Armor Frenzy

Chapter 878: 2 after 3

From Mars to Earth, countless pairs of eyes are staring at the third hill, which is getting closer and closer to Io, and its position is right in front of Io!

It is said that the aliens should come forward to intercept it at this time, but there is no movement at the top of the guard, and it seems to be waiting for the arrival of No. 3.

But No. 4, which followed, quickly overtook No. 3, and then No. 5 rushed forward. The two ammunition rushed towards Io Zero at full speed. Overloaded engines burn out in tiny nuclear explosions for a second, but not a single superengine slows down.

The power of the impact is not only related to the quality, but also to the speed at the time of the impact. Therefore, the super engine immediately accelerates with full force after starting, and maximizes the relative speed of the "ammunition" to increase the power of the impact.

If it weren't for this, Number One and Number Two wouldn't stray from the goal.

The same is true for the subsequent "ammunition", but the main component of No. 3 is hematite, which is not small in size but not small in mass, with a total mass of nearly one million tons!

In order to promote this giant "mine", the fleet has placed three super engines on No. 3, but even so, it is still not as fast as the light-loaded No. 4 and No. 5, and there are No. 6 and No. 7 behind. It is only a matter of time before it is overtaken.

The speed of No. 4 and No. 5 are also different. Although their mass is about 200,000 tons, the mass of No. 5 is slightly smaller, and it is gradually keeping pace with No. 4 under the impetus of the super engine!

Everyone who witnessed this scene widened their eyes instinctively, staring at the speeding Shishan without blinking.

At this time, the distance between No. 4 and No. 5 and Io Zero was already very close, and the impact was about to occur. A lifeboat suddenly ejected from each of the two super engines, and they slanted away at a very high speed.

After the lifeboat was ejected, the super engine still pushed forward with full force, pushing Shishan into Io Zero.

The forward direction of No. 4 and No. 5 is facing Io, and Io still has no intention of evading.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, and everyone's hearts are lifted at the same time.

The two stone mountains lived up to their expectations and finally crossed the invisible limit of evasion. At this point, even if he wanted to dodge, Io-wei couldn't dodge.

Everyone's hearts were put down at the same time, and everyone's eyes shone with a light called surprise.

On the Nanzhou bridge, the two screens display No. 4 and No. 5 respectively. The corner of the screen displays the respective countdowns of the collision. The two countdowns were originally in no particular order, but when the collision was about to occur, the time on the No. 5 screen quietly surpassed. number four.

No. 5 No. 1 rushed into the atmosphere of Io Zero first, and a layer of bright red flames quickly enveloped the stone mountain, followed by No. 6 and rushed into the atmosphere half a second later. An angry fighter usually confronts Zero.

No. 5, who was flying in front, touched the ground first. It seemed like an instant, but it seemed like a long time later. A dazzling light suddenly bloomed on the surface of Io Guard Zero. Before the light weakened, another light bloomed.

The strong light dissipated in the blink of an eye, and two huge mushroom clouds rose on the surface of Io Guard. The shock wave that spread rapidly was visible to the naked eye. What was even more shocking was that even Io Guard's ground seemed to be thrown into the water of stones. , the ground swells with water-like earth waves and spreads around at a very high speed.

The crushed rocks rose high, enclosing the mushroom cloud in the middle like a circle of petals, and the mushroom cloud that kept rising was the stamen of the flower of disaster.

Flames rise below the mushroom cloud, but everyone soon realizes that it's not a flame, but a boiling lava lake!

The petals continued to spread, and the footsteps of the lava lake continued to expand with the blooming of the petals. After a while, two huge dazzling bright yellow spots were left on the surface of Io Zero.

In the position of the fleet, even with the naked eye, the bright spots on Io can be seen clearly, and under the gaze of optical equipment, the lava lake is even more vivid.

Such an impact is definitely an astronomical disaster. On the earth, it must be much more serious than the impact of the extinction of the dinosaurs. The earth will inevitably return to the way it was before liberation, and it will return to the appearance of more than four billion years ago.

But to Io Zero, it seemed to be just two ordinary impacts. It was still moving in the original direction, only the speed was slightly slower under the influence of the impact.

Ling Yu stared at the screen with wide eyes, pointed at the two light spots and asked in amazement, "Xugong, why are they so different?"

The masses of the two rock mountains are similar, but the lava lake produced by the impact is one big and one small.

The speed at the time of impact is almost the same, and the mass of No. 5 is even smaller. How could this be the result?

Xu Moriang thought for a while and said, "It may be that the distance is getting closer. The impact of No. 5 affected No. 4 and weakened the power of No. 4."

At this time, No. 6 and No. 7 also passed No. 3. No. 6 had a mass of about 450,000 tons, and No. 7 was about 400,000 tons. Both of them were propelled by two super engines.

After a while, the No. 6 and No. 7 hit Io one after another, leaving two larger lava lakes and four bright lava lakes on the surface of Io, as if torn four huge wounds on Io. , If the arrangement is more regular, it looks quite like the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun.

There are only eight "ammunitions" on Io, and apart from No., there is only No. 8 left with less than 300,000 tons.

It is said that No. 8 should also grab before No. 3, but there is only one thruster on No. 8, and the acceleration is the same as No. 3, so the possibility of grabbing the front is very low.

Ling Yu looked at Mu Weiling, his heart was beating like a drum: "Xugong, this doesn't work, do you think there is still hope?"

The front of Iowei Zero was originally covered with craters, and the four consecutive collisions left four huge lava lakes, and no other effects could be seen. Ling Yu, who was originally confident, had doubts about the Mars plan for the first time.

Xu Moriang said in a low voice, "No. 6 and No. 7 will not work. Unless No. 8 smashes into the lava lake, it will definitely be useless. Now it's up to No. 3."

"Can it be done?" Ling Yu was worried.

"It shouldn't be a problem." Xu Moriang said, "One hit of a million tons is not the same as hitting one million tons several times."

"Hopefully..." Ling Yu narrowed his eyes, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and he secretly calculated the power in his hands.

The Fourth Fleet is not a battle formation. The two strongest cards in his hand are Phobos and Phobos. Now Phobos has been used, and only Phobos is left.

But Deimos has already been left behind by Io, and even if Io's speed has been reduced a lot, its relative speed is still very impressive. At this time, when Deimos is detonated, can those heavy and clumsy stone mountains still be pushed away? Io zero's **** to catch up?

That is simply impossible.

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