Armor Frenzy

Chapter 903: Passing through Chencang

Li Shili couldn't believe his ears. Is there still a split among the servants? The situation on Io Zero is too complicated, right?

What made him even more incomprehensible was how the resistance organization's control was so poor that it dared to invite humans to negotiate at this level?

He couldn't help asking: "Xiao Zeng, tell me the truth, did they really control Io Ling?"

"It is indeed under control." Zeng Rui replied with great certainty.

"What kind of control method is the surrender of the nobles as soon as they come?" Li Shili slammed into the fire and almost yelled on the spot.

"Most servants are used to being controlled. They only care about what is in front of them. For these people, it makes no difference whether they are controlled by nobles or servants... During this period of time, the resistance organization has been trying to change this situation, I have been promoting freedom and democracy to ordinary servants, but the effect is not obvious." Zeng Rui said helplessly.

In Ye Han's mind, the image of an alien standing on a high platform, shouting to a group of servants and handing out flyers, could not help but feel a chill.

Li Shili suddenly felt that it was a mistake to negotiate with the aliens. The alien resistance organization was basically two knives dangling in half a bottle. There was no guarantee that the conditions discussed earlier could be realized.

He didn't want to bother with those useless ones, he simply changed directions and asked something useful: "Xiao Zeng, I have a few questions for you to ask me!"

"Okay!" Zeng Rui agreed immediately.

"The first question!" Li Shili stretched out a finger, "What is the purpose of the aliens sending Io Zero? Do they want to destroy the earth?"

"No!" Zeng Rui said, "I've heard of this, their purpose has always been to occupy the earth."

Fast horses don't need whips, drums don't need heavy hammers. Li Shijie immediately showed a clear look.

Since the public appearance of aliens, human analysis of aliens has never stopped. The purpose of aliens is to focus on the analysis object. From official to private, countless versions are flying all over the sky, although many versions are unfounded and random. Guessing, but there are also many versions that are well-founded.

The three most widely circulated versions are tantamount to "Destroy the Earth", "Occupy the Earth" and "Enslavement of Humanity", but none of them have exact intelligence support.

Zeng Rui's remarks are equivalent to giving strong support to the Occupy Earth Edition.

This view holds that aliens come from the distant starry sky, and their arrival in the solar system may be the result of a series of accidental events, but it is more likely to be intentional, because there is an earth in the solar system!

Habitable planets are not Chinese cabbage. Habitable planets with suitable size, gravity, atmosphere and other factors are even more difficult to find. It is not difficult to destroy the earth, but what they want is a complete habitable planet, not a piece of scorched earth. If the earth is destroyed, it is equivalent to destroying the common future of human beings and aliens.

In addition to these main factors, official and non-governmental analysts have also conducted in-depth analysis of this point of view, and there are all kinds of details in all aspects. There are hundreds of thousands of words to put together all the content.

The alien behind Zeng Rui suddenly said a few words, Zeng Rui exchanged a few words with the alien and said: "They said that the nobles stayed on Jupiter to accumulate power, and he also said that the aliens thought we didn't have any. The power to hit Jupiter, so we parked Io Zero at Jupiter, but our fleet hit Jupiter twice before and after, disrupting the development plan of the aliens, so they sent Io Zero to attract Human attention, buy time for Jupiter!"

"What?" Li Shili almost bit his tongue, "You said Io was a bait for aliens?"

The earth tried everything to stop Io, but no one thought that it was an alien trick.

Zeng Rui was also a little confused: "That's what they said!"

Li Shili immediately turned his head to look at Ye Han, Ye Han looked like a dog in the sun, widened his eyes and spit out a sentence: "No wonder!"

"No wonder what?" Li Shili asked anxiously.

"No wonder the aliens are not active at all." Ye Han rubbed his face fiercely, "Captain Li, think about it, since Mi Weilin left Jupiter, we... not only us, but everyone's eyes. They are all staring at Io, and the goal of the expedition is also Io, and they have never been to Jupiter again. Moreover, the aliens have never fought with the expedition, and they can always hide if they can hide. The only thing is to attack the west to show the enemy's weakness, we are all fooled!"

"Are you sure?" Li Shili's heart sank, but there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Not sure, but the possibility is very high." Ye Han said.

Li Shili is an old fritters in the officialdom, and he is very clear that this is a certain euphemism. Immediately, his whole body seemed to be drained. He stared blankly at the main screen, looked back at Ye Han and suddenly turned back: "Xiao Zeng, You immediately ask them if they know what's going on with Jupiter right now!"

"The communication is in the hands of the They don't know the current situation of Jupiter, they only know some of the situation when Io Zero left."

Li Shili immediately looked at Ye Han: "When did Mi Weiling leave?"

"What?" This sentence was endless, and Ye Han, who was in a trance, didn't understand at all.

"I said Jupiter."

Ye Han suddenly said: "From January 26 to now... It seems that the international fleet hasn't reached Jupiter yet?"

Li Shili said: "26, 27, 28...two years and nine months, Xiao Zeng, you can ask Jupiter to what extent two years and nine months can develop. The more detailed the better."

Before Zeng Rui looked back, the aliens had already given him the answer, and he immediately turned his head back: "They can't tell... They said that Io took away most of the fleet and servants when he left, but most Most of the nobles stay on Jupiter, and they don't know how many resources the nobles who stay on Jupiter have obtained, so they can't judge Jupiter's current strength... At least it's not weaker than when Io Zero set off."

"I know if they don't say it." Li Shili said rudely, and then immediately asked, "I want to know now if the nobles have the ability to create another Io Zero."

Zeng Rui, who was extremely shocked, turned his head suddenly and said something in an extremely hasty tone.

This time the exchange was longer than any previous one, and it took more than a minute before Zeng Rui turned his head: "Chief, they know too little, they don't know whether the nobles can build starships, but they know that starships can be built. The ship was built when the aliens were most developed and prosperous, and even if the nobles have that ability, they don’t have so many resources, and the possibility of building a star ship is very low.”

"Can you make a small one?" Li Shili asked.

Io is 8,000 kilometers in diameter. Even if the technology of star-building is lost in the long years, it is impossible for it to not be left at all, right?

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