Armor Frenzy

Chapter 902: indigestion

As soon as Li Shili's words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

So far, no country has been able to find out the hidden aliens. The only time they encountered aliens was the original African joint operation.

But that encounter can only be regarded as a coincidence, and the price paid by the human side is too high, which is a special case that cannot be replicated.

Ye Han was so excited, taking advantage of Zeng Rui's communication with the aliens, he interrupted and said, "Let the aliens deal with the aliens, a good way!"

Li Shili was not so optimistic: "If the aliens were not so polarized, this method would definitely be fine. Now it's hard to say."

"It's not that you can't even find it, right?" Ye Han's confidence was also shaken.

"Who knows..." Before Li Shili finished speaking, Zeng Rui had already turned around: "They said that the servants are not qualified to know the whereabouts of the nobles, and even if they are sent to Earth, they will not be able to find where the nobles are."

Li Shili suddenly became angry, and was about to speak with a cold face, only to hear Zeng Rui say again: "But they also came up with a solution."

"What way?" Anger was building up in Li Shili's chest, but he wasn't so shallow that he got angry on the spot.

Zeng Rui said lightly: "They can't find aristocrats, but they are willing to provide some biological technologies, which can be used to cultivate our swarms and use insects to deal with insects."

Ye Han's eyes brightened: "This method is not bad!"

Using insects to control insects is not new for a long time. The giant ants mastered in China are not one or two groups. Without the assistance of the Chinese giant ants, the domestic situation is definitely not as stable as it is now. Contribution and sacrifice, they play almost the same role as the military!

Li Shili, on the other hand, looked disgusted: "What's good, how can we get so many resources to cultivate ant colonies? Besides, the skills of the servants are left over by the nobles, who knows whether the nobles will keep them or not? Let's Humans are not good at controlling bugs, and they use their own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths, and they are screwed up, right?"

These words were like a pot of cold water poured down on the head, which immediately calmed Ye Han's restless heart. Thinking carefully along Li Shili's meaning, a stubble of white sweat appeared on his forehead immediately.

Ye Han believes that the servants who occupy Iowei absolutely master advanced biochemical technology, and the level is much higher than that of humans. If humans master these technologies, it will definitely not be a problem to create ant colonies.

But the problem is that all the skills of the servants come from the nobles, so will the nobles give all the skills to the servants without reservation?

The answer is obviously no.

In other words, the biochemical technology mastered by the nobles is definitely much more advanced than that of the servants. The ant colonies created by the servants' technology can only be regarded as the low-end version. What should we do to counteract the ant colony by technical means? Isn't it time to shoot yourself in the foot?

Alien biochemical technology, this is by no means unfounded.

Ye Han quietly wiped a hand on his forehead, secretly determined to never talk more.

After hearing this, Zeng Rui was stunned, not knowing what to say for a long time.

Seeing this, Li Shili comforted: "Don't be under pressure, you are soldiers, it's normal to think this is normal."

Zeng Rui was embarrassed: "I'll let them change their terms!"

"It's not necessary, technology should be learned, but there is no need to cultivate swarms." Li Shili said.

Zeng Rui was confused again, and didn't understand what medicine was sold in Li Shili's gourd: "Then how can I tell them?"

"You just said that I agree to this condition, but the cooperation includes but not limited to biochemical technology, and other technologies must also be within the scope of cooperation, such as planetary engines." Li Shili said.

Ye Han suddenly realized, annoyed to the extreme, and thought to himself, why didn't I think of it?

Anyone who sees a planetary engine will not think that this thing is a product of biotechnology, because it is full of mechanical style no matter how you look at it, and until today, no one understands where the aliens who dominate the roost with biochemical technology come from. Get the planetary engine.

Some people say that a planetary engine is beyond the level of human beings. From a human perspective, it is impossible to judge whether it is a biological product or a mechanical product. It is too subjective to intuitively conclude that it is a mechanical product.

Some people also say that aliens are not the biological civilizations imagined by human beings. They may have been a technological race like humans a long time ago. Planetary engines are things left by ancient aliens, and now aliens have lost the ability to make them. Technology.

There is also a nonsensical claim that the planetary engine was bought by aliens from another advanced alien race, or excavated by aliens from a lost relic, in short, not made by aliens themselves of.

No matter where the engine comes In short, the possibility that this thing is a mechanical creation is very high, and human beings happen to be a mechanical civilization, and getting the biotechnology of aliens may cause indigestion, but the authentic At most, the mechanical technology of the machine cannot be digested for the time being!

Humans do not necessarily need planetary engines, but planetary engines themselves represent the pinnacle of technology. If humans can master the manufacturing technology of planetary engines, even if they only learn a small part, or even understand part of the design concepts of planetary engines, it is enough to make the entire human world. Benefit endlessly.

Ye Han couldn't help sighing that negotiation is really not something ordinary people can do.

Zeng Rui conveyed Li Shili's meaning to the aliens. After several aliens discussed it for a while, Zeng Rui nodded vigorously, and after a while, he turned around and said, "They agreed to include the planetary engine in the scope of cooperation, but they can't control the planet. Engines, they mean they can open up planetary engines, we can do whatever we want... but they want a little bit of assurance."

"What guarantee?" Li Shili frowned.

"The guarantee of cooperation," Zeng Rui said, "is to cooperate in space support and counter-attack on Jupiter."

Li Shili laughed dumbly: "Okay, you tell them, I agree to both conditions, but when to start and how many people to bring must be determined by us."

Zeng Rui just mentioned these two conditions, but Li Shili did not give a clear answer.

"This... time and number of people must be discussed in detail." Zeng Rui said.

"Oh? Do they still have opinions?" Li Shili asked curiously.

Zeng Rui nodded: "They hope to make the trip as soon as possible... As far as I know, the servants are not monolithic, and now it is the resistance organization that controls Wu Weiling, but they are content with the status quo, and there are many servants who are determined to go with the nobles. If The nobles send a fleet over... The resistance may not be able to stop it."

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