Armor Frenzy

Chapter 870: man on mars

After a day's work, Ye Han slowly floated into the dormitory, the hatch closed behind him, he took off his helmet and threw it aside, the helmet slowly floated to the side, hit the bulkhead and bounced back several times in a row. It was caught by the magnetic strip on the side of the door.

He leaned back against the bulkhead to remove the armor, and all the scattered armor was attracted to the bulkhead by the magnetic force. Ye Han drilled out of the armor and sat on the chair wearing only the jumpsuit, and the screen on the table automatically turned on.

Ye Han fixed himself on the chair with the seat belt, reached out and tapped the screen twice, and brought up the communication interface, and immediately saw a flashing envelope in the communication record.

He couldn't help but feel uneasy for a while, it has been more than nine months since he left the earth, and these few days are Bai Xiaoting's due date!

Quickly opening the envelope, Bai Xiaoting's round face appeared on the screen - she was not originally this face shape, but she was pregnant in October, and she was much plumper than before.

Bai Xiaoting's face on the screen was dark and astringent, her breathable brows were slightly frowned, and her hands were on her bulging belly: "Ye Han, my stomach is starting to hurt, it should be labor pain, just after calling Aunt Qiao, she immediately Just come here, the ambulance is already on its way, don't worry about me... After a while, the baby will be able to meet me, I am both anticipating and uneasy, if only you could be by my side..."

The door behind Bai Xiaoting suddenly opened from the outside, and two women hurried in. The one in front was in her sixties, and the one in the back was in her early thirties. Both their faces were full of concern and anxiety.

Bai Xiaoting turned her head and looked back: "Aunt Qiao, Sister He!"

Aunt Qiao is Huo Qiang's wife, and Sister He is Gao Kai's lover. After Gao Kai heard the news of Bai Xiaoting's pregnancy, he immediately arranged for his lover, He Lan, to take care of Bai Xiaoting. Later, the matter spread to Huo Qiang's ears, and Huo Qiang also let his wife Take care of Bai Xiaoting. In addition, there are several military wives who live in the family's building to help along with them. They are all military wives in the same building to help.

In Aunt Qiao's words, women who marry soldiers are hard-working women. Men can't be expected outside. Who else can we expect if we don't help ourselves?

Bai Xiaoting wanted to stand up, but Aunt Qiao quickly stopped her: "Xiaoting, sit down, don't get up, has the amniotic fluid broken?"

Bai Xiaoting shook her head: "Not yet."

"That's good, that's good. Auntie is from here. You will have to wait for a while to give birth. Don't worry, don't be nervous, just relax and wait." Aunt Qiao comforted softly.

Bai Xiaoting nodded and hummed. Aunt Qiao asked again, "Xiaoting, what did the doctor say yesterday? Normal birth or caesarean section?"

Bai Xiaoting's face was not quite right at first, but after hearing this, it became more obvious: "The doctor said that the child is too big, and one umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck for two weeks, and the other is around the neck for three weeks, so it must be delivered by caesarean section."

Aunt Qiao's eyes widened: "What? The twins are still old?"

"I don't know what happened. That's what the doctor said. Maybe my skeleton is too small."

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, just give birth to the child safely... and talk to your Ye Han again? Don't talk about it, get ready to go!"

The screen flashes and the video ends.

Ye Han sat there blankly, with only one thought in his mind: I'm going to be a father!

However, he immediately began to worry about Bai Xiaoting. Although the caesarean section is only a minor operation, no matter what kind of operation there is a risk, how is she doing now?

Looking at the sending time of the video, it was only more than 20 minutes away. He immediately switched the communication interface and called Aunt Qiao.

At present, the communication delay between Mars and Earth varies depending on the distance. The regulations are at most 21 minutes and the latest is 4 minutes. The current communication delay is about 12 minutes. Send the video to the specified phone number.

He wanted to call Bai Xiaoting directly, but at this time Bai Xiaoting couldn't answer the phone at all, so he could only call Aunt Qiao or Sister He.

The number was pulled out and the screen entered the recording interface. Ye Han said anxiously: "Aunt Qiao, how is Xiaoting? Did you enter the operating room? Is there anything you want to tell me? Please tell me immediately after you receive the call. Wait online!"

Waiting online, he had to wait 24 minutes to receive a reply. He was so anxious that he wanted to stand up and walk a few laps, but in this place, in the spaceship's dormitory, the only result of standing up was floating. Get up and fly!

Ye Han didn't know why he thought of going around in circles when he was in a hurry, but he just had this unreasonable urge.

The wait was so long, he kept telling himself that it was all right, but how could the worries in his heart be comforted by a few vague self-deception?

When Ye Han was very young, he heard that a woman gave birth to a child is a pass through the gate of hell, and some people said that giving birth to a child is a big life for a small life. Although he is a man, he can never experience the pain of female childbirth, but from these ancient descriptions It is not difficult to judge how painful and difficult childbirth is.

Even a caesarean section is not completely safe.

At this time, Ye Han has become an ant on a hot pot, and can't wait to return to Bai Xiaoting It is only natural that a soldier can eat food, but the separation of the two places is also a major problem that soldiers must face. Fortunately, what's the matter if you can't be by your side even during pregnancy and childbirth, the most important moment of your life?

Although he is not the first nor the last, but only he knows the inner torment and guilt?

At this moment, the communication interface suddenly popped up automatically, and a brand new envelope logo was flashing non-stop.

He glanced at the time in amazement. It had only been four minutes, and his video was still on its way to Earth!

Ye Han's mind was a little confused. He immediately clicked on the flashing sign, and the video frame immediately popped out on the screen. The video was a bright corridor. Several medical staff were pushing a bed to the operating room, and the bed could not be clearly seen. The person who can only see the high bulge belly.

The camera followed the hospital bed until it was pushed into the operating room and stopped at the door, then the camera rotated and Aunt Qiao appeared in the camera: "Ye Han, Xiaoting has been sent to the operating room, I asked Lao Huo to find the best gynecologist. …”

A young woman's voice suddenly burst in: "Who are the family members of the maternity?"

The camera shook violently, and Aunt Qiao said, "I am!"

"Who are you maternity?"


"Neighbors? That won't work, where are the family members of the mother? The surgical drape must be signed by the family," the nurse said.

"I'll do it. Her husband is my wife's subordinate, and he's on Mars now," Aunt Qiao said.

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