Armor Frenzy

Chapter 884: incredible speculation

With power, a shell, and a lot of inner space, this is a planet, it is a spaceship after all, a super spaceship with a diameter of more than 8,000 kilometers!

The analyst was so excited that his mouth trembled, he immediately reported the discovery, and just a few minutes later, the first brother received a report from Qiu Tianning: "According to the current intelligence analysis, Io is probably not a planet, and It's a supership that aliens use to travel across interstellar space!"

The first brother was stunned, and even his voice changed: "You said that thing is a spaceship?"

Qiu Tianning nodded solemnly: "I also think it's unbelievable, but the information in all aspects has been confirmed, and this conclusion should be credible."

"My God!" One brother sat down in the chair, staring at the corner of the desk with lost eyes, and then slowly raised his straight eyes, "If, I mean, if it's really a spaceship, it has to use How many resources can you make?"

Qiu Tianning was stared at by the first brother's eyes and said, "I don't know, but I know that if all the resources on the earth are pooled together, such a super spaceship cannot be built, let alone the construction technology of aliens. "

The first brother rubbed his temples vigorously: "Even a spaceship the size of a planet can be built. What are the aliens doing on the earth? Just build two spaceships, where can't they go?"

Qiu Tianning's heart moved: "Could the purpose of the aliens be the resources of the earth?"

The first brother's pupils shrank sharply: "Resource war? You mean they want to use the resources of the earth to make new spaceships?"

"I think it's very possible." Qiu Tianning said.

The first brother slowly tightened his brows: "In that case, Venus and Mercury are also their targets!"

Qiu Tianning thought for a while and said, "Venus is hard to say, Mercury is ninety percent."

The first brother waved his hand: "They can even build star ships, and the atmosphere of Venus must not be difficult for them. Thinking about it, it can be explained that Io does not fly to the earth. Their target is likely to be Venus. If they It shouldn't be difficult to hollow out the resources of Venus and build a new spaceship, and then we will be in big trouble!"

"And Mercury!" Qiu Tianning said, "The closer to the sun, the higher the metal content of the planet. The diameter of Mercury is less than 5,000 kilometers, but I think the resources on Mercury alone are enough for aliens to build another starship. "

"Hey—" Brother One rubbed his face vigorously, feeling that his whole body was trembling from the inside out.

As the head of a country, he has seen and dealt with innumerable major events, and his mental quality has long been exercised as strong as iron, but when he thinks of such a huge ship-building plan by the aliens, he can't help but tremble with fear.

Is this an extractive resource in particular? This is such a devouring planet!

The first brother was not well, and he was silent for a while before asking, "Can you stop them?"

"It's difficult." Qiu Tianning shook his head, "and I'm worried it's too late."

The first brother was startled: "What do you mean?"

Qiu Tianning said: "According to reliable information, the vast majority of aliens stay on the moons of Jupiter. Galileo's satellites are more than 3,000 kilometers in size and more than 5,000 kilometers in size. I think those satellites alone are enough for aliens to make them. It has two or three starships."

"Is there any information on this?" Brother Yi said in a hurried tone.

"Not yet," said Qiu Tianning, "but we have reason to believe that aliens are doing this."

"Does Jupiter still have our probes?"

Qiu Tianning shook his head: "No, we haven't got exact information on Jupiter for a long time."

The first brother looked solemn: "You can arrange it in a while, let Tiangong use the space telescope to observe it to see if there is any discovery, and notify... No, don't notify anyone for the time being, and wait for the news of Tiangong."

"Yes!" Qiu Tianning nodded.

The first brother scratched his head in an unimaginative manner: "I really can't imagine how the starship was built. Could it be that the planet was hollowed out and built directly inside the planet?"

"There is such a possibility." Qiu Tianning agreed with the first brother's brain hole very much, "Maybe there are aliens on Titan and other moons, including Pluto, Sedna, Yueshen and other dwarf planets, but the more The lower the content of heavy elements in the outer solar system, it is definitely not that easy to build a starship in the outer solar system."

This brain hole also won the approval of the first brother: "There is such a possibility, but the outer solar system is too far away, we will spend so much effort on an expedition to Jupiter, and there is nothing we can do outside Jupiter."

The two of them sighed at the same time, and they both had a feeling of being in ambush and about to be swallowed by aliens.

The first brother suddenly raised his eyes, and his eyes fell on Qiu Tianning's face: "Old Qiu, if I remember correctly, the aliens have been in Jupiter for many years, right?"

"It's old, the earliest records can be traced back to seventeen years ago!"

The first brother nodded: "So, the starship has been in Jupiter for more than ten years, and it is only recently that they have been with us. They can't stay all these years, and the starship may have already started construction."

Qiu Tianning's already gloomy expression was even more ugly: "You mean, their new star ship is almost finished, so they sent the old ship?"

Brother Yi smiled bitterly: "I didn't think about it this I thought that the starship is so big, even if the aliens didn't say they made it? They haven't built one for more than ten years. , is it taking too long to build the ship, and if so, we still have some time."

"What can we do if we have time?" Qiu Tianning was very pessimistic, "With our strength, we can't even deal with a single starship. If there are more ships... if we don't need a few more ships, they don't need to send any more ships. "

"Isn't it, the starship hasn't fought back. We can't do anything if we get beaten up or not. If the starship fights back... Lao Qiu, do you have any information on weapons? I'm talking about the starship." The first brother asked suddenly road.

Qiu Tianning's face changed: "No, no...except for the fine light."

Brother Yi's face was so heavy that water dripped: "Such a big spaceship, maybe there is no armament at all? It must be that the aliens think it is not worth it, and they have not moved the weapons on the starship. Do you think the weapons on the starship can be powerful? How big is it?"

"It's hard to say." Qiu Tianning was very cautious. "The reason why they don't move the starship weapons may be because the energy consumption is too high or the preparation time is too long to be used in the fleet..."

"Earth?" Brother Yi's whole body stood up, "If you say that, Io's goal may also be the Earth!"

Don't look at Io's current orbit far away from the earth, but after reaching the earth's orbit, how difficult is it to get closer to the earth? At that time, even if all the fleets are sent out, I am afraid that it will not be able to stop the moon.

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