Armor Frenzy

Chapter 904: best news

Alien nobles don't need to build 8,000-kilometer starships at all. Just building a few 180-kilometer starships is enough to wipe out the Earth fleet and rule the entire solar system.

Zeng Rui turned around and asked a few more questions: "They don't know either, just from what the resistance organizations know, it shouldn't be possible.

Li Shili didn't want to listen to assumptions such as should and if, but when he encountered such a strange group of servants, he really had nothing to do: "Is the news reliable?"

Zeng Rui's face twitched: "I don't know, it should be, the nobles only limit the knowledge of the servants, but the knowledge that the servants should know is never limited. The resistance organization has reviewed all the knowledge that the servants have. Did not find any knowledge related to starship.

Li Shili breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart still hadn't let go: "Since aliens can't build starships, why would they be willing to let Iowei zero out?"

"It's said that something went wrong with Io..."

Li Shili's face changed slightly: "You don't have the ability to build a starship to dare to release Io Wei Ling, do you think this is reasonable?"

Zeng Rui opened his mouth and spit out a few words with difficulty: "Unreasonable."

Li Shili said solemnly: "The situation may be worse than we thought... By the way, do you know how the planetary engine is maintained?"

Zeng Rui quickly turned around and asked a few questions, then turned back in horror: "It's the nobles who are responsible for the maintenance!"

Li Shili's heart sank, and he sighed: "If you have the ability to maintain the planetary engine, can you still build it? Even if you can't build it, don't you even know the principle and structure?"

Ye Han looked solemn: "For two years and nine months, if the alien nobles go all out to build starships... let alone a few, only one is enough for us, unless the diameter is less than ten kilometers!"

The Beiyuezhou Fleet is equipped with a batch of 100 million-ton nuclear bombs. They can't deal with Io Zero, and it will definitely be no problem to pack a ten-kilometer-sized starship.

"How is that possible!" Li Shili had a different opinion. "No matter how small it is, it is not only ten kilometers, but a hundred or ten kilometers is almost the same. It's not that they don't know that we have nuclear bombs."

"One hundred and ten kilometers is not enough to see. Throwing a few more nuclear warheads will definitely solve the problem. Now the problem is not only the starship, but also the alien fleet. If there are enough warships, we will not be able to throw nuclear bombs on the starship." Ye Han From a military perspective, the most realistic difficulties are presented.

"This issue must be reported to the superior immediately!" Li Shili said eagerly, "Xiao Zeng, tell the people behind you, let's talk about this first today, and tell them that there will be no problem with cooperation, and we will discuss the detailed plan later!"

"Yes!" Zeng Rui agreed, but did not look back, "Sir, there is one more thing I need to say."

"What's the matter?" Li Shili frowned.

Zeng Rui said solemnly: "I have learned a lot of information during this time, many of which are particularly broken, but there are also some that can be linked. According to my understanding, aliens call nuclear weapons stellar weapons, and they have no such technology at all. , the comrades sent away by the aliens were all because of the mention of nuclear knowledge. I asked the resistance organization, but they did not know the information in this regard, nor did they have the concept of nuclear physics. I think the aliens want to know about nuclear weapons from us. manufacturing method.”

Li Shili frowned and nodded: "Is there any more?"

"No more." Zeng Rui said.

"Okay, keep the communication equipment with you and keep in touch at any time. I'll arrange to discuss the details of cooperation with the resistance organization later. I'll be here today."

"Yes!" Zeng Rui agreed and took the initiative to cut off the communication.

The main screen of the bridge flashed, and the picture from Io Zero on the ground disappeared, replaced by Io Zero who was slowly spinning right in front of the battleship.

Li Shili turned around and floated towards the cabin door: "Captain Ye, is it convenient for you to come out?"

"No inconvenience." Ye Han agreed, turning on the communicator and saying, "Lin Yi, come to the bridge to take over immediately."

"Coming soon!" Lin Yi agreed, and Ye Han immediately left the command chair and floated out of the bridge behind Li Shili.

Ye Han floated all the way behind Li Shili, and the two of them didn't speak. It was not until he floated into Li Shili's dormitory that he said solemnly, "Captain Ye, what do you think about the nuclear bomb?"

"I can't tell." Ye Han told the truth, "I think the key lies in how much the prisoners know about nuclear weapons, but the principle of nuclear weapons is not a secret, you can find them anywhere on the Internet, and aliens can directly read them. It should not be difficult to decipher nuclear weapons.”

Li Shili frowned deeply: "This is troublesome!"

"Not necessarily." Ye Han suddenly said.

"Oh? How do you say it?" Li Shili had a sense of anticipation.

Ye Han said: "Take me as an example. I know that nuclear bombs must use uranium and plutonium. I also know that plutonium 239 is an artificial isotope and must be made in a nuclear reactor. I even know the gun-type structure and the implosion-type structure... But I know that Do, can I build a nuclear bomb?"

"How is that possible?" Li Shili twitched the corners of his wanted to laugh but didn't.

"Yes, of course not!" Ye Han said, "What's the use of just knowing the structure of a nuclear bomb? I also know that explosives must be used in nuclear bombs, but I don't know what explosives are used, how much, and how to use them; I don't know about uranium mines. I don’t know how to mine it, I don’t know how to reduce uranium metal, and I don’t know how to separate uranium 235.”

Having said that, Ye Han stopped and took a breath: "You said, do these aliens know?"

"I don't know, but I think it should not be difficult for aliens to solve these problems." Li Shili said.

"Well, even if the aliens built the atomic bomb, what about the hydrogen bomb? The principle of the hydrogen bomb is what a high school student would know, but what about the structure of the hydrogen bomb?"

Li Shili hesitated: "It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

"It's not difficult for those who don't know how to do it. There are not many people who understand the structure of hydrogen bombs. It's hard to say whether there are a hundred of them in the world... I'm not saying that aliens can't study them, but they don't at all. If you understand nuclear weapons, why do you have to experiment for a few years before you get results?"

Li Shili took a deep breath: "I know what you said makes sense, but I don't think aliens should be underestimated at any time. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Han pursed his lips: "Understood."

"That's good." Li Shili said, "Actually, I also know that even if the aliens have a nuclear bomb, it doesn't matter. If they don't have a nuclear bomb, they can still destroy the earth, but for the fleet, whether there is a nuclear bomb is a big problem. "

"My opinion is the opposite." Ye Han chuckled, "Having a nuclear bomb is only the first step, and you must have delivery means to actually fight. Missiles are not simpler than nuclear bombs, and the speed of missiles is too slow, regardless of whether anti-aircraft missiles are still close. The anti-artillery can be effectively intercepted, and to tell you the truth, if it weren't for the delivery of nuclear bombs, our fleet would have long since used missiles."

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