Armor Frenzy

Chapter 875: time flies

The nuclear ejection was far away, and after Ye Han announced the reward from his superiors, he ordered the team members to continue hibernating.

Originally, he should have injected hibernin himself, but Ye Han was thinking about Bai Xiaoting and the child, and didn't want to hibernate so early, so he used his power for personal gain.

After the soldiers hibernated, he sent several videos to Bai Xiaoting every day. After more than a week, the Yushan received an order from the Tiangong, and Ye Han reluctantly injected hibernin.

When I woke up again, it was already mid-March 2028. After I woke up and checked the communication records, I realized that the Fourth Fleet had set off on December 26, 2028, and was about to arrive at Mars in a few days.

The departure time of the fleet was exactly a week after Ye Han watched hibernin!

Ye Han, who saw the news, was a little dizzy, didn't he say that he was not fully prepared? What do you mean by leaving? But after thinking about it with a little thought, he figured out the key.

The reason why this happens is entirely due to the distance between the fire and the ground.

To put it simply, both Earth and Mars are in motion, and the conjunction period of the two planets is two years. At this time, the two planets are closest to each other, and the Earth is right between the sun and Mars, which is called Mars opposition in astronomy—— The word Chong in astronomy refers to an outer planet and the sun on either side of the earth, and at this time, the two planets are the closest.

There is also a phenomenon called a transit, in which Mercury or Venus blocks between the Earth and the sun.

The last Mars opposition occurred on February 19, 2027, the second day after the departure of the Third Fleet. At that time, Jupiter’s opposition had just ended for half a month. Unfortunately, the goal of the Third Fleet was neither Jupiter nor Mars, and missed it in vain. A great opportunity for the sun.

By the time the Third Fleet returned, the Earth and Mars had already drawn a distance. The fleet approached Mars in order to use Mars' gravitational slingshot to speed up the fleet and save time for returning, otherwise the Yushan would not stay on Mars.

When the Fourth Fleet set off, it was close to the end of 2027. At this time, it was nearly a year since Mars opposed the sun. The Earth and Mars were on both sides of the sun. Although the distance was not the farthest, it was not too far away. The Fourth Fleet is here. Time starts and must fly from one side of the sun to the other, which is the longest and longest flight.

But it’s not enough if you don’t set off. Mars’ next opposition to the sun must wait until March 2029, and Io will arrive at Mars in May. It’s really too late to wait until 2029, so even if you know that the fleet with the farthest voyage has to set off.

In this way, the Fourth Fleet will set off at the end of 2027. The fleet will fly directly to Venus. With the help of Venus’s gravity, it will continue to fly to Mars after a certain speed increase. Due to the angle problem, the fleet’s speed increase is very limited.

In this way, after a long journey of three and a half months, the Fourth Fleet finally successfully flew to Mars. If it flew at full speed, the time would be cut by half a month, but the acceleration and deceleration of the fleet also took time, so it was delayed by half a month. moon.

In the past, Ye Han might not have even thought of the reason, but after staying in the fleet for a long time, he was also close to Zhu Zhechi, and he knew more and more about the operation of celestial bodies, and then he thought of the reason in this regard.

The arrival of the Fourth Fleet meant the continuation of the Mars plan. Ye Han and the awakened warriors immediately got busy and prepared to welcome the Fourth Fleet.

On March 18, 2028, the Fourth Fleet arrived on Mars, and the Yushan and Luzhou were all placed under the unified command of the fleet.

The Fourth Fleet of the Expeditionary Force is the most bizarre alternative in the history of the expedition fleet. The other fleets are mainly battleships, and their tasks are to fight with aliens. Only the Fourth Fleet is composed of transport ships and super engines, and the number of spaceships It is also the crown of the previous expedition fleet, with no less than 30 super engines.

Ye Han had a simple communication with the fleet, and immediately organized the soldiers to start construction.

The construction is not that simple. The nuclear bombs must be collected in order, and the nuclear bombs must be placed in the designated wells one by one according to the number.

In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, the Fourth Fleet also specially organized a quality inspection team. Every nuclear bomb placed must be checked repeatedly. First, the soldiers checked themselves, then Ye Han took Ouyang Ping and Luo Qi to check, and finally the fleet checked. , every inspection must be signed on the document, which link is responsible for any problem.

Marines are under pressure!

At this time, Ye Han also recalled that it was not easy to install a nuclear bomb, and the entire Beiyuezhou could not find a more professional team than the Marine Corps, or why did the Marine Corps stay?

The soldiers placed the nuclear bombs in the wells one by one according to the number, and the next step was to install the super engine on the satellite and wait for the arrival of Io Zero.

But at this time, the plan diverged. According to the original plan, the super engine should be directly fixed on the and so on. zero.

But now there is a view that even if the power of the nuclear bomb is carefully calculated, the nuclear bomb is still a nuclear bomb. If the super engine is fixed on the satellite, it is difficult to ensure that the engine will not be damaged in the nuclear explosion, and it will be too late to regret it.

Hurry up and build this thing quickly, and you can send more than a dozen units in the future. Even if you can build it later, it will be too late. If this thing breaks, there will be one less, and it is not enough. Why take the risk on a satellite?

The new plan is to blow up the satellite first, then use the super engine to lean on it, and then push the satellite fragments to hit Io Zero.

But there are also problems in this. First, when Io is close to the satellite, how long does it take for the super engine to be fixed; second, the irregular shape of the fragments, how to fix the super engine in the correct position; third, the explosion A large number of fragments will inevitably be produced. Will the super engine be damaged in the process of rushing to the fragments? Finally, there is the problem of concealment. The super engine is a man-made object at first glance, and it is incompatible with the shape of the satellite. Aliens are stupid. There should be a problem with the satellite.

These are just a few big problems that need to be solved urgently, and there are all kinds of small problems that need to be solved urgently by the fleet.

Not to mention the fleet, even Beidu is a headache for this, and some people even proposed to blast the satellite now, let the fragments of the satellite fly around Mars for a while, and then hit it after the moon arrives. .

The nuclear bomb is buried deep in the ground, and the detonation has no sound and light effect, but the aliens are not blind, so it is possible to see the satellite shatter? When the aliens are ready, won't they startle the snake?

If all the preparations are in vain, Ye Han will not be able to get through this level of his own - why did Lao Tzu abandon his wife and children and stay on Mars all the time?

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