Armor Frenzy

Chapter 888: owe

Space City.

On the screen, two little people, one on the left and one on the right, waving their small arms with open teeth and claws, four **** eyes rolling around, and two small mouths humming you and me, talking to no one. incomprehensible language.

Ye Han sat in front of the screen with a happy smile: "Xiaoting, what are we talking about baby?"

"Fuck you, how can such a small child speak!" Bai Xiaoting gave Ye Han a big white eye, "Are you guys all so naive?"

"What naive?" Ye Han didn't know why, and his eyes were full of doubts.

"Forget it, when I didn't say it." Bai Xiaoting looked resentful, "When will you be back?"

Ye Han sighed helplessly: "I can't go back for the time being."

"Why? Isn't the fleet back?" Bai Xiaoting's brows had a tangle that couldn't be resolved.

"Isn't this war preparation, all the leave and vacations are stopped, and even those who are on vacation have to be called back..." The rest of the words turned into a sigh, and Ye Han's eyes were full of guilt.

In the blink of an eye, it's been half a year, and the two little guys have grown up long ago. They are no longer the ugly ducklings they used to look like. The two little faces are pink and tender, and they want to kiss them hard, but it's a pity that the child was born like this After a long time, his father didn't even have the chance to hug the child with his own hands.

Doesn't he want to go back to Earth, he thought, looking forward to going back from the first day back in Space City. But as soon as the fleet returned to Beiyuezhou, it received an order to disband the fleet. All the battleships were dispersed and incorporated into the Beiyuezhou fleet, and the Beiyuezhou fleet had been preparing for battle for more than a month because of the arrival of Io Wei.

Right now, Ye Han is in the space city, and Bai Xiaoting is in the Qiongzhou base. The straight-line distance is 380,000 kilometers. Compared with the previous distance of tens of millions of kilometers, it is just a short distance away. Every day, there are official spaceships traveling between the earth and the moon. The spacecraft will definitely reach Earth within two days.

However, all combat readiness must be on duty, and even those who are on vacation must return to the team. It is impossible to ask for leave.

Not being able to see his wife and children, Ye Han's depression in his heart is not to be mentioned. The only consolation is that the moon can communicate with the earth in real time. Compared with the delay of more than ten minutes before, the two-second pause is really nothing.

Bai Xiaoting looked down at the two children, her eyes gradually turned red, Ye Han's heart clenched tightly. I'll go back immediately when I'm ready!"

"Back? How did you respond?" Bai Xiaoting wiped away her tears, "It's not that I don't know why you are preparing for the war. I'm really afraid that one day you will fight aliens and you won't be able to come back..."

"Bullshit, how can I die so easily?" Ye Han feigned anger, "Don't worry, I'll be able to go back after a while."

"How long has it been this time? One year? Two years? Or does it count after finishing the fight against Mu Wei?" Bai Xiaoting robbed Ye Han and asked Ye Han at a loss for words. She wanted to explain a few words, but she had nothing to say.

A situation like his is not an exception. There are countless officers and soldiers in the whole army who have encountered similar situations, and soldiers are such a group of people who are worthy of the country, but often worthy of their parents, wives and children.

Ye Han didn't know where he and Bai Xiaoting would go in the end if this continued.

He didn't even know how he would answer if Bai Xiaoting filed for divorce.

Thinking of those comrades around him who were married but divorced for various reasons, Ye Han felt a lot of blockage in his heart.

Many military wives persevered, but perseverance meant separation and loneliness. Thinking of this, Ye Han felt even more blocked.

After a while, he uttered a few words with difficulty: "I will as soon as possible."

Bai Xiaoting laughed angrily: "I don't know you yet? Forget it, I know I can't blame you, but you've been gone for a year and a half, so I can't give you a few days off to come back and have a look?"

"A few days off... It's not enough at all." Ye Han's expression became more bitter, "I've been in space for too long, and it will take a month or two to recover from isolation..."

"If you can't get out, I'll take the child to see you, but can you come back?"

"I... can't go back..." Ye Han lowered his head sadly and gritted his teeth hard.

Bai Xiaoting turned her face away, leaving only the back of Ye Han's head. Ye Han wanted to say something, but a prompt box suddenly popped up on the screen.

Ye Han stood up abruptly: "Xiaoting, urgent communication, I have to hang up, I'll call you later!"

Without waiting for Bai Xiaoting to answer, he immediately switched the communication interface. Huo Qiang's figure appeared on the screen: "Ye Han, let me ask you, how is the situation in the army?"

"Everything is ready, ready to fight at any time!" Ye Han said without thinking.

He didn't know yet that during the time he was talking to Bai Xiaoting, Huo Qiang was participating in the discussion on the issue of the Marine Corps' departure and retention.

Huo Qiang was expressionless: "I don't want to listen to slogans, I just want to know the facts, tell the truth!"

Ye Han, who was dismantled, smiled awkwardly: "It's been more than a year since I left, not to mention the soldiers, I have thoughts in my heart, Chief, when will this war preparation be lifted? My two children are half a year old, I've never hugged it before!"

Huo Qiang sighed: "I also want you to go back and have a look, but the situation is not up to you... Ye Han, I understand that the soldiers fluctuate, but I want to ask you, can the troops be pulled out to carry out the mission?"

Ye Han hesitated for a Huo Qiang said immediately: "You don't need to pull out all, just one group, one battle group!"

"It's definitely no problem!" Ye Han immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "I don't dare to say that it's all pulled out, but a group is definitely no problem."

Even within the military, the Marine Corps is one of the most dangerous branches of the military, but high risk brings high rewards. In addition to the treatment enjoyed by the soldiers themselves, the immediate family members of all team members enjoy preferential treatment from the military.

Unsettled army? Jokes, there are definitely unstable factors, but even if the players don't think about themselves, they have to think about their parents and their families, so the overall situation of the Marine Corps has always been very stable.

After listening to Ye Han's answer, Huo Qiang nodded slowly, and then Ye Han saw Huo Qiang's lips move, but he didn't hear the slightest sound.

Ye Han couldn't help but startled, who was this talking to?

As soon as the thought came out, Huo Qiang's image suddenly disappeared, replaced by a conference room.

He saw the most conspicuous first brother at a glance, and instinctively stood up and saluted: "Hello, Chief!"

He finally knew who Huo Qiang was talking to, so everyone heard what he said just now? What the **** is going on?

Ye Han was suddenly dizzy, and it was nothing to complain to Huo Qiang, but who are the people at this table? The first brother, the minister of defense, the commander of the three armed forces, the chiefs of the major military regions, and many senior officers who did not know him at all, were almost blinded by the eyes full of stars.

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