Armor Frenzy

Chapter 900: condition

Zeng Rui sighed: "I don't know, but I know that the fugitive slaves are not young. From this perspective, it should be that they have more contact with the outside world and think more."

Ye Han said: "I think it makes sense, the IQ of the servants is just too narrow, and the aliens can't be isolated from the outside world no matter how strict the control is... Let's put it this way, the newly-born servants are relatively simple, and the nobles believe what they say. What, but after a long time, the intelligence gradually opens up and begins to have its own ideas, there are so many servants, how can there be a few smart people who can figure it out."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Zeng Rui repeatedly agreed, "The servants must be disposed of when they are old. I heard that most of the fugitive slaves escaped because they were afraid of death."

"That's right!" Li Shili was excited and sighed, "We haven't had a chance to know about aliens for so many years. Today is a good day. We know more than a few years ago combined, no It's easy!"

"Yeah!" Ye Han also sighed very much, "I didn't expect the aliens to be divided so seriously, the servants have limited knowledge and limited intelligence, they only know how to listen to the nobles, and when they have their own ideas, they will kill the aliens. ...I guess that the servants are resisting by instinct, and there is no chance to develop theoretical aspects, and it is not easy to emerge a resistance organization."

Li Shili smiled and said, "It's on point, otherwise, this resistance organization wouldn't attach so much importance to Xiao Zeng, Xiao Zeng, do you think so?"

"Yes." Zeng Rui nodded immediately, "The servants are actually quite united, otherwise the resistance organization wouldn't have developed so fast, I never thought that they would be able to occupy Io Ling so quickly, thinking about the past few months. It's just like a dream."

Li Shili said: "Xiao Zeng, I understand the situation pretty much. According to this, the people who want to negotiate with us are actually the servants who occupy Mu Weiling, right?"

"Yes!" Zeng Rui nodded.

"How do they want to work together?"

"I don't know about this either. In short, it is to join forces to fight against the nobles." Zeng Rui said.

"Joining forces? It's easy to talk to each other, but how easy is it to talk about joining forces? You have to talk about conditions and make demands, right?" Li Shili's expression was calm, "Tell them back, show some sincerity, and say a few words. Conditions that can impress us!"

"Okay!" Zeng Rui agreed very succinctly, and turned back to communicate with the few aliens who had been listening in.

Ye Han looked at the screen and chuckled: "I thought I knew about aliens, but I don't think we know just a little bit of fur!"

Li Shili smiled slightly: "We know that little thing, 80% of it is not even a fur, and what Xiao Zeng said might be a little fur."

Ye Han looked at Li Shili in surprise: "What we know now is complicated enough, is this still a little bit of fur?"

Li Shili snorted: "Didn't you find that what Xiao Zeng said is all servants? What servants do not serve the people, aren't they slaves of aliens? What are slaves? They are the bottom of society, and they can represent foreigners. Star civilization?"

Ye Han instinctively shook his head: "Of course not!"

"Isn't this what it is?" Li Shili continued to analyze, "Slaves cannot represent alien civilization, those nobles are the real aliens, and the social structure of the nobles is the real alien social structure. Knowing that alien nobles monopolize knowledge and power, what else do you know?"

Ye Han thought about it carefully, isn't that the case? I heard a lot of words, but there are only a few words related to the nobles, and the rest of the time is always about the servants.

It is true that the number of servants is huge, which can be regarded as the cornerstone of the entire alien civilization, but who dares to say that the nobles cannot do without servants? What if all the servants betrayed the nobles? The nobles do not beat or scold their servants, but they never take their servants' lives seriously, so they dare to rebel? Kill them all and make a new batch, right?

Ye Han couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I thought it was a big gain, but when you say that, I'm not happy at all."

"That's not the case." Li Shili's eyes were full of expectations, "The opportunity to divide servants and nobles does not mean that there is an opportunity."

Ye Han spread his hands and said, "Yes, I'm the only one who's far behind. It's up to you."

Li Shili laughed: "Do your best, I don't dare to say anything... Hey, Xiao Zeng is back!"

Zeng Rui on the screen had turned around and walked back to his original position in a few steps. Li Shili asked first, "Have everything been discussed?"

Zeng Rui quickly replied: "It's discussed."

"What are the conditions, let's talk." Li Shili said.

Zeng Rui said: "The first is to cooperate against the nobles. This is a major prerequisite for cooperation between the two parties. It is also the basis for cooperation between the two parties..."

"I have no opinion." Li Shili said, "I also want to ask, can these people behind you contact Jupiter? If so, let them contact Jupiter immediately to spread the revolutionary ideas, maybe Jupiter will directly raise the flag and rebel. , we don't need to toss Zeng Rui shook his head: "Communication is also in the hands of the nobles, and now there is no way to contact Jupiter. "

"Forget it." Li Shili twitched the corners of his mouth, "Continue!"

Zeng Rui replied: "The servants have already occupied Moon Zero, but there is not a single usable spaceship left. They have no ability and will not continue to expand."

"That's good news, what else?" Li Shili asked.

"And there are conditions..."

"It's about making a condition?" Li Shili was very surprised, "Xiao Zeng, did you make a mistake?"

"No." Zeng Rui was a little embarrassed, "If you have any conditions, please put forward them first, and I will go back and tell them."

"That's okay, I'm not in a hurry, you talk about yourself first." Li Shili said.

"Yes!" Zeng Rui agreed, "One is to support spaceflight..."

Having said this, he deliberately paused to give Li Shili a chance to speak, but Li Shili didn't mean to interrupt at all, but urged: "Go on!"

Zeng Rui could only continue: "Second, I hope that the two sides will cooperate to counterattack Jupiter and completely overthrow the aristocratic forces that rule the servants."

"This is possible." Li Shili nodded, "but the time cannot be guaranteed."

Zeng Rui continued: "There is another condition, they hope to talk about it when they counterattack."

Li Shili waved his hand: "You tell them, if you don't say it now, you don't need to say it in the future."

His attitude is very strong, and there is no room for turning around in his tone - he will not talk about the conditions, and he will talk about it later. What kind of crazy idea is this?

The servants do not even have a general-purpose spaceship in their hands. If the human beings are attacking Mu Weiling now, the only choice for the servants is to hide under the ground and not come out. Right now, the servants are rushing to ask for the humans, not the human beings asking for the servants. , At this time, if you don't put on some shelves, you won't have this store if you pass this village.

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