Armor Frenzy

Chapter 899: In-depth communication

Since the servants on Io can resist the nobles to control Io, can the servants who stay on the moons of Jupiter also be able to rebel against other aliens?

It can be judged from Zeng Rui's account that the polarization of aliens is very serious. A small group of nobles controls the entire alien civilization, while the vast majority of servants can only be squeezed by nobles. This kind of weird The social structure is like a gasoline barrel that explodes at a point, and it is the perfect breeding ground for revolution!

And Zeng Rui has already lit the first fire. If Li Shili pushes that one behind his back, will the fire burn from Io to Jupiter?

Li Shili could barely control his emotions - what could be more inspiring than inciting a rebellion against alien artificial aliens, turning a war between humans and aliens into an alien infighting?

If he can do this, he will surely write a new chapter in the history of the Republic, and may even affect the historical trend of the entire human race!

The opportunity to make a name for Qing Shi is not for everyone!

Li Shili's heart was hot, but he was still calm on the surface: "So, now Mu Wei is in the hands of the servants?"


Li Shili nodded: "I have a few questions that I don't understand..."

"As long as I know." Zeng Rui said.

Li Shili showed a look of relief: "You said that you taught them to resist the nobles. As far as I know, the resistance organization is not a day or two, and they haven't launched an uprising before?"

"No." Zeng Rui shook his head, "As far as I know, there are very few servants who dare to resist the nobles, and it is even more difficult to think about resisting by force."

Li Shili blinked in surprise: "What kind of resistance organization is it that dare not resist?"

"They are not a resistance organization at all, they are organized fugitive slaves at best." Zeng Rui said a very cruel fact, "The nobles control all resources and power, and most of the servants are manipulated by the nobles, and the fugitive slaves Without food and clothing, the situation is difficult, and you can’t hide, how can you dare to resist the nobles?”

Ye Han couldn't help but said, "No way? I read in the diary that the resistance organization organized a rescue and rescued Wang Zhifei and Huang Biao from the dungeon. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"No." Zeng Rui said, "The rescue operation of the resistance organization came after my thoughts got out."

"Oh!" Ye Han was stunned, but felt something was wrong in his heart.

The prisoner's diary left a deep impression on him. He could still remember that Zeng Rui disappeared at the beginning of August 25, and then people disappeared one after another. The rescue operation was about January 26, with an interval of five months.

Five months is not short, but according to Zeng Rui, fugitive slaves are a group of bereaved dogs, and even if they are organized, they are organized bereaved dogs.

The resistance organizations in the rescue operation were organized and planned.

That is to say, it took only five months for the alien resistance organization to transform from a group of fugitive slaves to a real resistance force, and successfully infiltrated the ordinary servants under the nobles, making them used by the resistance organization... ...isn't this a little too fast?

Ye Han felt that he had to remind Li Shili, but the communication was still going on, so he couldn't say this in front of Zeng Rui.

But he immediately thought of a good way - he was sitting in the captain's position, and the military equipped everyone with brain wave manipulation equipment in order to facilitate the captain to control the warship, and this equipment is now on his head superior.

With a thought in Ye Han's mind, the picture on the main screen suddenly lacked a corner, and a few lines of words quickly appeared in the corner.

Li Shili calmly read those few lines, nodded indistinctly and continued to ask: "So, the servants' rebellion against the nobles started with you?"

"That's not true." Zeng Rui said, "I didn't know much about the situation before, and I knew that large-scale resistance started from me."

Li Shili asked in a tone of surprise: "Why don't the servants resist? Don't they know what oppression is?"

"Of course they know, but this is quite complicated." Zeng Rui said, "How do you say it? Servants are not natural creatures, they are humanoid tools made by aliens, and their parents are a complete production line!"

"What?" Li Shili's eyes almost didn't fall out, and his calm demeanor collapsed on the spot, "What are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding, they said it themselves." Zeng Rui's tone was serious, "But I don't know if it's true."

Li Shili stabilized his emotions: "Do you know how aliens create servants? Do you clone?"

Zeng Rui shook his head: "I don't know if it's a clone, I just heard that the nobles and the servants are different. I always thought it was because of the different status, but later I found out that the difference is the appearance... I think the servants are unlikely to be the production line. It may be that aliens have enslaved another intelligent and have been using the gene clone of this creature to clone again."

Everyone's eyes were full of shock, and Li Shili whispered to himself: "So that's how it is..."

Zeng Rui continued: "Captain Li, you asked them why they didn't resist. I also asked this. Do you know what they said?"

"How?" Li Shili asked appropriately.

"They say that most servants don't know what oppression is, let alone what resistance is!"

"How is that possible?" Li Shili didn't believe it at all, it was too ridiculous.

"That's right, how is that possible?" Ye Han also helped, "Even if the servants are produced by aliens, but they can master the knowledge and use knowledge, which means that the servants' intelligence is above the horizontal line, and they can even survive. Can't you feel the bullying?"

Zeng Rui hesitated for a moment and said, "I heard a piece of unreliable news..."

Li Shili waved his hand: "Don't think too much, just say what you know!"

Zeng Rui agreed: "That's right, I always thought that the relationship between nobles and servants was like slave owners and slaves, but that's not the case at all. It is said that as soon as servants are born... um... Once the production line is completed, the distribution is completed. Immediately after finishing the profession, learn the necessary knowledge, and it will not take long to master it completely, and become a qualified servant who serves the nobles."

"Nobles rarely come into contact with servants. Although servants have no political status, no nobles will jump out to beat, scold and abuse them. The living environment of servants is very simple. They have no ability or channels to contact the outside world, just like... It's like being locked in an ivory tower and can't get out!"

Li Shili thought for a while and said, "That's understandable, huh, I want to see that this is all a means of aliens to control the servants... No, how did the fugitive slaves come from?"

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