Armor Frenzy

Chapter 901: alert

Zeng Rui immediately turned around and said a few words. After the two sides communicated, they said: "Captain Li, they said that it is too early to talk, the time is not ripe, and it is useless to talk about it, and whether or not to talk about this condition does not affect the two sides. Cooperation."

Li Shili's brows were furrowed. Using such an unprofessional method in the negotiation was simply telling his opponent that I had a particularly excessive and difficult condition to negotiate!

If the servants said it outright, Li Shili might not pay special attention, but they were so hidden, but they attracted his attention? - What do they want?

Even if you think about it, you know that this condition is the most core negotiation requirement of the servants. If there is no such condition, it is hard to say whether there is this negotiation!

Li Shili's mood changed, and he cleared his throat and said slowly: "Since it's a negotiation, then you should take out all the conditions and make it clear, otherwise what is a negotiation? Xiao Zeng, this is not the attitude that a negotiation should have. I There is good reason to doubt their sincerity! We came with sincerity, and hope to see the sincerity of the aliens."

"Yes!" Zeng Rui agreed and explained, "Captain Li, I am a middleman. I can say what they tell me to say."

That's what he said, but his right hand tapped lightly on the chest that the aliens couldn't see. Everyone on the bridge saw it clearly, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"I understand." Li Shili said in a normal tone without the slightest abnormality on his face, "Please tell me what I said truthfully."

He understood the meaning of Zeng Rui's words very well. The subtext was that Zeng Rui didn't know what conditions the aliens were hiding.

Li Shili understood this very well. Zeng Rui was able to stand in front of the screen to preside over the negotiation only because of Zeng Rui's special identity, not because Zeng Rui had gained the trust of aliens!

Even though Zeng Rui has a certain reputation in the resistance organization, he is a prisoner after all. Aliens will never, never regard him as their own family, and it is normal to guard against him.

But he knocked those few times obviously to remind him of something, that is to say, Zeng Rui probably knew the purpose of the aliens, but he couldn't tell because of the presence of aliens, so he had to use this stupid method to pass the message.

Li Shili couldn't see what Zeng Rui meant, but he knew who could understand, so he glanced at Ye Han calmly, and gave Ye Han a very subtle wink.

Ye Han nodded invisibly, but made no further action.

Li Shili kept staring at the corner of the main screen, but after waiting for a while, he did not wait for a word of reminder.

Does Ye Han take so long to translate the password? Of course not!

The Marine Corps is not a special force, and the tasks that can be undertaken are much more dangerous than those of the special forces. Most of the members have service experience in the special forces, and communication secret language is a basic subject that everyone must master.

Ye Han is a marine first, and then a colonel officer. Ye Han must master all the skills that soldiers need to master. At most, the level is a little bit worse, but he must understand.

For example, Ye Han can also play blasting, but he is definitely not as proficient as Ouyang Ping.

As soon as Zeng Rui's finger moved, Ye Han knew what he wanted to do, and immediately focused his attention on Zeng Rui's finger, where the finger stopped, he already understood what Zeng Rui meant.

However, Ye Han felt that it was the crux of the negotiation between the two parties, and it was best to hide it for a while, and then tell Li Shili in detail after the negotiation was over.

Zeng Rui on the screen was talking to the alien with his back to the screen. The sound of sawing wood came one after another, just like a sawmill opened on the opposite side. Although Zeng Rui's expression could not be seen, but Yi Fang, you came to me. After talking for so long, Zeng Rui seems to be trying his best to convince the aliens.

After a while, Zeng Rui finally turned around and said helplessly, "They still don't agree."

Li Shili immediately said, "What else are we talking about? That's it."

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Zeng Rui quickly stopped, "They said that other than this one, it's easy to discuss."

Li Shili's brows twisted into a big pimple, and after a while of silence, he finally nodded: "Well, let's put this issue aside for the time being, but I want to see their sincerity, enough sincerity."

"Of course there is no problem." Zeng Rui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, ask them, are those bugs on Earth made by aliens?" Li Shili suddenly asked a question that shouldn't have arisen, not to mention Zeng Rui on the opposite side, it was Ye Han and the other bridge officers, All confused by this issue.

Is there any need to ask something so obvious?

But Li Shili obviously didn't think so.

Zeng Rui was stunned for a moment and said, "I don't need to ask me to know that it was done by aliens."

"I don't ask you if you know, but let you ask the aliens." Li Shili said.

Zeng Rui was even more confused: "Is there any difference?"

Li Shili said: "Just ask, you will know after you Zeng Rui recounted doubtfully, and quickly replied: "They said that giant insects are a means of nobles. "

"Ask them again if there is a way to remove the giant insects, Xiao Zeng, you can emphasize to them again, I want to see sincerity!" Li Shili said.

Zeng Rui understands what Li Shili means. Although everyone knows that the giant insect is related to aliens, the two sides have never had direct contact like today, and they have never had the opportunity to question them face to face. If the aliens do not admit it, then the negotiation will be There is no need to continue.

After communicating with the aliens, Zeng Rui said, "They have no choice..."

"This is their sincerity?" Li Shili asked.

"I also asked about this. They said that the giant insects on the earth evolved from native species, not the species directly dropped by aliens. They don't understand the original giant insects, and it is not impossible for them to solve it, provided that They must get a sample of the giant worm and figure out the DNA composition of the giant worm, and then they can make a targeted attack."

Li Shili exhaled heavily from his nostrils: "Okay, it's settled. You ask them again, how many aliens are there on earth, do they know?"

Zeng Rui knew the answer, but with previous experience, he didn't go overboard any more, but immediately turned around to ask questions, this time he quickly turned around: "I know, they say that there are more nobles than those on earth, and they can't deal with them. ."

"Who told them to deal with it? If they want to go, I'm afraid of bringing wolves into the room!" Li Shili frowned, "Ask them if there is a way to lure those nobles out."

Those aliens hiding on the earth are really annoying. In order to deal with the swarms they created, humans have paid an extremely heavy price.

When you come, Bei has explained that as long as these aliens can be killed, non-principled issues in the negotiation can be greatly compromised if necessary.

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