Armor Frenzy

Chapter 897: taboo

Li Shili immediately said: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of complexity, but I'm afraid of being unclear. You start from the beginning, the more detailed the better!"

Zeng Rui blinked: "The more detailed the better?"

Li Shili nodded immediately: "I don't hide it from you. The more detailed you are, the better I can judge the real purpose of the aliens. You can start from the beginning."

"Start from scratch?" Zeng Rui was a little surprised, "That's a very, very long story."

"It doesn't matter." Li Shili replied without hesitation, "I am very patient and have always been a very good listener."

Zeng Rui's eyes turned to Ye Han, and Ye Han immediately said, "I also want to hear what you have encountered all these years."

"Okay, then I'll start from the beginning!" Zeng Rui made up his mind, "This matter has to start from the crash of the Shuwan..."

Li Shili couldn't help but twitch his cheeks, thinking that this is really starting from the beginning, and it's a few years ago!

Ye Han hurriedly stopped: "Zeng Rui, I got Lu Peng's diary, you can start by leaving other people."

Zeng Rui nodded: "That's fine, since I was taken away by aliens, okay?"

"No problem at all." Li Shili immediately expressed his support, with impeccable sincerity, "This is what I want!"

Although Zeng Rui still had many doubts, Li Shili's attitude still made him feel warm, and even his tone slowed down a lot: "I was taken away by aliens that day, they locked me up alone, and sent A few aliens came over and asked me a few questions repeatedly..."

"What kind of question?" Li Shili asked suddenly.

Zeng Rui was a little stunned, and Li Shili added: "The more detailed you are, the better."

Zeng Rui snorted: "It's all medical questions. They must know my identity. I don't know what they want to do.

Having said this, Zeng Rui suddenly fought a cold war.

Li Shili was about to appease a few words, but Zeng Rui had already continued: "That bug is very special, its body is small but its mouth is very big, the aliens let the bug bite my head, I thought they wanted to eat me with bugs , but the bug just bit my head, and then I couldn't control myself anymore...I mean, my body is not controlled by my brain, my consciousness is very clear, but no matter how hard I try, I can't move Half a finger."

Ye Han and Li Shili looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes at the same time. Although they were full of questions, neither of them interrupted Zeng Rui's narration.

Zeng Rui continued: "At the time, I thought it was aliens who did something on me, but later I found out that the bug was the problem!"

Li Shili couldn't help but ask, "What happened to the bug?"

Zeng Rui said: "It can cut off my nerve signals, and it can not only cut off, but also read."

"Read? How to read?" Li Shili's whole body stood up.

"Whatever is in my mind, the worm can read." Zeng Rui said, "Then the aliens start to interrogate again, and there is no need to answer. As long as I hear the question, the worm can read the answer in my head."

Everyone gasped at the same time, almost evacuating the bridge to a vacuum.

Li Shili's whole body was not well, and he hurriedly asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm very sure." Zeng Rui's tone was heavy, "It's not just me, but everyone else too."

"What do the aliens want to do?" Li Shili looked horrified.

It's not surprising that aliens interrogate prisoners, and he wouldn't be surprised by such a thing, but reading the mind directly is too terrifying.

Ye Han suddenly said: "Head Li, as far as I know, the social system of aliens is very strange, not any structure we are familiar with, we do not understand aliens, and aliens should not understand our society. Structure, are they trying to get something from our captives?"

Li Shili nodded: "It's possible... Xiao Zeng, do you know the reason?"

Zeng Rui said: "Commander Ye is right, they really want to learn more about human beings from us, but...but..." He looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to describe it. A meaningless action.

"No rush, no rush!" Li Shijie hurriedly reassured, "Wherever we think of it, we have time."

Zeng Rui sighed: "Let's put it this way, I also learned later that there are actually two kinds of aliens. One is the aristocratic nobles. They are the elites in the aliens, regardless of whether the political power, military power or science and technology are controlled by the nobles. In hand, from our human point of view, it is the aristocracy that monopolizes knowledge and controls the entire civilization."

Ye Han blinked, suddenly remembered the ancient scholar, and then thought of the contents of the prisoner's The comparison between the two is exactly the same.

Li Shili's thoughts were not as divergent as Ye Han's, and his attention was all on Zeng Rui: "What about the other class?"

"The other class is the servants. They are numerous, like, like... well, like worker ants or worker bees, yes, worker ants and worker bees!" Zeng Rui said.

Although he didn't explain it clearly, the metaphor of the image made everyone understand what he meant. The social structure of a nobleman oppressing his servants immediately appeared in everyone's mind.

Zeng Rui continued: "The two classes of aliens are real classes, and the gap between them is like heaven and earth... Well, let's put it this way, the servants have no political status, they are warriors, they are workers, But it is definitely not an official, no matter how small the official is, it is not the servant of the people."

The more Li Shili listened, the more confused he became: "Xiao Zeng, I'm a little confused, aren't we talking about interrogation? How do you say it's a social class?"

"That, I only heard about it later." Zeng Rui emphasized again.

"I understand, you said boldly." Li Shili encouraged.

Zeng Rui said: "That's right, the social system between us and the aliens is too different. The more they know, the more strange they will become. They don't understand how the social structure of human beings are so complicated, and they don't believe in a civilization that does not monopolize knowledge. Intensified interrogation, bombarding our brains with all kinds of weird questions day and night, but the more they know, the more panic..."

"Panic? Why?" Li Shili was stunned.

"Because of concepts." Zeng Rui said, "Alien servants are bound by rules and regulations when they are born. Nobles are better, but they are not much stronger. They have no concept of legality or freedom. Like a sophisticated machine..."

"Understood!" Li Shili suddenly realized, "Did they ask about any taboos?"

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