said, "I didn't check it, but don't worry, this is an isolation cabin. It doesn't matter whether it is water or air, as long as you have a relationship with aliens, you can't get out of this cabin. We have time to check it slowly."

Ye Han smiled reluctantly, suddenly feeling that he was not bothering with this idleness.

With so many people on the Nanzhou number, is it possible that they can't even think of this little problem? At least the military doctors on the glass side are professional, and it is impossible to ignore the problem of microorganisms.

At this time, the military doctor had finished taking the sample, and turned on the instrument for careful analysis. The indicator light on the device flashed non-stop with the progress of the analysis.

Both Wang Tianyu and Ye Han stopped talking, and their four eyes kept staring at the analysis equipment.

The equipment is very advanced, and the analysis speed is also very fast. It only took half a minute to get the result. The military doctor dragged and checked it on the supporting computer.

The military doctor's face was covered under the protective mask, and his expression could not be seen, but Wang Ye and the two could see that the military doctor's movements became more and more solemn.

Wang Tianyu couldn't wait for the result, and asked simply, "What are you looking at? What's the situation?"

The military doctor raised his eyes: "Chief of Staff, the analysis results of the twelve samples are basically the same. It can be confirmed... er, the shell of the remains is bone armor, not chitin, but there are differences..."

"What's the difference?" Wang Tianyu asked anxiously.

The military doctor's eyes moved back to the screen: "This kind of bone armor is very dense, much stronger than ordinary human bones, and all the samples contain excessive radiation."

Wang Tianyu's eyes narrowed: "Radiation?"

"Yes!" The military doctor nodded, "I guess this is because all the samples were taken from the surface of the body, and the samples from the inner layer will be taken for re-analysis in a while."

"Then what are you waiting for!" Wang Tianyu urged.

The military doctor wanted to read the analysis report, but after Wang Tianyu's urging, he couldn't keep reading, so he could only get up and get the electric drill, ready to drill the bone armor to take samples.

Before he started, the military doctor looked back at Ye Han uneasily, seeing that Ye Han had no intention of opening his mouth, so he carefully drilled through the bone armor and selected samples to continue the analysis.

The same twelve samples, also in half a minute, the second report was released.

This time, the military doctor took the initiative to say without waiting for Wang Tianyu to ask: "The sample is taken from the middle layer of the bone armor. The main component is bone cells, and there is only a small amount of radiation!"

Wang Tianyu looked at Ye Han, Ye Han nodded immediately, and said in a low voice, "According to the statement in the diary, he spent a long time on the surface of Io Wei, and with such strong radiation, ordinary people would have died hundreds of times. "

"According to this, the aliens deliberately changed him to look like this?"

Ye Han replied: "It should be."

"The bone armor on the alien must have this function!" Wang Tianyu suddenly thought of the alien.

Ye Han shook his head again: "I mentioned in the diary that the aliens also wear outer armor, and the real aliens are inside."

Wang Tianyu nodded immediately, turned his eyes to the military doctor, raised his voice and asked, "What else is there to discover?"

"The composition of the bone armor is a bit strange. It contains an excessive amount of lead." The military doctor said while reading the analysis results, "Chief of Staff, this bone armor is definitely resistant to radiation, and the effect should be very good."

Wang Tianyu gave Ye Han a clear look: "What else?"

"According to the analysis data, I think the outer layer of the bone armor should be dead cells without feeling, and there should be a layer of living bone cells in the inner layer or at the bottom of the bone armor... Well, I mean, the living bone cells at the bottom layer are constantly producing new ones. The new bone can make up for the wear and tear on the surface of the bone armor..."

"Okay, okay, I have a headache, let's talk about the key point!" Wang Tianyu waved his hand impatiently.

"It's almost like a fingernail." The military doctor said concisely.

It's easy to understand now, Wang Tianyu immediately showed a clear look: "Aliens are so creative... Are there any more?"

"The genetic comparison has also yielded results," said the military doctor.

"Tell me."

The military doctor was hesitant, and said naively, "This is a bit complicated..."

"Then try to keep it as simple as possible." Wang Tianyu said unreasonably.

Ye Han wanted to laugh so much, she opened her mouth before holding back.

He didn't know if the military doctor saw it or not. There was only one reason for Wang Tianyu to say this, that is, he couldn't understand it when he said it deeply!

This is not surprising. It is no problem to let Wang Tianyu command the fleet, but when it comes to esoteric medical knowledge, there is no way.

"I try my best!" The military doctor grinned embarrassedly, "I compared the genes of the corpse with the normal human genes, and found that more than 90% of the genes between the two are the same... I mean the genes are arranged in basically the same order, But the vast majority of the same are This part of DNA accounts for more than 90% of the total number of genes, and the remaining 10%... How should I put it, the overall difference is very obvious. There are a lot of mutated gene fragments, but the mutated fragments are interspersed in the normal genes in disorder, and the overall number is not large..."

Wang Tianyu's forehead is looming: "Say the point!"

"The mutant genes only account for two to three percent of the total. They dominate the mutation. The number is small but the efficiency is very high. With our existing methods, we can also do this..."

"What? True or false?" Wang Tianyu was startled.

The military doctor sighed helplessly: "Listen to me first, reverse transcription genes... it is not difficult to change normal genes, but the difficulty is that we can only replace genes, but after the replacement of genes, there is no guarantee of 100% mutation. ways to control the mutation process.”

"And then?" Wang Tianyu looked at the military doctor, "You just want to tell me that aliens are good at playing with genes? I don't need you to tell me!"

Ye Han asked in time: "Can you prove that he is human?"

"What?" The military doctor was taken aback.

Ye Han slowed down: "I mean, can the genetic comparison prove that he is human!"

"Of course no problem!" The military doctor replied without hesitation, "The sample also has twenty-three pairs of chromosomes, and the gorilla has twenty-four pairs. The genes of the two organisms cannot be so similar, and the useless genes are not really insignificant. With, more than 90% of the genes are the same, which can fully prove his identity."

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