Armor Frenzy

Chapter 874: not that simple

Giant ants have good climbing ability, but their bounce is weak. They can't jump on tall crawler vehicles, so they can only try their best to climb up.

But the crawler keeps turning, giving the giant ants no chance to climb at all. Any giant ants that are close to the crawler are all run over by the crawler.

Giant ants don't just burrow under the car, they rush towards the crawler in groups and spit formic acid on the crawler, but the United States relies on the crawler to crush the giant ants, that is, there is no gun or cannon, the ants in the air No matter how high the acid concentration is, it will not explode without an open flame!

The Nile Defense Line and the Panama Defense Line suffered a lot in this regard, and the idea of ​​a tracked vehicle to crush the ant colony may also have a lot to do with formic acid.

There are also some spider ants hidden in the large group of giant ants. Their number is relatively small, but their role is not small. In the camera, some spider ants can be seen jumping high from the ant colony and directly pounced on the crawler. Bite... But spider ants have no other means of attack other than biting. Their jawbones are no longer as hard as the crawler, and they are eventually driven into the bottom of the car by the rotating crawler, crushing them into clumps of broken worm mud.

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He didn't expect that the way to deal with the ant colony was so simple.

Any means used by humans before, aliens can quickly find a way to counteract, and they all start from the genes of the giant ants themselves, making the giant ants more and more difficult to deal with, so that the human side has to The two lines of defense invested huge human and material resources, but the effect was very limited.

The crawler vehicles directly use the method of rolling to deal with the giant ants. Even if the giant ants pass over the car, they still have to face the US military on the defense line... From the current situation, there are very few giant ants capable of crossing the crawler vehicles.

Another possibility is for giant ants to evolve strong enough to resist the crushing of crawler vehicles, but what does it matter if the aliens do it? The Americans can completely design the track to be more complicated, design the flat track into a triangle, increase the pressure by reducing the area, and continue to crush the giant ants.

If the shell of the giant ant becomes harder, you can add spikes to the crawler, turning the crawler into a rolling mace... The solution is always more difficult. Now that this solution has been found, what is the point of continuing to improve the crawler?

Moreover, most of the ant colony's offensive could not last.

This is not Ye Han's intention. Prostitution, but the conclusion drawn from multiple observation and analysis!

To put it simply in one sentence: the law of conservation of energy!

Giant ants are a kind of creature. Even if they are biochemical creatures made by aliens, they must follow the most basic laws of nature. They do not appear out of thin air, but hatch from eggs and gradually mature.

Giant ants are omnivorous giant insects. Both animals and plants are their meals, but both South American rainforests and African rainforests are limited. After nearly a year of destructive plunder, the two rainforests have long since changed beyond recognition. The vegetation is reduced by 70%, and the remaining 30% will also be consumed by the ant colony in the near future.

In order to increase the food source, ant colonies even began to **** ant carcasses near the battlefield, a phenomenon discovered by the US military not long ago.

The unrestrained predation of ant colonies has made high-level officials of various countries very worried. If the tropical rain forest disappears completely, South America and Africa will inevitably make great strides towards desertification. At that time, the global climate will be affected unpredictably. Governments are advised to fight back.

But how can a counterattack be won by just talking about it? Countries also want to eliminate the ant colony, but the reality is that it cannot be done at all. If the crawler vehicle is not born, I am afraid that the two lines of defense are still struggling under the attack of the ant colony.

It is not a fluke that the two lines of defense can last for more than half a year under the constant attack of giant ants. In addition to the facilities on the ground, the ground is also dug up, and a blocking wall that goes deep into the ground is poured like a dam to prevent giant ants. Dig through the defense.

In fact, it’s okay not to dig a blocking wall. The Panama Canal and the Sahara Desert are natural ant barriers, but there are always people who can’t let go of this.

In short, the situation on the earth is improving, and it is hoped that the ant colony will be wiped out before Io arrives on the earth.

Ye Han knows far more than that. As a soldier, and a soldier who has reached the threshold of a senior officer, he knows much more than ordinary people.

The situation on Earth seems to have improved, but the high-level officials of various countries have not been carried away by the temporary victory. They deeply know that as long as Io Zero exists for one day, the threat will exist for one day, even if Io Zero is solved and left on Jupiter Aliens are still a threat to humanity.

In addition to continuing to support the two major lines of defense, other countries have not stopped their plans. For example, the westward plan in the northern capital and the shelter plan in Washington are both emergency shelter plans implemented in response to Io Zero.

The implementation of the US plan is unknown, but the westward plan has built more than 100 underground cities in the The total number of people who have moved underground is as high as 10 million, underground farms, underground mines and various underground industries. Everything, and there are even unconfirmed reports that the country is digging an underground transportation network and preparing to use underground railways to connect all underground cities.

From what Ye Han knew, if the ground was occupied by aliens or destroyed by aliens, the underground city network could last at least several decades without being isolated from the ground!

Even the northern capital does not know whether the westward plan is planned or unfounded, but it is better to have such a plan than no preparation, right?

It is said that Beiyuezhou and Nanyuezhou are also part of the emergency plan, but without the accumulation of data for several generations, it is impossible to understand the impact of low gravity on humans.

Humans were born on the earth and grew up on the earth. Only the earth is the most suitable place for human beings to live, and the high-level people are very clear about the reason that all eggs cannot be put in one basket, so even if there is a lunar base, the North has no idea of ​​suspending the westward plan. .

An old general's words are not rough: no matter when it is, there must be roots on the earth, right?

Of course, Beiyuezhou is also the top priority of the backup plan. Once the earth has an emergency, at least human beings can continue to reproduce on the moon. Even if the low gravity will cause undetermined effects, it is still better than the extinction of the country.

It is precisely with such a development idea that Beidu spared no effort to build the Qiongzhou launch site. Since the electromagnetic orbit was put into use, dozens or even dozens of spacecraft have been launched every day.

Taking the spacecraft to the sky in hibernation mode can not only greatly reduce the pressure during the lift-off process, but also save the material consumption on the road. Since the Qiongzhou launch site was put into use, nearly one million people have been sent to the moon. At present, Beiyuezhou Enough to undertake the heavy responsibility of human continuation.

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