Armor Frenzy

Chapter 889: Anomaly found

It is usually not so lively on TV. If aliens invade this conference room, they will immediately wipe out the top military officials, and even the top national leaders will be implicated.

"Hello, sit down." The first brother made a gesture of invitation.

Ye Han stepped and sat down in the most standard sitting posture.

The first brother smiled: "Don't be so nervous, just relax."

"Yes!" Ye Han moved, but he couldn't relax.

Seeing this, the first brother was not reluctant, and said sternly: "Ye Han, I have already understood your situation. Now there is a task that you need to lead the team to complete."

Ye Hanteng stood up: "Guaranteed to complete the task!"

The first brother waved his hand: "I don't want to listen to the slogan of determination, let alone sing high-profile, you first listen to the situation before making a decision... Xiao Liang?"

Liang Junsheng hurriedly stepped forward: "Sir, I'm here."

The first brother ordered: "Introduce the situation and be more detailed."

The generals present felt a bit strange in their hearts. The orders of the soldiers are like a mountain. When did the superiors have orders to discuss with the inferiors? Isn't this bullshit?

But the person who speaks is the first brother. If he dares to speak at this time, wouldn't he slap the first brother in the face? Where do you put your brother's face?

Everyone who can become a general is not a fuel-efficient lamp, how can they make such a poor mistake?

Liang Junsheng stood behind the first brother, bowed slightly and said, "Earlier today, specifically fifteen minutes ago, the Tiangong reported that Io Zero had found an alien in the northern continent. This is the first time Io zero has recovered. When the aliens were found, they moved quickly and had a clear target. Tiangong judged that they had a clear purpose, so they immediately strengthened the observation and found that the aliens formed several Chinese characters."

"Chinese characters?" Ye Han widened his eyes in surprise, suddenly remembering the records in his diary, and a thought came to his mind: Did aliens decipher Chinese characters?

Beidu had already issued a sealing order to all those who knew the prisoner's diary. Even if everyone who participated in the meeting was qualified to know the secret, he would not say it.

Liang Junsheng also thought that Ye Han was surprised by the alien's actions, nodded and said: "Yes, it is Chinese characters, four characters: I am Zeng Rui."

Hearing this familiar name, Ye Han was slightly startled, then immediately remembered the meaning of the name, and suddenly his pupils shrank: "This is impossible!"

Wu Shenglong looked puzzled: "Do you know Zeng Rui?"

"No, I don't know." Ye Han replied immediately.

Wu Shenglong looked up at Huo Qiang: "Old Huo, what's the situation?"

The first brother waved his hand: "Don't interrupt."

Although his tone was flat, he clearly expressed his dissatisfaction. For Wu Shenglong, it was like a bolt from the blue. He immediately closed his mouth tightly and never said a word again.

The first brother looked at Ye Han on the screen and asked, "Why is it impossible?"

Ye Han hesitated: "Did you say it in front of so many people?"

The first brother nodded: "Speak."

This sentence is equivalent to giving a sword of Shang Fang, and Ye Han immediately dispelled his concerns: "As far as I know, Zeng Rui is a lieutenant military doctor on the Shuwan, which belongs to the First Fleet. According to what I understand, he is in the hands of aliens. Not surprising, but what does it mean when the aliens pose these words?"

Although the aliens were polarized and there was a resistance organization of unknown origin, he did not believe that the captured soldiers who killed Ye Han had the ability to divide the alien camp.

Liang Junsheng said immediately: "There is more later, to the effect that he negotiated with us on behalf of the aliens."

"Ah?" Ye Han's whole body is bad, he can't believe his ears, "He represents aliens? What's the matter?"

"We don't know either." The first brother said, "The aliens want us to send someone to interview."

When Liang Junsheng broke into the conference room, the aliens only placed "representing aliens". When Huo Qiang contacted Ye Han, the aliens changed their formation a few times, and only then did they understand the situation behind.

"Interview? Go to Mu Weiling?" Ye Han immediately understood what task Huo Qiang wanted to give him, "Is this appropriate?"

"There's nothing inappropriate." Brother Yi said, "With our current strength, we are not an opponent of aliens at all. Since they want to talk, let's talk about it. I would like to see what the aliens fought. Ghost idea."

When the first brother said this, Ye Han wanted to understand.

He knows the situation of the aliens relatively well, and he knows the situation of the human fleet very well. No matter how you look at it, there is no possibility for human beings to defeat the aliens.

It is very unreasonable for the aliens to negotiate when they have an overall advantage. In other words, the aliens must have some goals that cannot be achieved by force, and must use the method of negotiation to obtain certain benefits from human beings.

So, what is there in the hands of humans that is worth so much trouble for aliens? Or do aliens also know how to disintegrate by hitting and pulling with one hand and giving a sweet date with a slap?

Could it be that the aliens want to win over the northern capital and suppress the base group?

After this idea popped up in his mind, Ye Han felt absurd to himself. It was ugly to say that the whole earth was under the claws of aliens. As long as he was willing to pay a little price, it would not be a problem to take the earth. He really couldn't think of the aliens why. Negotiations are requested at this time.

All thoughts flashed by, Ye Han said, "Sir, do you need to log in for the interview?"

The first brother nodded: "There is no need to land, let the aliens also send a spaceship, just talk on the orbit, and you don't need to go there, just stay behind and command."

"I'll lead the team?" Ye Han was secretly taken aback. Humans negotiated with aliens, and it was a bit too heavy for him to lead the team for such a big event.

"Yes, you will lead the team, but your task is not to negotiate, but to protect our representatives." The first brother said, "I know your situation, but the Marine Corps is the most familiar force with aliens. You have the most dealings, who will this task not be handed over to you?"

Only then did Ye Han breathe a sigh of relief, and the whole person relaxed.

Just kidding, can he do such a job as negotiation? Although the Marine Corps did not protect the important personnel, but no matter what, it was related to the old line. With the foundation laid before, it would definitely be no problem to seize the time to attack and train for a while. UU reading

He quickly determined the list of personnel in his mind, and planned to talk to someone as soon as this was over.

The first brother said again: "Do you have any requirements?"

"Report, no!" Ye Han stood up again.

"Sit down and talk." The first brother waved down, "The content of the task is very simple, but the specific implementation must be very difficult, you don't have to rush to say no, think about it after the end, and then discuss with your team members. Report it directly to Huo Qiang."

"Yes!" Ye Han quickly agreed.

"Huo Qiang!" the first brother called.


"This matter must be dealt with first, if you have any difficulties, report it to me directly." The first brother's tone was calm, but his words were very domineering.

"Yes!" Huo Qiang agreed.

"Ye Han."


"I don't have anything to do with you. You will start preparing for the country immediately. I hope that you and your team members will be able to set off immediately after receiving the order. Do you understand what I mean?"


"Okay, you can go, and when the task is completed, I will give you a holiday!" The first brother promised.

"Yes, thank you Chief!" Ye Han quickly got up and saluted.

At the end of the communication, the first brother glanced at everyone: "Is the Marine Corps still canceled?"

No one spoke, only Huo Qiang showed a triumphant smile.

At the same time, Ye Han in the space city let out a sigh of relief, sat down in the chair, hesitated for a moment and sent a message to Bai Xiaoting: I have received a new task, wait for me to come back.

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