Armor Frenzy

Chapter 883: excess metal

Maozi's refuge plan is quite distinctive. In addition to building underground fortresses, he also built several underwater cities near the sea.

The reason for the construction of the underwater city is that the sea water can effectively resist giant insects. Living on the ocean floor is not only free from the threat of giant insects, but also can obtain enough marine products to supply the city.

Although Maozi didn't have the opportunity to participate in the space program, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and his background is much higher than those of the second-tier countries. In addition, he has saved a lot of money from the previous large-scale arms export, and he is not inferior to Beidu and Washington when he starts a big project. .

Maozi also has a unique trick that no one can learn. They moved a large number of people north to the cold northern Siberia, hoping to use the cold there to defend against aliens.

However, both Beidu and Washington know that the severe cold can only resist giant insects, and cannot stop the aliens who live on Io all year round... The temperature there is lower than that of Siberia.

It's impossible for Maozi not to know this, but it's puzzling that they still insist on doing this.

In the chaos, a few days passed in a flash. At this time, the Fourth Fleet had left Mars, and the engineering ships and other non-combat ships returned directly. Behind Wei Ling's butt, even the half-crippled Yushan was not spared.

The reason for this is because Beidu judges that Io's current orbit is very unscientific, and believes that Io is likely to adjust its direction, so planetary engines must be used, and the fleet follows Io to wait for planetary engines. appeared, thereby destroying the planetary engine in one fell swoop.

Beidu also knew that this was a hopeless wait, and if it hadn't been able to think of other ways, Beidu would not have resorted to this.

Yushan received the order of Nanzhou, and started routine inspection work again, accelerated to leave the fleet, and flew in front of Io Wei with an extremely light attitude. According to the past practice, Yushan will circle around the wood. Wei Zero flew for a week and took the opportunity to observe the situation on Io Zero.

Although the Yushan only had the remaining orbital section, there were no less than half of the thrusters. Its thrust-to-weight ratio was the highest of all warships, and its speed could reach twice that of the Nanzhou. Ling Yu valued the speed of the Yushan and ordered Yushan. Shan continued to follow the fleet, whether Ye Han or Lin Yi, without the ability to object, they could only obey.

The battleship flew in front of Io, and Lin Yi casually glanced at Io: "Sir, the lava lake seems to be frozen."

"Really? It's really fast." Ye Han muttered unexpectedly, adjusting the direction of the optical lens, aiming at the lava lake on the surface of Io Zero.

Sure enough, as Lin Yi said, the edges of several lava lakes were obviously solidified, and the solidified edge area was covered with a dark metallic luster.

Ye Han frowned, metallic luster?

He was a little dizzy, and immediately turned on the communication device: "Yushan called Nanzhou, the lava lake condensed, the situation is a bit wrong."

"What's wrong?"

"There doesn't seem to be lava in the lake..."

"Not what is magma?"

"Like metal, molten metal!"

"What are you kidding?"

"No kidding, it's weird, but it's very clear." Having said that, Ye Han sent a video to Nanzhou.

This video caused the entire fleet to shake, and the main force of the fleet headed by Nanzhou immediately accelerated to keep up... In fact, the main force of the fleet was only three warships, which were all the armed forces of mankind near Io Zero.

After seeing the condensed surface of the lake, Ling Yu, who was extremely shocked, immediately rescued the earth. Beidu was equally surprised when he got this situation.

Although one of the main components of Phobos is hematite, is it possible to smelt steel after impact?

After careful analysis, it was found that Ye Han made a big oolong. The metal reflection in the video is not solidified lava, but a piece of arched metal floating on the surface of the lava. The length of this thing is at least more than 30 meters, and exposed There is only a small part outside, and the part hidden under the rock face is unknown.

It is said that it is not unusual for metal to appear in the lava lake. After all, the boulder that hit Io Zero was propelled by a super engine, but this piece of metal is obviously artificial, but it is not a part of the super engine!

Beidu immediately thought of the dungeons all over Io, and felt that it was very likely that the boulder smashed through the surface and smashed the alien dungeon, and the metal floated from the bottom of the lava lake to the surface of the lake.

As for why the abnormality was not found before, it is very simple. The temperature of the lava lake is too high, and the metal is burned to a red state by high temperature in the lake. , it is not surprising that no floating metal was found.

And the metal in the lake must be a light metal alloy, or the metal components are hollow inside, otherwise it is impossible to float on the lake.

This thing is not only light in weight and high in strength, but also very resistant to high temperatures, otherwise it will not be preserved in the impact of small celestial bodies.

Beidu, who came to the conclusion, released a mission, asking the Fourth Fleet to carefully count the amount of metal on the lava lake, so as to provide a basis for judging the number of dungeons.

I don’t know if I don’t check it, but I’m shocked when I check it. The number of large metal components in the lava is beyond imagination. More than a thousand pieces were found in the smallest lava This number is too outrageous. Ling Yu felt that the observation was wrong, and the result of re-checking was still the same number. The fraction fluctuated a little, but the total did not change much.

Ling Yu was not calm now. In order to confirm the accuracy of the data, he ordered the warship to launch a missile at the lava lake.

The missile hit the lava lake accurately, the warhead detonated, causing a high wave, and between the waves rolled, at least dozens of metal components floated and sank.

This scene confirmed the previous observations, and also shocked everyone in the bridge.

When the news was reported to Beidu, Beidu immediately organized a manual analysis and found that according to the density of metal components obtained by observation, there should be a super-large underground city under the lake, otherwise there should not be so many metal components.

But it is a coincidence that a lava lake is above the dungeon. Is it possible that they are all above the dungeon? Io Underground wouldn't always be a super dungeon, would it?

The more the analysis, the weirder the situation, and all the analysts were a little confused. At this time, someone suddenly thought of Io Zero's hollow theory, and a thought came into their minds, could these metal components be Io Zero's shell?

If Io is surrounded by a thick metal crust, and the interior is indeed as hollow as it is guessed, then the low gravity, insufficient lava lake, and inexplicable density all have reasonable explanations!

The analyst suddenly found that all the incomprehensible parts of Io Zero made sense, but the answer was so unbelievable!

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