Armor Frenzy

Chapter 879: Loss of 1

Deimos is useless at the moment, unless the super engine is used intensively, there may be a glimmer of hope.

But Deimos is originally behind Io, even if all the super-engines are concentrated, they are still chasing behind Io, and they can't push too heavy "ammunition", so the relative speed between the two is large. At a discount, one has no quality and two has no speed. Can it be more powerful than the frontal impact?

What an international joke?

Just thinking of this, Ling Yu suddenly felt that he had overlooked something, and his eyes couldn't help but swept across several screens: "Chief of Staff, how long has Mu Wei Lingfei been flying?"

"What?" Wang Tianyu didn't understand.

"Isn't there something like 270 seconds, how many seconds is it now?" Ling Yu reminded.

Wang Tianyu turned his eyes to the data in the corner of the screen: "Two hundred, more than two hundred and ten..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by an exasperated voice: "Report, Io Zero started the planetary engine and is leaving Mars!"

"What!" Ling Yu sucked in a breath of cold air. After a closer look, he found a faint blue trail behind Mu Weiling's buttocks.

Since the fleet is located in front of Io, I can't see the back of Io at all, so I can only see a little faint light from the side.

I can't see the exact trail, but that little shimmer is enough.

Ling Yu suddenly sobered up: "Is the position of the guard zero, what's the change in the position of the guard guard?"

"I'm leaving Mars. Io's current speed is only about fifty. Mars... Mars' speed is three to thirty-nine kilometers per second, and it continues to increase!" Wang Tianyu suddenly raised his head and looked into Ling Yu's eyes. Full of shock.

Anyone with a little knowledge of physics knows the three cosmic velocities. The three cosmic velocities that are usually mentioned are based on the earth. In fact, each planet has its own three cosmic velocities. The three velocities are mathematically The above is the relationship of √2 times, the orbital speed of Mars is 24.077 kilometers per second, so as long as the speed of Mars exceeds 34 kilometers per second, its position will gradually drift out, and finally leave the solar system. (Note 1)

Ling Yu knew the meaning of this speed, but he couldn't care about Mars at all right now. His face was covered with worry, so he almost picked up a pen and wrote it directly on his face: "Deviated? Which way?"

"Go out, the speed is very fast!" Wang Tianyu woke up like a dream, and suddenly shouted excitedly, "It is avoiding No. 3, he is avoiding No. 3!"

Ling Yu hurriedly asked, "Have you passed the evasion line on No. 3?"

Wang Tianyu looked at Ling Yu and slowly shook his head.

Ling Yu seemed to be drained of all his strength by the news. He was stunned for a while before he said sternly: "The front ones don't hide, just hide from No. 3. I must be afraid of No. 3, but it's a pity..."

It's a pity he didn't say anything, but everyone understood what he meant.

"Commander, is there no way to remedy it?" Wang Tianyu said reluctantly.

"Remedy? How?" Ling Yu asked back.

Wang Tianyu hurriedly said: "Isn't there a nuclear bomb? The equivalent is hundreds of millions of tons!"

Ling Yu pointed at the screen and asked, "Which impact do you think did not exceed 100 million tons?"

Wang Tianyu was at a loss for words.

Not to mention 100 million tons, just pick out one of these collisions, and the energy of the impact explosion is more than a few hundred million tons.

Xu Moliang persuaded: "Commander Ling, try it if you have a way, don't worry about whether it works or not, what if it works together?"

"Just try it." Ling Yu said weakly.

At this point, the Mars plan can already be declared a failure, and the only way to salvage the decline is the nuclear bombs stocked by the fleet.

In this case, no matter how small the chance is, you have to give it a try. What if it really succeeds?

Thinking of this, Ling Yu did not dare to neglect, and immediately ordered the battleship to launch missiles.

Nuclear bombs with an equivalent of hundreds of millions of tons, each of which is astonishingly large, must be launched with heavy missiles, and even if mounted on a fighter jet, heavy missiles must be used as carriers.

The two heavy missiles immediately entered the launch process, the launch ports were opened layer by layer, and the safety measures were lifted. After a few seconds, two flames burst out from the depths of the Nanzhou, and the two heavy missiles flew away from the south with bright tail flames. Continent, flew straight to Io Zero in the distance.

In order to avoid the impact of No. 3, Io is maneuvering to the left - its right side is Mars, it is impossible to run to the right, and left is the only option!

Moreover, Io Zero has a huge size and amazing mass. No matter how strong the thrust of the planetary engine is, it will take time and a process to avoid it.

The missile launched by the Nanzhou is aimed at the outside of Io. If Io remains in place, then the two missiles must be empty. On the contrary, if they continue to drift out to avoid No. 3, they will avoid No. 3 at the same time. hit by a missile.

The outcome depends on how the aliens choose.

Mu Weiling was unavoidable and unavoidable. Even if he knew that the missile could not help Mu Weiling, Ling Yu felt a savage sigh of relief in his heart.

Perhaps the aliens also knew that Io couldn't bear the warm embrace of No. 3, and they chose the incoming missile very Io did not change direction and did not slow down, rushing before No. 3 arrived After completing the evasion, No. 3 brushed the right side of Io at close range, and the originally straight trajectory was forcibly pulled into a curve by Io's gravity.

No. 3 flew a short distance along the curve and got rid of Io's gravity, but unfortunately it had already flown behind Io, and there was no chance for it to collide again.

Ling Yu and the others only saw that No. 3 suddenly became extremely bright in the wake of Io Zero, and then burst out layers of brilliant sparks like a short-circuited high-voltage line, but the sparks penetrated the wake as No. 3 penetrated the wake. Disappearing, coming and going quickly, No. 3 finally flew into the unknown deep space under the impetus of the super engine...

Of course, the driver in the engine escaped in time in a lifeboat and did not follow No. 3 to the distance.

So Io was hit by two missiles without any suspense, and then two mushroom clouds exploded on the surface of Io. One of them hit the lower left, and the other happened to get into a lava lake. Most of the lava was vaporized, and the rest was sent to the sky by the explosion, and a meteor fire rain fell from the sky.

The power of these two nuclear bombs is not small, but they are incomparable with the previous impact. Even the impact of the astronomical level can not help Io Zero, how much effect can two nuclear bombs play?

The dead horse became a living horse doctor, but it failed in the end. Ling Yu's mood was extremely low, and the others were not strong enough. Everyone was angry, unwilling, and angry, but there was no way to deal with the current situation.

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