Armor Frenzy

Chapter 869: Earth Drilling (2)

Don't think that Mars is a safe place, it is even more dangerous near Mars!

In Earth's low-Earth orbit, spacewalking is a common thing, but no matter what level of space orbit, it is under the protection of the Earth's magnetic field, which can effectively resist high-energy particles from the sun and the depths of the universe.

Mars is different. Its magnetic field disappeared billions of years ago. Only a small amount of magnetic field remains on the surface. Without a global magnetic field, it cannot resist high-energy particles from the sun and distant stars.

For the expedition fleet, high-energy particles are the second biggest threat after aliens. Only the shell of the warship can block them. The thin shell of the engineering boat plays a very limited role, and the soldiers have power armor. It's not too strong. Short-term off-ship work is not a problem, but long-term off-ship activities are very dangerous.

To give a very simple example, a supernova explosion in the distant starry sky will eject a large amount of material, and some heavy ions that have lost their extranuclear electrons fly into the deep space at a speed close to the speed of light. These heavy ions can easily penetrate the human body and smash the cells in the cells. DNA, even if you don't feel anything at the time, will become seriously ill afterward, and even die from it.

And this thing can't be found or predicted. In order to resist heavy ions, the two spaceships have to block the engineering boat at all times.

Heavy ions are only one direction of danger, and the ubiquitous space dust also threatens the safety of the team members all the time!

Ye Han didn't know much about this situation, and secondly, he was so focused on the task that he didn't pay attention to the situation at all. As a result, an accident occurred three days after the start of the project, that is, on October 9th. ACCIDENT.

That afternoon, the No. 3 engineering boat was under construction at the designated location, and several members of the boat were in their positions, and everything was no different from before.

Several team members suddenly heard a crisp sound of "Bah", one team member screamed, a small hole was pierced in the torso armor, and blood poured out like a fountain.

The air in the boat was quickly lost in the steadily weakening hissing sound, and the flying blood droplets floated to the side and top with the air. Several team members immediately found the location of the hole and immediately blocked the hole with an airtight plug.

The air pressure rose immediately, but several team members ignored this and rushed to the side of the injured comrade. It was found that the injured person's liver had been punctured, and the person had fallen into a coma.

The situation was urgent, and the team members did not have time to contact the Luzhou, so they immediately gave the wounded a shot of hibernin, and then sent the seriously injured comrades back to the spacecraft at the fastest speed.

Because of the timely treatment, the wounded finally recovered a life, but the shattered liver was removed by one-fifth, which not only required long-term recuperation, but also was not suitable for continuing to stay in the Marine Corps.

At Ye Han's insistence, all engineering boats stopped construction, and the No. 3 engineering boat was inspected in an all-round way. The investigation found that the culprit was just a finger-sized gravel.

Although the size of the gravel is small, its hardness is very strong, the relative speed between it and Deimos is extremely high, and it just hits the engineering boat, so there is a first breakdown of the engineering boat, and then breakdown of the power Armor, an accident that also injured a team member.

What made Ye Han even more unbearable was that the investigation found that this piece of gravel actually came from Deimos!

That is to say, the gravel produced by the drilling a few days ago smashed through the engineering boat after a circle. Ye Han was not sure what kind of coincidence was there, but he strongly demanded to strengthen the protection of the soldiers, and it must not appear again. Same accident.

Xu Moriang strongly opposed it, believing that this was just an accidental accident, the probability could not be more small, even if everyone stood on Deimos generously, they would not encounter the same situation again, and there was no need to stop work and affect the progress.

But Ye Han believes that there are two, and Xu Moriang's statement has no basis at all. If the same situation occurs again, it is hard to say whether people can be rescued.

The team members are risking their lives to construct. If the safety cannot be effectively guaranteed, how can the project be completed on time?

Ye Han was determined. Facing the strong Ye Han, Xu Moriang had to compromise. It took a day to dismantle a batch of armor plate reinforcement engineering boats from the Luzhou, and the engineering boats resumed work one after another.

With the passage of time, the proficiency of the team members became higher and higher, and the error of the ground well became smaller and smaller. After half a month, the soldiers finally drilled the first ground well without deviation, and the drilling project entered the fast lane. , One by one wells with depths of hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters were completed.

There were also some minor problems during the period, and equipment failures were more commonplace. Once the drilling rig failed, the drill bit was stuck in the ground more than 70 meters deep. As a result, the drilling rig twisted and broke the drill pipe. The broken drill pipe bounced off the engineering boat and flew away. It collided with the Luzhou again in the air, and in the end I didn't know where it went.

There was also a failure of the fixing device of the engineering boat. After the drilling rig was started, it did not drill into the ground, but almost overturned the engineering boat.

There have also been a lot of other large and small faults, but fortunately, they are not major problems. In addition, the Luzhou ship has sufficient spare parts, and the engineering boat can be repaired in the shortest time every time, and finally did not affect the progress of the project.

Although the soldiers complained constantly in, when it was their turn to be on duty, they walked into the engineering boat without hesitation.

The team members laughed at themselves and said that the shooter was born without touching the gun for so long, and that there will be no wars in the future, and they can make a fortune when they go home and dig wells.

Although the words were a joke, the actual situation was similar. The Marine Corps completely transformed into an engineering team and thoroughly understood all the procedures of drilling.

Of course, this technology can also be used on Deimos, where the gravity is negligibly low, and no matter how much you dig the well, there is no danger of collapse, even if the satellite is pierced across the surface, it is not a problem.

In this way, Ye Han led his team for more than a month, and finally completed all the wells on Deimos at the beginning of November. The scattered wells almost turned Deimos into a super hive. Entering the well, you can slowly wait for Io Zero.

Although there are a large number of wells, only a small number of them need to be blasted with nuclear bombs. The reason why so many wells are drilled is to shape the "ammunition"!

When Ye Han first found out about this, his whole body was in a mess. He didn't understand what the relationship between the well and shaping had. After listening to Xu Moriang's explanation, he understood that many wells formed a weaker separation layer around the "ammunition". If the blasting separation layer is destroyed first, the appearance of the "munition" can be maintained to the greatest extent, and the ammunition can be prevented from being broken by a nuclear explosion to the greatest extent.

The project on Phobos is over, and the project on Phobos is about to start.

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