Armor Frenzy

Chapter 898: strange encounter

Zeng Rui nodded: "They inadvertently asked about democracy... Only the nobles have the right to know the content of the interrogation, but those nobles don't want to believe that there is such a civilization, and in order to find evidence to refute democracy, they turn their backs on it. Torture a few of us."

"When the brain worm read my thoughts, my brain felt uncomfortable as if something was pulled out. Afterwards, I had a particularly severe headache, but I couldn't resist..."

Ye Han and Li Shili showed surprises in their eyes.

Both freedom and democracy have preconditions on earth. There has never been absolute freedom or democracy, but aliens may not ask this point. From a literal analysis, democracy is absolutely fatal to a two-tier alien society. poison!

Zeng Rui didn't notice the abnormality of Ye Han and Li Shili at all, and continued: "In the beginning, they only asked me medical questions, but later the questions became more and more extensive, and they asked everything about astronomy and geography, and the angles were very tricky... Later I just found out that I wasn't the only one being interrogated, but the others were all sent away by aliens, saying that they sent back some Xingxingzixing."

"At the beginning, I didn't know what aliens meant. Later, I figured out that Jupiter and sub-stars should be satellites." Zeng Rui said.

"Everyone else sent it away? Why did the aliens let you go?" Li Shili tried his best to control his tone to avoid doubts in his tone.

Zeng Rui suddenly looked back and said: "I should be lucky, when the aliens asked other people they mentioned planting mushrooms, and they all answered them, and then the aliens felt sure that they knew this kind of question. It was the nobles among the human beings and sent them all away."

Li Shili was stunned: "Where did you know these things? Also, the aliens didn't ask you about mushrooms?" Zeng Rui said obscurely, and he followed Zeng Rui's meaning. Obviously Zeng Rui didn't worry about him. The aliens behind.

People who are not of us will have different hearts, and only ghosts know what the aliens think.

Zeng Rui first gestured to the aliens behind him, and then replied calmly: "They said it after they rescued me."

"What about the mushroom?" Li Shili asked again, "I'm sorry, I don't want to doubt you, but I have to figure out what happened."

"I understand." Zeng Rui's mood fell instantly, "They also asked me, but at that time I had become accustomed to the brain worm, and I couldn't fight the brain worm, so every time the aliens asked me, I tried my best. have a bee in one's bonnet……"

The answer was beyond Li Shili's expectations, and he quickly asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"First I thought about medical common sense, and then I felt that I couldn't let aliens know too much, so I really thought about Ma Zhe... I learned it in school, but I gave it back to my teacher for so many years, and then I just randomly thought about it, what started it? The masses, the people's war, the encirclement of the city by the countryside, etc., and then the soldier's oath, various lyrics and popular jokes on the Internet also think about it, in short, no matter what the aliens ask, I just think of myself."

Li Shili was stunned: "Is this okay?"

"I was almost exposed at the time, I tried so hard... I tried so hard to think about my mother to survive." Zeng Rui's voice was lost, "They thought I was a servant who didn't understand anything, so they didn't send me away... Hehe, now It's pretty lucky to think about it."

Li Shili let out a long sigh: "It's more than luck, it's just twists and turns, and then what?"

The physical pain can be endured, but the thoughts in my heart have never been heard who can control it. It is not easy for Zeng Rui to come up with such a method.

Asking himself, Li Shili felt that if he exchanged with Zeng Rui, he would never have the ability to avoid problems when aliens read their minds.

Ye Ye also pondered for a while, and got the same answer as Li Shili.

"Later? It's interesting later!" Zeng Rui winked secretly, and everyone's eyes immediately shifted to the aliens, "It's a bit complicated to talk about, the servants of aliens There is also a resistance organization in there, didn't I always want to mobilize the masses and people's war or something, I know how this matter spread, the resistance organization has been trying to save me, but it has never been successful."

"Actually, I am not the only one left on Io. I heard that there is another person, but I don't know who it is." Zeng Rui said, "I heard from them that the alien nobles especially want to know how the nuclear bomb was made, but they don't know who it is. Where did I get a nuclear warhead and put the real thing in front of our people. I don’t know what the question was and how it went through. I only know that the nuclear warhead blew up, killing a group of nobles on the spot and destroying the entire dungeon. More than half of the nobles were all killed."

"This is too coincidental, isn't it?" Li Shili didn't know what to say.

"It's quite a coincidence." Zeng Rui said, "At that time, the nobles suffered heavy servants were released from supervision, and the resistance organization took the opportunity to control the dungeon. It was at that time that they rescued me from the nobles. Later, I became a theoretical instructor for the resistance, teaching them how to rebel."

Everyone was dumbfounded, unable to believe their ears.

A human being taught alien servants to resist nobles, how does this plot sound so familiar? This is so special, isn't the revolution. The revolution has come to the aliens?

In many people's minds, the image of aliens charging high with red flags and fighting against the oppression in Guizhou... The picture is too beautiful to be seen directly.

Li Shili thought for a while before fully digesting what Zeng Rui said. He asked in disbelief, "You just grabbed Mu Weiling like this?"

"Of course not." Zeng Rui shook his head, "Strictly speaking, this is a coincidence. There are very few extraterrestrial nobles on Io Zero, more than half of them were killed by the nuclear explosion, and the remaining few were either killed by the resistance organization or killed. I fled while taking advantage of the chaos. Anyway, it didn't take long for the resistance organization to control Io... By the way, only nobles are qualified to control warships. Now Io only has servants and civilians, and the spaceships under the hiding ground are all paralyzed. ."

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth and almost laughed.

Paralyzed and hemiplegia me!

But there is nothing wrong with thinking about it carefully. Alien spaceships are all grown. Thinking of the advanced biotechnology of aliens, the alien nobles are likely to play the role of control centers in the spaceships, so they lose the servants of the nobles. There is no way to get a battleship.

What he most wants to know now is whether the alien battleship is alive!

Li Shili was also thinking about the issue of alien nobles, but he was not only thinking about the issue of battleships, but what position the nobles occupy in the alien civilization, and where the contradiction between the nobles and the servants has developed.

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