Armor Frenzy

Chapter 907: deep cooperation

The results of the first negotiation were reported to Beidu, which immediately attracted the attention of the top officials of Beidu. At the same time, representatives from the affiliated countries of the Base Group were also informed of the negotiation results and got the negotiation details at the first time.

The content of the negotiation was like an invisible storm, triggering a big discussion at the top of the country, and every detail was repeatedly analyzed by hordes of analysts, even if it was just an inconspicuous gesture or a subtle expression.

The information revealed by aliens is the focus of research in various countries. Everyone hopes to get more information from the words, but the voice of opposition has never disappeared. Many people think that the negotiation of aliens is a Outright conspiracy, the information revealed by the aliens is all carefully prepared fake news, their only purpose is to lure the human fleet away from the earth and create conditions for the annihilation of the human fleet.

Zeng Rui's identity has also become one of the key points of doubt. They believe that aliens have the ability to transform human beings, but after the transformation, the prisoners are no longer similar to humans. Who can prove that he is really the military doctor named Zeng Rui?

Although Zeng Rui can say many things that aliens can't know, he also said that aliens have the ability to read memory, so whether that person is Zeng Rui is really doubtful.

Not only the people of the base group doubt this, but even Beidu has suspicious eyes.

To be honest, not only Bei Bei has doubts, but even Ye Han and Li Shili have no clue. If Zeng Rui is really a Xibei goods pretending to be aliens, then this negotiation must be a trap set by aliens.

For this reason, Li Shili made many attempts both openly and secretly in the follow-up negotiations, but no matter the knots in his life or his past experiences, Zeng Rui can speak righteously, and the results of each trial prove that he is Zeng Rui.

Beidu is still conservative about Zeng Rui's identity, but this does not affect the negotiation.

The two sides have reached a cooperation intention, but this is only the general direction. Specific issues and cooperation details still require a lot of time and manpower to discuss.

The delegation in the front was instructed by the Northern Capital, and immediately rolled out the details of the negotiation, conducted intensive discussions with the aliens, and had in-depth discussions on the issues that had already been reached in order to reach an agreement as soon as possible.

While the gongs and drums are in full swing ahead, the earth has not stopped.

Negotiating with aliens is not a trivial matter. Io has just released the invitation, and the news immediately detonated the world. Regardless of whether they have space capabilities or whether they can participate in the negotiations, all countries in the world are discussing the invitation of aliens.

The purpose of the aliens and whether to send a delegation has become the focus of debate among various countries. The aliens invited humans to use Chinese characters to make the countries very upset. During that time, official and folk rumors from various countries emerged one after another. , the northern capital surrendered to the aliens, the northern capital betrayed all human beings, in short, there are all kinds of rumors.

The countries that want to send delegations are far more than Beidu, but what does it mean for aliens to invite in Chinese characters?

Humans try their best to understand aliens, and aliens must try their best to understand human beings. They can even master the most difficult Chinese characters. Is it difficult to master English or other languages?

But the aliens use Chinese characters to send out invitations, so who is it? Even if each country is shameless, they are worried about whether their delegations will be welcomed by aliens.

Moreover, the inside of the base group has never been monolithic. The open and secret battles between the participating countries have never stopped. More than a dozen countries sat together and debated whether to go to Io Zero to negotiate with the aliens. Yushan and Beihai have already set off. .

The al-Qaeda group discussion immediately turned into a crusade. The participating countries condemned Beidu and issued a statement as quickly as possible: the invitation of aliens is open to all human beings, Beidu has no right to negotiate with aliens on behalf of human beings, and asked Beidu to withdraw the delegation .

Beidu is tit-for-tat and outspoken: the aliens send out invitations in Chinese, and who is the one who invites them to speak so clearly?

During that time, various press conferences and public statements emerged one after another, but Beidu always went its own way and did not mean to withdraw the delegation at all.

Today's Beidu is no longer the former Beidu. More than half of the space military strength of all mankind is in the hands of Beidu. Beidu has the ability, strength, and courage to not give anyone face.

The attitude of Beidu has caused extreme dissatisfaction in other countries, but more than the dissatisfaction, there is more helplessness. Therefore, high-level officials of various countries have frequent contact with Beidu, and the frequent press conferences and statements have gradually disappeared.

During that time, officials from various countries stationed in Beiyuezhou changed neatly. At first, they were quite secretive, but later the transfer of personnel was too intensive, and even fools knew what was going on, so they simply made it public. , as long as it is recognized that the North has the leading power in the negotiations, any country can Note that it is only participation, and only the right to know, no suggestion or other messy powers.

All in all, the countries have finally changed their positions before the delegation arrives at Io... If you don't change it, everyone else has sent the plenipotentiary representative to Beiyuezhou. Are you going to continue to insist or let it go?

As a result, when the negotiations began, representatives of more than a dozen countries of the Al Qaeda Group gathered in Beiyuezhou, and even Washington sent representatives, and dozens of other countries participated.

Although they have no aviation ability, it does not mean that they like to be represented, even if it is just to get the latest news for the first time.

Beidu is very generous in this regard. In addition to holding the general direction, all other aspects of cooperation are made public. Representatives from various countries gather to participate in the discussion. After the final result is obtained, Beidu will use it as appropriate... The outcome of the discussion may not be in the interests of the Chinese side, but it will be different after appropriate consideration.

Beidu also does not want to eat alone. The high-level leaders headed by Yi brother are very clear that no matter how strong the Beidu family is, it is only part of the human world, and the Beidu's strength alone cannot complete cooperation. Therefore, on the premise of guaranteeing our own interests, we can make concessions wherever we can make concessions... Concessions are only superficial, but they are actually pulling the base group into the water, deeply participating in the negotiation, sharing the interests with everyone, and sharing the burden with everyone. Carry.

Doing so will definitely dilute the interests of the northern capital, but it will also reduce the pressure on the northern capital.

It was probably because the Northern Capital had been overwhelmed too much. The concessions of the Northern Capital made all the countries relieved at the same time, and they highly praised the Northern Capital. Why not do it?

As a result, the cooperation between humans and resistance organizations has moved from mere negotiation to practical action.

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