Armor Frenzy

Chapter 880: Doubt

Ling Yu's face changed again and again, his brows tightened for a while and then spread out, staring at the screen without saying a word.

The Fourth Fleet is affiliated to the Beiyuezhou Fleet, but the Mars Project is not implemented by Beidu alone. There are more than a dozen military attaché representatives from the participating countries of the Mars Project on the Nanzhou, and their faces are also extremely difficult to see.

According to the agreement reached between the countries, the impact will be broadcast live to the earth, but the distance between the earth and Mars is a little far, and it will take a while for the direct signal to reach the earth.

Although it was not an open global live broadcast, there were not a few high-level executives from various countries watching the live broadcast. Neither Ling Yu nor military attachés from various countries knew how to explain to their own high-level officials.

In fact, there is nothing to explain. Ling Yu's command is quite satisfactory. Although there was a little accident in the middle, the stone mountain weighing hundreds of thousands of tons has hit Io several times. From this point of view, the Mars plan is undoubtedly a success, but Who would have thought that even an astronomical impact could not help Io Zero?

When the nuclear explosion ended, the gap between the two lava lakes was destroyed by the explosion, and the hot lava merged with each other, but the boundary of the lava lake had stabilized, and it was only a matter of time before the wounds healed.

Io was still gradually moving away from Mars. A few minutes later, Wang Tianyu broke the silence: "The target has stopped changing direction, and the target orbit is being measured!"

Ling Yu sighed in disappointment: "What speed is Mu Wei zero?"

"Forty-four kilometers per second."

"Minus more than half!" There was despair in Ling Yu's eyes.

He has tried his best, but this is what he got.

"It's still going down," Wang Tianyu said.

Ling Yu was startled: "Still descending? What about Mars?"

"It's still going up."

Ling Yu sighed bitterly: "It's better to hit Mars!" After speaking, he let out a heavy breath, "Forget it, report it."

"This... can't we think of a way?" Wang Tianyu said embarrassedly.

He is a member of the fleet, a professional soldier, and even a member of the human race. No matter from which point of view, there is a reason to kill Io Zero, but the reality is so ruthless.

He didn't know, if he missed this opportunity, there would be another chance in the future.

Ling Yu sighed again: "Old Wang, I understand what you mean, but it's all this time, I've already thought of a way, I really can't do anything, do you have it?"

"No." Wang Tianyu's voice was low.

"What about you?" Ling Yu looked around.

No one spoke, including the dozen or so foreign military attachés who were proficient in Chinese.

"Let's report it." Ling Yu said softly, "Sooner or later, report it early, prepare early, and maybe you can stop it."

block? Stop with what? Blow up the moon and continue to collide?

Everyone knows that Ling Yu is deceiving himself, but now what else can he do besides comfort himself?

Wang Tianyu was silent, and organized the execution process into a formal report to Ling Yu for review.

Ling Yu waved his hand: "Send it directly."

The report was sent to the earth by laser, Ling Yu unbuckled his seat belt and floated: "It's all gone." After speaking, he floated out of the bridge.

Ye Han wanted to persuade but didn't know how, opened his mouth but didn't utter a word.

As the actual executor of the Mars plan, he has always been on the bridge, but he adhered to the principle of seeing more and speaking less, and never spoke.

Wang Tianyu withdrew his worried eyes: "Have you heard? The staff on duty stay, what should the others do?"

Everyone left the bridge one by one. Wang Tianyu was about to leave when he heard a clear prompt tone.

Looking at the multi-function display, it turns out that Io Zero's new orbit has been calculated.

Out of professional habit, Wang Tianyu gave up the idea of ​​leaving, and sat down to study Io's new orbit carefully.

His astronomy accomplishments are the same as that of most officers. He has only learned a little, and he only understands the conditions in the solar system. It is common to encounter problems, calculate, calculate, and check data, but he has been in contact for a long time and figured out a little rule. , seeing Io Zero's new orbit, he instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Io's new orbit is not a direct flight to the earth, but an oblique flight to the earth's orbit. If an extension line is drawn according to the existing orbit, the extension line of this arc is just circumscribed with the earth's orbit, and the total length is close to two astronomical points. units, almost 300 million kilometers, and at Io's current speed, it will reach Earth orbit in three months.

There is no time to calculate the detailed time, it is probably that much.

But the problem is not here. The problem is that the earth is not in that direction at all. After three months, Io arrives in the earth's orbit. The two planets are just on both sides of the sun. The positions are definitely asymmetrical, but the distance is wide.

Isn't Io Zero's target the Earth? What are you doing flying that far? Or is the current orbit just a transition, and the aliens will readjust their orbits in the future?

Otherwise, the aliens plan to fly to the earth's orbit first, and then use the speed advantage to catch up with the earth... Obviously they can fly directly to the earth, and the aliens will not be so stupid, right?

The more he looked, the more strange he felt, and Wang Tianyu's character was cautious. Even if he saw the clue, he didn't want to jump to conclusions. When he looked up, he saw Ye Han floating to the door, and immediately shouted, "Ye Han, come here!"

The cabin door has been opened in front of Ye Ye Zhi shouted, he grabbed the upper edge of the cabin door, and dragged himself back: "Chief of Staff, are you calling me?"

"Come here!" Wang Tianyu beckoned, pointed at the screen and said, "Look, what do you think?"

Ye Han looked at it carefully for a while, then looked at Wang Tianyu suspiciously: "Is this the wrong direction?"

"I don't think it's right, but I can't think of a reason." Wang Tianyu said.

"I don't have any clues either..." Halfway through the sentence, Ye Han suddenly froze.

Wang Tianyu found that Ye Han's expression was wrong, and couldn't help but light up: "What did you think of?"

Ye Han shook his head: "It's nothing, I thought it was wrong."

"Where did you want to go? Say it and do research!" Wang Tianyu said.

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "I'm thinking of the First Fleet. When the fleet flew to Jupiter, Io was very close to Jupiter, and there were mountains and water on it, except that it was smaller than the earth, and the rest were similar. …”

Wang Tianyu suddenly realized: "You mean, their goal is not the earth, but the earth's orbit?"

This was a bit confusing, but Ye Han understood it and nodded immediately: "I think it's very possible, we thought about it before."

The meaning of the words is very simple. The earth is located in the middle of the habitable zone of the solar system, and it is the best place in the habitable zone. The aliens put Io into the orbit of the earth, and the frozen planet will not take long to warm up. revives in the sunlight and becomes a lush habitable planet again.

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