Armor Frenzy

Chapter 881: speculate

Wang Tianyu simply didn't know what to say. The reason was unexpected, but it made sense after thinking about it carefully.

What are aliens? It is an advanced civilization that has been wandering in the universe for an unknown number of years. Since the discovery of aliens, human beings have been observing aliens without interruption. From what we know from various aspects, aliens do not fly faster than the speed of light. Such super technology, with the size and mass of Io Zero, it is impossible to have the ability to fly faster than the speed of light.

That is to say, before Io arrived in the solar system, it took countless years to fly through the interstellar space, until reaching the solar system, the aliens came to the ground from the depths of Io.

The tenacity of aliens is admirable, but their attitude toward humans is disgusting.

Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, if human beings are in the position of aliens, what is the first thought when they arrive in a new galaxy?

Wang Tianyu feels that as long as his brain is normal, he will not just think about grabbing the earth, but will move Io to a suitable position. As long as the planet starts to recover, will the recovery of civilization be far behind?

Thinking of this, Wang Tianyu was completely dumbfounded: "This, this, is this possible?" Although he said so, he had long recognized the answer in his heart.

Ye Han smiled bitterly: "I think this may be higher, we are all soldiers, and we are used to thinking about things from a military perspective. Eighty percent of the time we wanted to go wrong, but it is also possible that we wanted to fly to the earth at first, but we have been insisting on blocking, forcing us to The aliens had to give up."

Wang Tianyu nodded thoughtfully.

There are only a few aliens on the earth, and they have made Africa and South America into a smog, and the whole world can't breathe. If Io flew to the vicinity of the earth and sent people to land on the earth every three days, the earth would fall outside sooner or later. In the hands of the stars, they will have two habitable planets at that time, and this harvest is not an ordinary big one.

There is no need to doubt the intentions of the aliens. If they have no idea about the earth, why do they have to do so much, fly directly to the earth's orbit, and maintain a safe enough distance from the earth. The two sides are separated by the sun. Do you have the ability to run Io on Zero to stab the aliens?

Those are aliens, aliens who can cross interstellar space, I am afraid that before the aliens come over, a large number of alien brain powder will appear on the earth.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but fight a cold war. If it wasn't for the aliens' decision-making mistakes, they would definitely have the opportunity to take down the earth without bloodshed!

Maybe the aliens didn't think of this, or maybe the aliens didn't have this awareness at all. In short, they stood on the opposite side of humans.

Human beings have come this far because they were forced out by aliens. If they developed slowly step by step, it would be impossible to build a small base on the moon today. garden.

From this perspective, aliens are the catalyst for the progress of human civilization. The heavy pressure they bring to human beings forces human beings to do everything they can, forcibly forcing the human civilization on the threshold to break through the shackles and soar into the space age. .

The two were relatively speechless, Wang Tianyu was silent for a while, and finally said: "No matter whether the guess is correct or not, or what the alien's purpose is, in short, report this first and see what the commander's attitude is. ."

There was an idea in his heart that he would never say. If the aliens didn't want to attack the earth, it would not be unacceptable to just keep going.

Ye Han nodded: "If only we had something like an antimatter weapon, we would just give it to Io Wei to solve this trouble completely."

The contradiction between humans and aliens has long been irreconcilable. The closer Io is to the earth, the more uncertain the hearts of the top leaders of the countries. It is impossible to keep Io in the orbit of the earth and find a way to solve the problem of Io. Zero is a matter of time.

Wang Tianyu smacked his lips: "Let's do this first, be strict with your mouth, don't say this first."

Ye Han resisted the urge to roll his eyes: "Don't worry." It wasn't the first day he was a soldier, so how could he keep it secret?

Wang Tianyu instructed the duty officer in the bridge again, and the two floated off the bridge one after the other. After a while, Wang Tianyu returned to the bridge and made a report on the previous findings and guesses and sent it back to Earth. .

At this time, the signal that hit Io Zero had just reached the earth, and the high-level officials of various countries saw the whole process of the impact, and suddenly there was an uproar.

The uproar was not because the plan failed, but because Io was too strong!

Before the live broadcast was finished, the first brother stood up subconsciously and kept shouting that it was impossible.

He doesn't know much about astronomy, but he has no common sense to know how the dinosaurs went extinct. The fragments that hit Io are more than the asteroids that wiped out the dinosaurs. This can't stop Io, what else can I do? effect?

This is really incredible.

Experts at the meeting also had some unique views. One of the geologists believed that the energy of the impact was so great that it was inappropriate to only smash a lava lake. Judging from the power of the impact, the lava lake was really too small. If it hits the earth, it will definitely pierce the crust, causing an unprecedented super volcanic and may even repeat the extinction of the Permian volcanic eruption.

He judged that the zero density of Io must be far beyond the earth, otherwise this situation would not occur.

But his hypothesis is really not convincing. If the density of Io is really that high, the mass of Io will be much higher than the previous estimate. Although the diameter is only 8,000 kilometers, its mass should be about the same as the earth. If it is more, then the gravity of Io Zero should be similar to that of the earth.

But in fact, the gravity of Io is smaller than that of the earth. Any marine who has landed on Io can prove this, and infer that Io's mass is not that high.

However, the aliens can take the planetary thrusters back to the ground, and they have dug so many holes in the ground. Experts finally concluded that Io Zero may be hollow, and the surface layer or crust is far stronger than the earth.

There is some truth to this idea. After all, Io is a carrier used by aliens to fly through interstellar space. There is nothing wrong with something special.

But the Mars project is over, and even if experts guess the right answer, it won't help.

At this time, Beidu received Wang Tianyu's second report. This report immediately aroused great attention from the first brother, and immediately ordered relevant units to observe the situation of Io Zero. Through a series of observations, the report described in the report was finally confirmed. Io zero orbit is exactly right.

So what is the purpose of aliens? Is it really the same as the report guessed, to find a place for Io Ling to recover?

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